Bret Hart fans complaining about Cena?
But, you guys do know who was a popular user of the five moves of doom, right?
Wild is the best way to put it. Wrestling these days has too much of a formulaic feel to it in many respects, and it's too "clean" and "packaged". From what I've seen, Mid-South had a very organic and natural flare to it, where you really expected good fights and sensible action. Great stuff.Yeah, I haven't watched it in a good few years and I forgot how fun the promotion is - it just has a wild feel to it, lots of heated action in front of a hyped crowd, at least 2 or more good matches per show and some wrestlers I'm really not used to seeing in their prime, like Jake, Hacksaw and, hell, even Kamala.
The resemblance is uncanny!
Bret Hart fans complaining about Cena?
But, you guys do know who was a popular user of the five moves of doom, right?
What are Cena's five moves of doom?
Shoulder block, shoulder block, protoplex, five knuckle shuffle, AA.
Every time.
What are Cena's five moves of doom?
Shoulder block, shoulder block, protoplex, five knuckle shuffle, AA.
Every time.
There is nothing perverted about admiring the opposite sex.Most are just perverts
No one was a lazier wrestler, at one point, than RVD. You could see how little he cared (and he admitted it) for much of his WWE run.
No one was a lazier wrestler, at one point, than RVD. You could see how little he cared (and he admitted it) for much of his WWE run.
I loved the Lynn/RVD matches like everyone else, but I hated his lazy ass moveset when he got sick of the business. I used to tell my friends, "Why is he doing all of these unnecessary flips for? He's just going to do a regular kick, in the end."Kick, er, kick, spinning kick. Rolling thunder, kick, spinning wheel kick, kick, shoulder strikes in the corner, terrible punches, five star frog splash, hold gut, end.
No variety whatsoever.
They even probably came out to Lynyrd Skynyrd or some generic copy of it.
There is nothing perverted about admiring the opposite sex.
I've found the Five Moves of Doom gets used interchangeably as "five signature moves" and "several moves always done one after the other, in the same sequence".
Lol, I wish it was Skynyrd - check out their video package, I'm sure you'll love it;
Lol, I wish it was Skynyrd - check out their video package, I'm sure you'll love it;
Damn straight.There is nothing perverted about admiring the opposite sex.
Last night was the night I joined the AJ Kilq. That was a great look for her.Damn straight.
I know who bought her that red and black bikini!!!
djsandman said:Did you just upload that?
This video contains content from WMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Also, talking about Cena, today June 27, 10 years ago.
10 fucking years of this talentless fuck.
Oh, damn, yeah, I just uploaded it - lol, the soundtrack is 'Foreigner - Dirty White Boy'
Here, I chucked it on DailyMotion;
There is no AJ Kliq. There is the Kane & AJ Kliq Alliance!Last night was the night I joined the AJ Kilq. That was a great look for her.
IndeedClash Of The Champions is on Netflix and it's pretty awesome.
Oh, damn, yeah, I just uploaded it - lol, the soundtrack is 'Foreigner - Dirty White Boy'
Here, I chucked it on DailyMotion;
Alrighty guys if you had to choose, which one is the greatest of ALL TIME?
Why are you so bitter? Why?I hope AJ gets FE'd. That's how much you guys make me want to hate her.
Oh, damn, yeah, I just uploaded it - lol, the soundtrack is 'Foreigner - Dirty White Boy'
Here, I chucked it on DailyMotion;
Didn't that end last night when Kane friend zoned AJ?There is no AJ Kliq. There is the Kane & AJ Kliq Alliance!
I hope AJ gets FE'd. That's how much you guys make want to hate her.
Id be curious to hear what AJ thinks right now. She made alot of statements that she would never let herself be put into angles wearing swimsuits etc like she is and would never show alot of skin etc.
Price you pay I suppose to be listed as a top superstar on the roster page of WWE instead of just a Diva
Is this wrestling or gay porn?
Do you want to know why AJ is the only person important enough? I'll tell you why.
1. Since november of last year she was paired up with the MITB winner and soon to be WHC, Daniel Bryan. This prompted her to be on the main event of Smackdown during 4 months, also gaining screen time on Raw when Bryan had a match, promo there.
2. After WM, she was involved not just with Bryan but with also his new opponent, WWE Champion, CM Punk, what prompted her to be on most Raw and SD, stalking her new found love and her ex.
3. Quickly after, good ol' Glenn showed into the picture, now we're not just talking about two of the best young talent, but a WWE legend as well.
So, what have all these 3 points in common for AJ (besides Bryan), the title, first the WHC, then the WWE title.
The title is taken away from the picture and both Bryan and AJ become irrelevant unless a new character for this soap opera appear with a high enough standing, to keep them with some relevancy, and from the current (or soon to be) available people, the only ones are Jericho and Orton.
But anyway, no more title in the picture, and the soap opera interest level will go below HHH, Cena, the WWE title and the WHC title storylines, that will give them just about enough time to feud and promo in Superstars and maybe WWE Main Event in October.
AJ needs to stay in the spotlight, just like Bryan, for longer, or their push will end in lower card hell.
There's absolutely no point on this, unless it's another mixed-tag match.
OMG AJ is a sell out!
Id be curious to hear what AJ thinks right now. She made alot of statements that she would never let herself be put into angles wearing swimsuits etc like she is and would never show alot of skin etc.
Price you pay I suppose to be listed as a top superstar on the roster page of WWE instead of just a Diva
Best der err was, Chico
Okay then, what the fuck is the point of building up a feud between the two of them for ~8 months if it doesn't actually lead to anything?
The important thing you and others seem to be forgetting is that Bryan has built himself up to be a threat already, he doesn't lose this by feuding with a woman, it would only add fuel to the fire. If he were to feud with a woman (and don't get so stuck on them needing to fight each other) it would maintain heat. If he actually did fight her then he would be a white hot heel leading into his next feud.
Also, both AJ and Bryan are competent enough to stay relevant within leaning on a crutch. By the standards you've set no star will ever be able to get over because they need to be in the title scene in perpetuity or be fighting an old timer.
What were those pics on the previous page that Bishoptl censored with hockey material?