I am tempted to turn heel and photoshop Clint, but I respect youand This Businesstoo much to tarnish a legend like him.
It's definitely during that, even if it was just after Mania.
You do that and we'll have to Fight. No lawyers, no cheapshots, just a Fight. Yes or not. I'll have to Fight you, Beef. For the good of This Business, and all the girls in the back who might have something happen to them.
A Fight between Fighters.
You might want to Fight, but something tells me that you won't Fight me. It's a Feeling that I've got. And this Feeling that I'm Feeling is indeed a Feeling, and it's letting me know that you don't want to Fight.
So even if I were to ask you to SIIIIIIIIIGN DAAAAAAA CONNNNNNNNNTRAAAAAAAAACT, this Feeling that I'm Feeling is informing me that you won't Fight me. Not with all that hypothetical PISS running down your leg.
Net_Wrecker said:How is the writing in The 'E so terrible. These posts are 95% accurate to what was actually said.
My favourite recent WWE writing gem was;
Bryan; *makes reasoned arguement insisting that Punk was only ever the voice of change for himself, and once his status in the company was secure he was happy to fill the John Cena-like role that this time last year he disdained*
Punk;; "The only thing about me that has changed, is nothing! You goat faced moron! HA HA HA!"
Oh, what sparkling wit.
My favourite recent WWE writing gem was;
Bryan; *makes reasoned arguement insisting that Punk was only ever the voice of change for himself, and once his status in the company was secure he was happy to fill the John Cena-like role that this time last year he disdained*
Punk;; "The only thing about me that has changed, is nothing! You goat faced moron! HA HA HA!"
Oh, what sparkling wit.
My favourite recent WWE writing gem was;
Bryan; *makes reasoned arguement insisting that Punk was only ever the voice of change for himself, and once his status in the company was secure he was happy to fill the John Cena-like role that this time last year he disdained*
Punk;; "The only thing about me that has changed, is nothing! You goat faced moron! HA HA HA!"
Oh, what sparkling wit.
Damn that Cena image is slaying me, it and the high drama of the personal conflict between the Beef Wreckers is too much for me.
My favourite recent WWE writing gem was;
Bryan; *makes reasoned arguement insisting that Punk was only ever the voice of change for himself, and once his status in the company was secure he was happy to fill the John Cena-like role that this time last year he disdained*
Punk;; "The only thing about me that has changed, is nothing! You goat faced moron! HA HA HA!"
Oh, what sparkling wit.
I love how now King is trying get Goatface over but its basically a failure. Its like Vince has to have these little insults in because he is mad somehow how over Bryan is because he doesn't fit the idea of a "superstar."
edit: I see that Punk might of done that in the last minute, but he is to blame then for creating it and Vince for trying to get over as an insult.
This makes me imagine a bunch of goat face t shirt ideas at the ready, i'm not sure how I feel about this.I love how now King is trying get Goatface over but its basically a failure. Its like Vince has to have these little insults in because he is mad somehow how over Bryan is because he doesn't fit the idea of a "superstar."
edit: I see that Punk might of done that in the last minute, but he is to blame then for creating it and Vince for trying to get over as an insult.
Real life responsibilities being thrown out of the window now, someone needs to take their balls out of their purse and be a man here, make things fun again!This isn't even between Professor Beef and Net_Wrecker anymore.
This is between User ID: 011101101001 and User ID: 1100101001010
They also tried with Sheamus in March, to get people to chant Danny Boy, because Bryan told AJ in a promo that he didn't like it when she called him Danny in public, and then Sheamus came out chanting Danny Boy.
I blame Edge for things like this....getting people to chant "Spear, spear, spear" when he would go crazy on the mic or when he was about to do a spear.....now Vince tries to get the audience to chant whatever he wants.
That wasn't Edge's idea, he hated doing that and was really happy when he was told he could stop doing it.
That wasn't Edge's idea, he hated doing that and was really happy when he was told he could stop doing it.
Wasn't there an Edge promo were he just kept dropping in nonchalant "spear spear spear" comments mid sentence to unnerve Jericho and it was bloody awful?
Where did he talk about that?
djsandman said:That's still where it really started, at least for this generation.
They could have given Punk latitude here, but NOOOOOO. bad writing.
Booker Ts Twitter got hacked
Booker Ts Twitter got hacked
That was their entire build to WM 26, if I recall.
Funny note about Edge's Spear: It was the first move he performed upon debuting on Raw in 1998 and also the last move he used at WM27 to retain the title on his last match.
Impact rating;
"The. 6/28 edition of Impact did a 0.97 rating with 1,262,000 viewers."
That's down isn't it? The result of one extremely shitty storyline?
Who cares about the Diva's title. I guess Layla has it now, right? Who had it before? What about before the previous champ? It's awful.
Brie Bella, Beth, Kelly Kelly.
AJ will elevate the status. Hell, she already added 4 minutes to the Smackdown divas match length. Plus Kharma and Beth will happen soon.
Impact rating;
"The. 6/28 edition of Impact did a 0.97 rating with 1,262,000 viewers."
That's down isn't it? The result of one extremely shitty storyline?
Who cares about the Diva's title. I guess Layla has it now, right? Who had it before? What about before the previous champ? It's awful.
If she has it and Beth challenges her, are we suppose to believe she can beat her? So what's the point in the division?
You're so optimistic. I wish I was that optimistic, but then I remember what happens to divas when they start getting a little steam built up.
They've been building entire shows around AJ. Smackdown this week starts with 30 minutes of AJ. Yes, that shows faith of the company in the girl. I'm optimistic.
Yes, and apparently the final word is a Raw with AJ in a run-in, winning a battle royal and three backstage segments and a videopackage. 30 minutes on Smackdown and another backstage segment
Nattie is a jobber. Beth gets beat by Kelly and Layla.But the idea would be to have her defend the title against the divas before actually dropping it to a wrestler (Natalya, Beth, Kharma).
Wasn't there an Edge promo were he just kept dropping in nonchalant "spear spear spear" comments mid sentence to unnerve Jericho and it was bloody awful?
Look, I just wish I shared your optimism. We've watched hundreds of houses burn, millions of people that were sure things...
Nattie is a jobber. Beth gets beat by Kelly and Layla.