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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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i'm really glad that multiple interviews are saying that this is a large scale, expensive movie that is representing the vision of a very small creative writing team with practically no compromise or involvement from corporate.

I made the decision to make a hard line between me and anymore clips. The "wow factor" is the last clip I saw and I intend to keep it that way till my ass in a theater seat.
The original ideas seemed silly as hell with the bigger, badder diabolus rex, the trailers were less than impressive, and then there was that "sexist", cheesy clip thread.

I don't think it's surprising.
Those things should have only been an issue with a vocal minority. Instead, there's a handful of we optimistic folk who are as such.

The idea was great, fell right in with the JP lore and makes it a relevant topic outside of "shit just goes wrong" for the same old reasons. Trailer looked fine and provided enough decent, albeit early, footage to get some of us excited (but most folks had to tear it apart for the first page funnies). And anyone thinking that clip was sexist is just easily swept up in the controversial topic craze of the hour.


"I don't think critics will be good overall. There are some elements in the movie "normal" people won't like or understand. Some will find it ridiculous. But true fans will love it."

We'll find out on next Wednesday then if critics will like it.
I do wonder how many people will criticize the camouflage thing, saying it's clear they don't know Jurassic Park, etc, etc... only to later find out it was in The Lost World novel.


Sneak Peek at the Mondo Jurassic Park Gallery Show!



I can't lie, this Jurassic World iOS game is pretty damn addicting. I like being a park overlord handling my dinos and putting them in dogfights.

This is what Farmville must've been like.
Trevorrow talks sequel plot lines:

“I really like the idea that this group of geneticists aren’t the only people who can make a dinosaur,” Trevorrow told us. “You know, when you think of the differences between Apple and PC – the minute something goes open-source, there are all kinds of entities and interests that may be able to utilise that technology.”

Trevorrow went on to expand on his idea, explaining that “it would be like the way we have relationships with animals on this planet right now – there are animals that are kept in zoos, like Jurassic Park, but they are also used in agriculture, and medicine and in war.”

So it sounds like we could be seeing velociraptors on the battlefield, triceratops ploughing the fields and T-Rex grafts on the NHS – but of course, because this is the world of Jurassic Park, this open-source dino-ing would have dire consequences.

“We are the Alpha now,” Trevorrow said, “and we dominate all of the other animals. But when you throw in animals that were the Alpha on this planet for far longer than we’ve ever existed in with us… I don’t really know who’s in charge there.”

Sounds pretty terrifying – and Trevorrow deliberately leaves the door open for these possibilities in Jurassic World with one key scene
(which we won’t discuss in too much detail to avoid spoilers) involving dinosaur embryos being smuggled off the island
, and which Trevorrow described as an attempt to “leave possibilities open that were relatively endless.”

Sadly, however, Trevorrow might not be the director to see these endless possibilities through, and could take a step back from directing to more of a background creative role in any future Jurassic World films.

“I feel that much like with what they’re doing with Star Wars, this might be the kind of franchise that would be best served by different visions, just different directors, really new interesting ideas thrown into this pot,” Trevorrow told RadioTimes.com.

“But I thought that a gift I could give one of those directors is to create an opportunity for storytelling that will at least get us off this island, potentially. And not have these movies continuously be people running away from dinosaurs on an island, because I’m not sure how long that can keep entertaining us.”

One way or another, it looks like in the future we could be seeing dinosaurs out of their cages for a real Jurassic World – or rather, Jurassic Earth…


Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, to my surprise Target had some extra Jurassic World merch! A lunchbag, and thermoses for drinks/soup. Small and child-sized, so I sadly did not get them. Also $14! If I found a use for them, I'd be drinking out of an Indominus or raptor tin.

Was tempted to ask an associate if I could keep the cardboard cut out raptors (Indominus too big...) from the toy aisle when they were done with them. Not sure what Target's policy is with marketing supplies, though. I do want one of the raptor ones with a 3D effect on it...


Unconfirmed Member
Watching the first movie right now with a new sound bar. Oy my... it sounds amazing... So much more noise is picked up! Makes John William's score sound even more excellent :)


That JP1 TRex one is cool but who is the fifth person? And why is that TRex, like, flying? Where his feet should be landing behind that jeep just don't seem right.

The woman on the far right is Ellie, in the yellow rain jacket she wears later in the film.


She isn't there during that scene tho lol


You know ...

Why would Trevorrow bring back the original "Rex" only (if you believe those reviews) only to have her getting killed by the I-Rex? I hope she survives though ... but meh. Can't handle another Rex-Death XD

... again, if anyone managed to nab that spoiler from Levernus on IMDB, let me know.
You know ...

Why would Trevorrow bring back the original "Rex" only (if you believe those reviews) only to have her getting killed by the I-Rex? I hope she survives though ... but meh. Can't handle another Rex-Death XD

... again, if anyone managed to nab that spoiler from Levernus on IMDB, let me know.
Well because she's old. She either dies at the hands of a more agile hunter, old age, off camera, or she can go out heroically. There's really only one choice.


Well because she's old. She either dies at the hands of a more agile hunter, old age, off camera, or she can go out heroically. There's really only one choice.

True. However I do hope Rexy finishes of the I-Rex and survives. She (imo) is an icon. O well, I'm pretty sure we'll get the answer soon enough.

EDIT, and then I found this ...


No clue if it's legit or not.


Hey - look at the box colouration:

You think I Rex will act more like a chameleon than a cuttlefish, and use wild vivid colours to display emotion?

Would be really cool if that happens. Though wouldn't there have been some sort of color changing toy to accommodate that?


Would be really cool if that happens. Though wouldn't there have been some sort of color changing toy to accommodate that?

They clearly haven't bothered with the toys, but they could have if they wanted to. They could make an I. Rex toy that changes colour when doused in hot water.


So hyped that I had a JW dream last night. Did the same when JP3 came out.

A huge building, like a food storage facility (lots of wood for some reason), Owen and Bryce-Howard's character and the two kids are in there and the four raptors are as well. They're trapped and the place is on fire and for some reason there are mercanaries coming in to silence them and kill the raptors. The raptors of course take out most of the mercs.

Fire causes something to collapse on a door and the older kid is stuck with Blue in a room. Blue is trying to kill the kid, but realizes he needs a human to open the door or he's fucked (there's only one door open now and it's one a raptor can't manage). So he's hissing and pushing the kid to the door through pure intimidation and the kid opens the door and starts to run but they realize they've stumbled into a cloning facility. There's dead, charred raptors everywhere from big ones to babies.

Then we realize the Raptor squad...lol...has some kind of language they share with Owen. Like three or four words they can "bark" out in their raptory language. Blue barks out the raptor word for "LIES".

Dream ends.
Two new Mondo previews: http://screencrush.com/jurassic-park-mondo-preview/

Trevorrow (and BDH) addresses the "sexist" clip that was shown. Very fair response:

“I wasn’t bothered by what he said about the movie and, to be honest, I don’t totally disagree with him,” said Trevorrow. “I wonder why [Universal] chose a clip like that, that shows an isolated situation within a movie that has an internal logic. That starts with characters that are almost archetypes, stereotypes that are deconstructed as the story progresses. The real protagonist of the movie is Claire and we embrace her femininity in the story’s progression. There’s no need for a female character that does things like a male character, that’s not what makes interesting female characters in my view. Bryce and I have talked a lot about these concepts and aspects of his character.”

Howard echoed Trevorrow’s opinion two days ago to Huffington Post, saying of Whedon, “He’s a hero, he’s an amazing guy and a champion for women in this industry. Marketing for a film is tricky because you release stuff without context. Of course there was a part of me being such a fan of him that was like, ‘Nooooo!’ Especially because when you see the movie it’s not at all like that, but we make movies and it’s out there for public opinion and I hope he likes the movie!”

Sounds like the context is key, like a few here thought. Trevorrow has said a few times that they created the characters as archetypes that evolve and become fully realized characters.

Trevorrow even goes on to stand up for Whedon:

“But I was upset about people’s reaction to his film,” Trevorrow continued. “Joss recieved an incredible amount of anger and vitriolic comments and he doesn’t deserve that, because if there is someone who has always paid due respect to the women of his movies that guy is Joss. I think he should be the last person in Hollywood to be accused of sexism and if you’ve seen something like that in his last movie it’s not his fault. We all know that Joss is too kind and polite to rise up and tell people to screw off, so I’ll do it on his behalf!”

And Whedon:

“I shouldn’t have tweeted it,” Whedon told Variety. “I don’t ever say things about other people’s work that are negative. That’s bad form. It’s not what a gentleman would do.I forgot that I don’t do that because I was frustrated. I felt like I was seeing something that was problematic. What I said is pretty clear, but I think it was the wrong venue for me to be saying that. That’s dinner party conversation.”

And, for the old school: Stan Winston School just released a retrospective clip on TLW raptors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpR5ZyKyqYc
Whedon was okay to voice his opinion and I think he was just really irritable when he made the comment as he was being slightly antagonized. It's cool that Trevorrow was okay with it as, as some of us suspected, it was a very strange and out of context clip to release. It was the first full clip from a dinosaur action movie and you have two people bickering about a failed relationship. It'll work fine in the movie, but it'd be like the first clip of Jurassic Park being Grant and Ellie walking up the hill bitching about kids. It gives the wrong impression of the movie and its story. And its characters.

And this is why people should really keep in mind the importance of context. It's everything. I liked the clip because I understood or at least figured this, but I can still criticize it being the studio's choice.


And, for the old school: Stan Winston School just released a retrospective clip on TLW raptors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpR5ZyKyqYc

I will never stop being impressed by the puppets/animatronics made for JP1 and TLW. As for JP3... I suppose the big Pteranodon suit was pretty cool!

Amazing work, and I'll be missing the incredible practical look these raptors gave to the films, even though ILM is doing a pretty bang up job, looking at the high detail digital shots.
Also like seeing Trevorrow's thoughts on female protagonists. We are of the same mind it seems.

Colin is a young filmmaker of this generation and I really don't feel as if he would be blind enough to create something sexist. It's a bullet right to a film's head. Something that does bother me, again not his fault, but if Claire is indeed the central protagonist, I mean wouldn't it have been nice to see her featured in promo materials like the posters more than Pratt? I mean I get that Pratt has the marketing gravitas, but they should at least portray Claire in cool ways too.


Colin is a young filmmaker of this generation and I really don't feel as if he would be blind enough to create something sexist. It's a bullet right to a film's head. Something that does bother me, again not his fault, but if Claire is indeed the central protagonist, I mean wouldn't it have been nice to see her featured in promo materials like the posters more than Pratt? I mean I get that Pratt has the marketing gravitas, but they should at least portray Claire in cool ways too.
I thought about that, too, but at this point in the campaign, I would rather see her in all her glory in the theater than get tidbits. Same for Pratt, too, to be frank. Cut up shots and promos won't do the movie justice if it turns out to be truly great.


Colin is a young filmmaker of this generation and I really don't feel as if he would be blind enough to create something sexist. It's a bullet right to a film's head. Something that does bother me, again not his fault, but if Claire is indeed the central protagonist, I mean wouldn't it have been nice to see her featured in promo materials like the posters more than Pratt? I mean I get that Pratt has the marketing gravitas, but they should at least portray Claire in cool ways too.

In a weird selfish way, I kinda like that she isn't featured as much because I wanna save it for when I actually see the film, whereas Pratt doing cool things/looking cool is very much expected lol.
I thought about that, too, but at this point in the campaign, I would rather see her in all her glory in the theater than get tidbits. Same for Pratt, too, to be frank. Cut up shots and promos won't do the movie justice if it turns out to be truly great.

In a weird selfish way, I kinda like that she isn't featured as much because I wanna save it for when I actually see the film, whereas Pratt doing cool things/looking cool is very much expected lol.

Yeah, I mean, I don't mean revealing her "true nature" as it is later in the story, just more prominent somehow. Giving Pratt the marketing covers and situations does make sense, but they released several posters and while we did get that one of Claire, I would have liked more. The teaser showed us Claire with the flare, so why not some awesome looking hand drawn or more artistic poster of her holding the flare or something? That would have been awesome as fuck.
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