I hope these people don't have tires on their electric vehicles. Oh... and they better not drive on roads! Dirt only!
Tbh, if they want to live like they want everyone else, they should become Amish.They better not play video games either.
I totally agree with your opinionJudging from the replies here, I don't think there's much point in replying, but I'll add one anyway.
Ultimately, the protesters appear to be right. It's a really weird situation we're in, the science is clear, the way that we are currently meeting our energy needs is not compatible with the planet being healthy, and yet there's no appetite for change.
There are a bunch of tired responses that are trotted out, like blaming other countries, claiming that the changes in climate we are seeing is with precedent, that the reason our governments want to foist the idea of climate change upon us is so we can be taxed harder. This is all patently bullshit.
What we should be seeing is the governments of the world paying attention to their own scientific advisors, the experts who dedicate their lives to the study of this stuff who are sounding an alarm and being roundly ignored.
As Just Stop Oil and other organisations like Greenpeace will tell you, they have attempted to speak directly to the source and have done so for decades but all that's happened is that they've been ignored and things have continued to get worse.
I used to worry that generations ahead of mine would suffer as a result of the decisions that have been taken before and during my lifespan, but now I wonder what is going to happen in my lifespan.
There will be many people who have been conditioned to think that there's no problem ahead, mainly because of the short termism of our political systems - there's no point in planning for a decade ahead when the guys who'll be taking over will change course in 4 years time. There's a clip of (former British deputy prime minister) Nick Clegg saying that there was no point in investing in nuclear power because the new power plants wouldn't be coming online until 2021/22. Clegg is nowhere near politics now, but it'd be nice if the UK had cleaner energy systems in place rather than apparently needing to double down on further fossil fuel reserves as it just has done.
What's sad is that though you say the protesters should put their heads together and offer a solution, the truth is that nobody who is in a position to introduce change wants to hear it because of the short term discomfort involved. Even if they were approaching the governments of the world with a perfect solution, it would come with short term costs and would also mean interrupting the oil industry.
The lobbyists for the oil industry are on tape saying that they lied about the impact their industry has on the world and that's essentially been brushed aside and it's business as usual. Meanwhile the press have successfully convinced the public that the people trying to act in your interest are instead fanatical lunatics. The smallest amount of reading of sources that are trustworthy would tell you the situation we are in is not a good one.
I totally agree with your opinion. However, since your icon
uses diesel fuel
, it should be replaced with a bicycle
or rowboat
they have been protesting at many places. Their most famous act are blocking the roadInterrupting a gaming tournament seems rather…..random. I have never even heard of this group. I’m assuming they’re problematic?
Who is insured against eco-terrorism?It means that they are probably insured and will resume with a bit of a delay... right.. riighhtt?
Not at all. Re the museum points: in the UK at least you can’t even get a can of coke into the building. It’s airport-security level. But tins of paint get through? The activist class sit on the boards of these places.tin foil hat presence in this thread is strong
At least one person died in the UK as they were unable to get to the hospital.Whole operation seems sketchy.
Otherwise, sure, terrorise us a bit over the issue. It's deserved, from a certain point of view. I have some doubts over the roots of just stop oil but in general I'm okay with activists/protestors who don't cross the line into personal violence.
I think a lot of people wanting the monitor-painters tarred and feathered were sympathetic to the trucker's protest in Canada. They were blocking some roads, and the media accused them of violence and mayhem. Was their demand reasonable? I thought so. Was it worth a non violent protest that made people late to work and tired of hearing truck horns? Yeah I thought so. That's all up to everyone to decide for themselves.
In case it never crosses your mind, some people end up asking themselves if others being forced to take vaccines or if the environment being destroyed is more important than your drive to work. Or your Tekken tournament.
This situation in particular seems fishy but I'm alright with inconvenient protests. Go ahead and make fun of people who give a shit. If I cared enough about a cause to get off my ass and do something about it, even something crazy, that might count as a self improvement.
Not at all. Re the museum points: in the UK at least you can’t even get a can of coke into the building. It’s airport-security level. But tins of paint get through? The activist class sit on the boards of these places.
Of course nobody deserves to get hurt or dieWhat I don't understand in this scenario is where was the security ,
Also I swear one day these weirdos will come across some bad people and they will most surely get hurt or die
They’ve lost pretty much all their funding and get zero media coverage these days. This stunt was only reported on gaming forums.
Only a matter of time before they disband.
Green energy magnate to switch support from Just Stop Oil to Labour
Dale Vince says he will concentrate his efforts on getting Tories voted out of government at next electionamp.theguardian.com
Ten years ago you could, yeah and the Tate Modern is still open, I agree. But the last time I went into the British Museum I had security go mental because I had a penknife in my bag. The last time I went into the NPG we had to wait for ages for the bag check.Dude you can walk into Tate Modern, National portrait gallery etc without paying or going through any kind of security lol. WTF are you on about.
We need more Chads like this camera man.? Why can they just walk on stage. Bodycheck them and have them atleast get a few weeks in the hospital for it. Together with a nice fine for disrupting the tournament.
Well, nobody marches through a town waving a giant placard hoping to go unnoticed. The whole point is to raise attention and make people aware of your cause. They're just ordinary folks, scared by the way that things are going. They have most of the media establishment against them, as well as the state - but they're standing up for something they believe in and are willing to face the consequences. I can respect that. People like this are almost always vilified in their own time, but history tends to look very favourably on them, and often with very good reason.Exactly they only do it for the attention.
...whose concerns are shared by 99% of the scientific death-cult community.Narcissistic death cult...
That's a pretty good name for a band, ngl.Narcissistic death cult.
Interrupting a gaming tournament seems rather…..random. I have never even heard of this group. I’m assuming they’re problematic?
History never looks favourably upon groups who deliberately mislead to further their cause as reality catches up with the rhetoric. They aren’t trying to better inform the public about climate change - and more importantly - how they can help.Well, nobody marches through a town waving a giant placard hoping to go unnoticed. The whole point is to raise attention and make people aware of your cause. They're just ordinary folks, scared by the way that things are going. They have most of the media establishment against them, as well as the state - but they're standing up for something they believe in and are willing to face the consequences. I can respect that. People like this are almost always vilified in their own time, but history tends to look very favourably on them, and often with very good reason.
...whose concerns are shared by 99% of the scientific death-cult community.
I'm actually in reasonably broad agreement here - not on all finer points, but appreciate you responding in a full and thoughtful manner. You're right, that science doesn't support the notion of an inhospitable planet within a decade, but it does suggest that we could be in a very difficult (potentially insurmountable) situation by the end of the century without severe changes. This will be a lived reality for those being born today - our own children - so it's worth treating it with the level of urgency that JSO is pushing for.History never looks favourably upon groups who deliberately mislead to further their cause as reality catches up with the rhetoric. They aren’t trying to better inform the public about climate change - and more importantly - how they can help.
Many of their claims are scientifically baseless. The death cult label (although I don’t think they take themselves that seriously) is apt as they don’t believe earth will be habitable in a decade. They want an immediate end to the use of oil, which in turn would collapse the world economy, and lead to death and starvation.
Governments worldwide are all too happy to jump on the climate change bandwagon as most ‘solutions’ involve greater tax revenues. Rather than looking towards politicians and protest groups, we should be taking greater notice of industry & tech developments.
In a decades time the world isn’t going to be inhospitable. Living standards and life expectancy will continue to improve. New technology will make everyone’s lives (ok, most!) better. It would be far more helpful if protest groups worked to reduce inequality in the developed world and beyond.
I also take issue with claims this group consists of ‘ordinary folk’. It’s a very upper-middle class organisation, many of whom don’t have to worry about the cost of living crises. Many prominent members have been exposed for their hypocrisy, globe trotting to exotic holiday destinations, multiple homes, use of SUV’s etc.
But that’s what always happens when you engage in activities during your Uni gap year or have spent your entire adult life protesting against any and all causes.
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