Shall SoulPlaya get a twitter account?Do it yourself, don't be a pussy.
I must ponder.
Good work, friend.I already tweeted her this picture
done and done.
Shall SoulPlaya get a twitter account?Do it yourself, don't be a pussy.
Good work, friend.I already tweeted her this picture
done and done.
Shall SoulPlaya get a twitter account?
I must ponder.
Shall SoulPlaya get a twitter account?
I must ponder.
Kane doesn't tweet. Kane's twitter account is an ACTUAL PIPE BOMB.
Cenation?I'm sure you'll start getting followers when you start spamming Kane pictures with the tags #Kane #AJ #WWE #Cenation
You know, I've always said that the internet doesn't have enough Kane on it. Maybe I should, after all.Share Kane with everyone in the twittersphere (points if you know where that's from)
Wait a minute now.
Kane could never endorse a man who abandoned his wife.Kane endorses Cena since Cena beat him
Kane could never endorse a man who abandoned his wife.
Look at them 2 good friends.
There once was a time when sports-entertainment fans had the opportunity to play a game of shuffleboard with Scott Steiner, enjoy a midnight buffet with Johnny B. Badd and battle The Z-Man Tom Zenk in a limbo contest. It was the early 90s a glorious age when a wrestler could wear a neon fanny pack without fear of ridicule and not one, but two wrestling-themed cruises were troubling the waters.
It began in 1991 when a group of WCW competitors embarked on the wonderfully named Bruise Cruise. In retrospect, it should have been a disaster. The Atlanta-based company mixed infamous troublemakers like big Scott Hall and The Fabulous Freebirds with hundreds of WCW fans, added water and waited for the reaction. But, to everyones surprise, it turned out pretty well. So well, in fact, that the Bruise Cruise sailed off and on for the next eight years with the likes of "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and The Nitro Girls on board. Not only that, but WWE decided to launch an ocean liner of their own in 1996 with the debut of the Wrestle Vessel.
I was always jealous of those fans, because I never got to do it, Zack Ryder told when asked about WWEs foray into ocean travel. You got to tan. You got to meet your favorite Superstars. It seemed like a dream come true.
As far as WWE Classics can tell, it kind of was. While some celebrity conventions skimp on the big names, WWE went all out with the two Wrestle Vessels, sending future WWE Hall of Famers like Shawn Michaels, Bret Hit Man Hart and Sunny to sea on the ships voyages. Even Good Ol J.R. made the trip. By all accounts, those excursions followed WWEs family friendly standards (well, except for Stone Cold Steve Austin who wore a shirt that said Take Me Drunk Im Home) with Superstars participating in autograph sessions, volleyball tournaments and a communal viewing of Monday Night Raw. The inaugural WCW Bruise Cruise, on the other hand, sounded more like a floating frat house than a vacation for the kids.
It was a good time, said Michael P.S. Hayes a guest on WCWs first expedition and a man who appreciates the freedoms of international waters. Me and Jimmy 'Jam' [Garvin] started a food fight one night. A couple of tops came off in the pool. We drank and played cards. It wasnt PG at all, but it was pretty cool.
So why havent wrestlers hit the water since 1999? Themed cruises are still big business after all. Musician John Mayer launched the Mayercraft Carrier in 2009. This summer, fans of the gory Saw movies will board a cruise based on the popular horror franchise and set sail to Canada. Photos even popped up on the internet last year of WWE Hall of Famer and self-professed "metalhead" Edge hitting the high seas with Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley on the maiden voyage of The Kiss Kruise. If The Rated-R Superstar gets an opportunity to share a shrimp cocktail with his boyhood idols, why shouldnt the WWE Universe?
I think it would do very well, Michael Hayes admitted when asked about taking the Wrestle Vessel out of the dry dock for another excursion. Its an opportunity for the people of the WWE Universe to share a cruise with WWE Superstars in a real exotic location. The performers all get to let their hair down a little bit, so you get a different side of us. I think thats what a lot of our audience is looking for.
Zack Ryder agreed with the former WCW Tag Team Champion. In fact, the fist-pumping Superstar already has his first day on the boat all planned out.
I would definitely hang out with my broskis and look for my future ex-girlfriend, Long Island Iced-Z said with a smile. There are definitely some hot members of the WWE Universe out there, and if they want Zack Ryder to rub some suntan lotion on them, then thats fine. Id just be doing my job as a WWE Superstar.
Partying with The Freebird? Getting a rub down from Zack Ryder? How many more reasons does the WWE Universe need? Hurry up already and bring back wrestling cruises!
I want to play a game of shuffleboard with Scott Steiner.
Kane must have been disgusted being so close to a man who would divorce his own wife.Look at them 2 good friends.
Damn you Cena!Cena's influence corrupts others
I want to play a game of shuffleboard with Scott Steiner.
Ryback: Pirate hunter would be pretty sweet... and it would give Paul Burchill a job again
So many fanny packs...
it carried all their cocaine
Jeff Hardy sure did miss the boat, wouldn't you say?
id shut up if i were you dino boy
In the WCW vs. NWO storyline, the NWO had a fake Sting who dressed up like him and attacked WCW guys. So, the WCW accused him of betraying them. Sting denied it. Finally, he caught the impostor and exposed him. However, because the WCW didn't trust him, he felt betrayed, and that drove him to the Crow gimmick.I have a question about sting.
Why did he turn from the surfer dude / Ultimate warrior cross over character from the early 90's into crow sting?
Was that ever part of a story or did he just turn up on TV one day with a diffrent gimmick?
I'm no Rex Raptor, so stuff it.
In the WCW vs. NWO storyline, the NWO had a fake Sting who dressed up like him and attacked WCW guys. So, the WCW accused him of betraying them. Sting denied it. Finally, he caught the impostor and exposed him. However, because the WCW didn't trust him, he felt betrayed, and that drove him to the Crow gimmick.
Remember when Jeff Hardy was found passed out in a hallway because he overdosed, so Edge took his spot in the match and won the WWE title?
Good times.
Remember when Jeff Hardy was found passed out in a hallway because he overdosed, so Edge took his spot in the match and won the WWE title?
Good times.
It was storyline, but yeah that's what happened.Woah, I don't remember that story, any more details?
just dont ask him for a screwdriver or he might think you mean
It was storyline, but yeah that's what happened.
And then two and half years later this happened:
So bad not even Sting could carry him.
I hate you guys i hate you i hate you i hate you
Well, friends gotta hug, it's mandatory. Hopefully Jacobs didn't try anything fancy, like a fist-bump into a hug and a back pat; Cena only knows two types of hugs.They're about to shake hands and hug.
It was a simpler time; fanny packs provided more storage space than cargo pants, but they weren't as big as backpacks and you could carry them around without all that pesky shoulder strain. It wasn't until the late '90s that the average lad or lass about town had so many things to carry with them that even fanny packs couldn't cut it, and when that became the norm people just left them behind.So many fanny packs...
Yep, I first heard about Sting when he started popping out from rafters and fading into the darkness. When I saw videotapes of the 'old' Sting, the contrast blew my smooth little mind. Any kid in my grade that had seen The Crow became an instant mark for him. Unfortunately, lightning doesn't always strike twice.The Sting turn was an awesome example of character progression. He got to retire a tired gimmick and come back as something completely fresh and relevant.
I hate you guys i hate you i hate you i hate you
Money in the Bank 2012 promo
It's too bad money can't buy good health.
Do something about it.
Sting was all "fuck this your not kicking out"It was storyline, but yeah that's what happened.
And then two and half years later this happened:
So bad not even Sting could carry him.
This Thursday IMPACT LIVE will start with Austin Aries defending his title in an Ultimate X match!!! Thursday 8pm Live on Spike.
Damn TNA is rocking right now.
So we get two title matches tomorrow? Cool.@HulkHogan
This Thursday IMPACT LIVE will start with Austin Aries defending his title in an Ultimate X match!!! Thursday 8pm Live on Spike.
Damn TNA is rocking right now.
It was storyline, but yeah that's what happened.
And then two and half years later this happened:
So bad not even Sting could carry him.