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Justice League vs Teen Titans: First look of full cast

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I did not know this existed. I loved the cartoon show, but I don't think i'll be know enough to understand what's going on in this.


These movies have made me hate Damian. Especially this movie. Screw Damian.

This just does not compute. How people still hate Damian after Morrison's Batman and Robin just baffles me. He's an arrogant little shit that pisses people off by being just that damn good. How can you not crack a smile at that last bit in the trailer?


Not sure why but Starfire there makes me think about this..


Her features just seem masculine.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Was there some big creative change behind the scenes after Flashpoint Paradox? I know that the movies after that point are all interconnected, and play off each other instead of just being adaptations of popular runs of the comic. But I'm wondering if there were different creative teams or something.

I'm watching Justice League vs Teen Titans right now. Seemed like a good Tuesday night watch. Only a few minutes in but I did get a chuckle out of
Batman asking Damian if he was done with crowd control and then it cuts to Damian throwing a small explosive at the people to stop them and then just pointing down an alley.

One small complaint, not in love with Flash's voice. His line delivery is perfectly fine, I just don't think it fits the character.
I liked this a lot, and didn't mind Damien. That said this is the only time I've seen him in the DC movies.

Can't wait for another Teen Titans movie. I think my favorite part was when they
went out. Of course they'd have Damien win that. Also, you can't forget that transformation sequence.

So is Cyborg like a part of both teams now? He seemed to have more chemistry with the Titans.

Not sure why but Starfire there makes me think about this..

Her features just seem masculine.

Her figure translates better in the movie.


Was there some big creative change behind the scenes after Flashpoint Paradox? I know that the movies after that point are all interconnected, and play off each other instead of just being adaptations of popular runs of the comic. But I'm wondering if there were different creative teams or something.

I'm watching Justice League vs Teen Titans right now. Seemed like a good Tuesday night watch. Only a few minutes in but I did get a chuckle out of
Batman asking Damian if he was done with crowd control and then it cuts to Damian throwing a small explosive at the people to stop them and then just pointing down an alley.

One small complaint, not in love with Flash's voice. His line delivery is perfectly fine, I just don't think it fits the character.

I know Bruce Timm backed off from his producer position or something along those lines. Not sure how much of an impact that left, but you're also seeing the MCU becoming a really cemented idea around then, and the value of a through-line, interconnected story. The New 52 offering a real start-point for the JL also likely a huge factor.

Not to mention from a budgetary angle, you have Phil Bourrassa's work becoming the house-style, and that inherently helps with not having to spend time and money redesigning the same characters again and again. You can have a returning cast who can grow and get more comfortable with the roles as time goes on.

While the movies aren't perfect, the Damian-centric through-line wouldn't be able to work at all without being direct sequels to one-another.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Okay...this was awesome. The titular conflict isn't really the focus, it's basically a Teen Titans movie. Same marketing thing they did with Batman Assault on Arkham, where that was a Suicide Squad movie.

I liked all the characters, even Damian. And this is coming from someone who wasn't pleased with his characterization in the other movies. Yeah, he was bratty. But that brattiness bouncing off a stoic Batman/father figure just never translated well in these animated films. Just like in Morrison's run, the Dick & Damian dynamic is what really works well. And we you get that type of balance in this movie. I really liked how they had him relate most to Raven, it makes the most sense given their temperaments and dark pasts.

Starfire as the mother hen and leader of the group is another good choice. It plays perfectly with her characterization. It was also great to see them write them as teens.
Raven saying "hooked up" and Beast Boy interrupting her story had me cracking up. It honestly felt like a moment you would have between a group of teenagers.

And we finally get a smart Batman, even if he isn't a huge focus.
Like when Batman realizes that the Justice League has been compromised and injects himself with a nerve toxin before he can be possessed, LOVED it. He knew what was happening and stopped himself from being a danger to the Titans. It was Prep Time Batman, but done in a reasonable and not overly contrived way. They even explained it was used to take down Bane in the past. Soooo good.

The scene at the carnival was a bit cheesy, but I liked it. Especially the first "Titans Go!" moments where Starfire, Beast Boy, and Blue Beetle get these elaborate Sailor Moon transformation sequences, and then we have Damian breaking into the car because his sword was locked inside.

Give me more DC Animated movies like this! I'm not even a big Teen Titans fan, but I'd be sold on another one of these.


So it was good? I was REALLY doubtful since it starred Damian. Don't get me wrong, love the comic book character but the last animated movie was just terrible. I can't believe how much Deathstroke jobbed in that.

Was there actually good writing in this movie?
So it was good? I was REALLY doubtful since it starred Damian. Don't get me wrong, love the comic book character but the last animated movie was just terrible. I can't believe how much Deathstroke jobbed in that.

Was there actually good writing in this movie?

It's a good movie. While Damien is in the forefront, it is all about Raven. It was nice to see Damien grow a bit, even if he still is a jerk. Also, having Cyborg interact with the titans, made it more apparent that's where he belongs.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So it was good? I was REALLY doubtful since it starred Damian. Don't get me wrong, love the comic book character but the last animated movie was just terrible. I can't believe how much Deathstroke jobbed in that.

Was there actually good writing in this movie?

Yeah, it's actually one of the good ones. I thought the writing here was way better than the last couple films. Best of all, they didn't weaken anyone for the sake of the story. Everyone, including the Teen Titans, feels capable.

Shockingly, Raven's story is what pushes the narrative. Her and Damian have the big arcs in the story. I was happy that they actually gave everyone a decent amount of screentime. Aside from maybe Cyborg, it didn't feel like anyone got pushed into the background. And even his placement felt like a transition more than anything. I bet for the next Titans movie, they have him on the team.


It's a good movie. While Damien is in the forefront, it is all about Raven. It was nice to see Damien grow a bit, even if he still is a jerk. Also, having Cyborg interact with the titans, made it more apparent that's where he belongs.

Yeah, it's actually one of the good ones. I thought the writing here was way better than the last couple films. Best of all, they didn't weaken anyone for the sake of the story. Everyone, including the Teen Titans, feels capable.

Shockingly, Raven's story is what pushes the narrative. Her and Damian have the big arcs in the story. I was happy that they actually gave everyone a decent amount of screentime. Aside from maybe Cyborg, it didn't feel like anyone got pushed into the background. And even his placement felt like a transition more than anything. I bet for the next Titans movie, they have him on the team.

Ah, this makes me so happy. I have always loved the Teen Titans in every medium, so the characters being written well pleases me. Can't wait to watch this then!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Where can I watch this

Pretty much any platform that does digital movies should have it (iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, PlayStation Store, etc). Only seen it available for purchase though, no rental yet. $14.99 for SD, $19.99 for HD. I was hesitant, but I already have the other films so whatever. Glad I did though.

Physical copy comes out in two weeks, if I'm not mistaken.


So just finished it. Really enjoyed it. A couple awkward acting beats, but easily one of the better animated movies they'd done in recent years. Merges the Batman and Justice League movies nicely.

The title is fairly misleading, they could have just called it a Teen Titans movie. That said, the action was solid (audibly reacted when my gf and I saw the
leg break
), the comedy was decent, and Damian got a solid amount of growth here tying up ends from all the way back to Son of Batman.

Also man, it's funny how this Superman, even in such a minor role, feels leagues better than Henry Cavill.

Also wtf
there's no way they're really going to do Judas Contract... right?


Why do these movies put Dick in them just to have him do nothing and completely ignore the relationship him and Damian have? DC pls.
It's OK...why DC shoving Damien on everyone's throat. I'm kinda sick of him, it's like 3 movies all centered him, and everyone jobbing to him..
The title is fairly misleading, they could have just called it a Teen Titans movie.

Reposting myself from another forum:
Regarding the title and it not really being a Justice League film, i say good! As far as i'm concerned, they can market their films as whatever they want, if it helps them bring new characters to the screen and shine a light on underexposed ones. They've been sitting on a Teen Titans script since the very beginning of this line, about two dozen features ago (!), and it never came to pass due to the risk aversion of the people who finance these. Instead we're getting Batman and Justice League features year after year. I mean, i really like those too, but we've had so many! I've been so hopeful for this line after we got Wonder Woman and Green Lantern solo features back to back early on, and after that it's been right back to the same old. If it takes piggybacking on the League's or Batman's name to bring us something relatively fresh, then i'm all for it and applaud the makers for their creativity. With that said, they also shouldn't cram more characters into a feature than the story and run time can reasonably support. I thought they have struck a good balance in this one, whereas Batman: Bad Blood would have been better served by only introducing Batwoman, instead of her and Batwing, but i digress.

That said, the action was solid (audibly reacted when my gf and I saw the
leg break
), the comedy was decent, and Damian got a solid amount of growth here tying up ends from all the way back to Son of Batman.

I was also surprised by how solid the action was, a lot of enjoyable little beats. It's almost like i forgot that Jay Oliva isn't the only one that does action well in these. :) I guess it was just the two Ethan Spaulding directed ones that left a weak impression.

Also wtf
there's no way they're really going to do Judas Contract... right?

I suppose you mean
the teaser at the end
? I haven't read Judas Contract, does
that character (Terra?)
come into play in the story? I remember them talking about a finished Judas Contract screenplay in the very early days of this line, but it never got the green light and was shelved, so it's possible they could repurpose it for this continuity.


This article about it dates back as far as 2008:

“Teen Titans: The Judas Contract” Animated Feature On Hold


Wolfman has confirmed the reports appearing online stating the movie is currently on hold because, according to Warner Home Video, there may not be enough of an audience for a Teen Titans: The Judas Contract animated feature to be successful. Teen Titans: The Judas Contract was originally scheduled to be the third DC Universe Animated Movie before Warner Home Video delayed it, opting to produce Batman: Gotham Knight and Wonder Woman direct-to-video animated features instead. While the Teen Titans: The Judas Contract is on hold, that does not mean the title is dead. It’s just currently on hold as other projects are developed.


SoB is just plain old absurd even by comic book standards.

You're trying to tell me that a ten year old boy had training that was ZOMG so good that he's able to knock around a grown ass man who's at LEAST 300+ pounds of solid muscle?

Get the fuck out of here.

I also liked how he swam 50 miles offshore with all his equipment, or when he got stabbed through both wrists, pulled one arm through the blade to free the other arm and then just shrugged it off to continue the fight. With that said, i thought they significantly improved everything i didn't like about him in Batman Vs. Robin, where he was shown to mostly rely on speed, skill, agility and psychology, instead of brute forcing his way through opponents twice or thrice his size.
Great movie. It makes me wanna watch the old Teen Titans tv show, which I admittedly haven't watched apart from an episode or two while it was on Cartoon Network.


Jaime Reyes, word. Best new character DC has created in decades.

Nightwing, word. I'll never tire of watching pretty boy Dick Grayson.

Raven, nice. Wouldn't be the Teen Titans without her.

Edit: also about time they put some clothes on Starfire. It was getting kind of creepy how often they illustrate her teenage self in underwear.


I liked it! And I like Damien...I think he's hilarious. Nice to see them focus on Raven...wasn't very familiar with her before this.

This almost makes up for BvS.


These movies have made me hate Damian. Especially this movie. Screw Damian.

The problem that I have with Damian, is that he's an entitled, arrogant brat that is so firm in believing himself to be inherently impressive, along with being cut from the same cloth as Batman/Bruce, he sees everyone around him to be inferior. I get that's what people like about Damian being such an insufferable prick, but I lose all interest that this scrawny 10 year old mini-Bruce could probably sucker punch Darkseid without batting an eye, when the heavy hitters of the Justice League are having problems with simply landing a hit.

(Also, if you have a child that was trained with murderous intent, Bruce should've given him emotional support and some therapy. Not let him become a potential crime-fighter and be a jerk to Dick.)

I haven't read any of Grant Morrison's stories that involve this character, so maybe someone who has could point me in the right direction for some recommendations?

Not sure why but Starfire there makes me think about this..


Her features just seem masculine.

I personally like that she's more well-built than her previous incarnations.
The problem that I have with Damian, is that he's an entitled, arrogant brat that is so firm in believing himself to be inherently impressive, along with being cut from the same cloth as Batman/Bruce, he sees everyone around him to be inferior. I get that's what people like about Damian being such an insufferable prick, but I lose all interest that this scrawny 10 year old mini-Bruce could probably sucker punch Darkseid without batting an eye, when the heavy hitters of the Justice League are having problems with simply landing a hit.

(Also, if you have a child that was trained with murderous intent, Bruce should've given him emotional support and some therapy. Not let him become a potential crime-fighter and be a jerk to Dick.)

I haven't read any of Grant Morrison's stories that involve this character, so maybe someone who has could point me in the right direction for some recommendations?

I personally like that she's more well-built than her previous incarnations.

Agree!! 3 movies now that its majority about Damian. Batman and Son, Bad blood and now this..getting sick of him. Everyone seem to like Dick but he never gets to shine in any of these. One of the major reason Damian works in the comic is because of the dynamic with Batdick. In these movies, he's just an annoying prick...


Agree!! 3 movies now that its majority about Damian. Batman and Son, Bad blood and now this..getting sick of him. Everyone seem to like Dick but he never gets to shine in any of these. One of the major reason Damian works in the comic is because of the dynamic with Batdick. In these movies, he's just an annoying prick...

It was incredibly misleading that Bad Blood & the Teen Titains movie had Nightwing playing a major role, when he was actually sidelined in the former movie (and everyone taking potshots at him), while he barely appeared in the latter. I've heard good things about Morrison's take with Nightwing becoming a more lighthearted Batman & Damian being the embittered, brooding Robin, & I wanted to see that. But nope, we get to focus on Damian & his family issues, a lesbian that apes the Batman imagery to provoke fear in the criminal element, despite "not wanting to be a part of Batman's cult", & an Ironman knock-off that didn't have any distinguishable personality traits & seemed to only be added for the sake of diversity.

I love Batwoman in the comics, & it's great to see Starfire being the leader of the Titans. I just didn't like how Dick was handled in these movies, especially as he was the more well-adjusted character in the Bat Family from the comics, while he comes across as a prick that argues with Damian for the sake of creating tension.


I loved the movie, getting tired of damian's shit for real, its been nonstop with this little asshole at least he's chilling out I guess. Loved the bit where wonder woman said superman is gonna pull the moon out of the sky and batman didn't know if she was being serious.

Nightwing is my favorite hero and I feel as if he can never get the spotlight, just teases everywhere. I want a nightwing game, or tv show or something jfc.

It would be so nice to see this as a rebooted tv show or preferably just give me back young justice because it has no damian.


It's OK...why DC shoving Damien on everyone's throat. I'm kinda sick of him, it's like 3 movies all centered him, and everyone jobbing to him..
Most post-Flashpoint movies have been either Justice League or Batman/Damien. This was a step in right direction ish but I really want something else.


I watched this last night and I didn't love it. It might be my least favorite movie so far (I haven't seen Justice League War tho...)

Nightwing being completely absent of the conflict was one of the things I disliked. I'm tired of Damian although he got better as the movie went on. The Titans barely fought against the League and IDK, I felt there were very few members in each team. And Damian beating Superman lmao.

I only know Starfire from the Cartoon but I was not a fan of her design this time around. It looked like she belonged to the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.

It was enjoyable enough I suppose just not the best.
It was incredibly misleading that Bad Blood & the Teen Titains movie had Nightwing playing a major role, when he was actually sidelined in the former movie (and everyone taking potshots at him), while he barely appeared in the latter. I've heard good things about Morrison's take with Nightwing becoming a more lighthearted Batman & Damian being the embittered, brooding Robin, & I wanted to see that. But nope, we get to focus on Damian & his family issues, a lesbian that apes the Batman imagery to provoke fear in the criminal element, despite "not wanting to be a part of Batman's cult", & an Ironman knock-off that didn't have any distinguishable personality traits & seemed to only be added for the sake of diversity.

I love Batwoman in the comics, & it's great to see Starfire being the leader of the Titans. I just didn't like how Dick was handled in these movies, especially as he was the more well-adjusted character in the Bat Family from the comics, while he comes across as a prick that argues with Damian for the sake of creating tension.

I loved the movie, getting tired of damian's shit for real, its been nonstop with this little asshole at least he's chilling out I guess. Loved the bit where wonder woman said superman is gonna pull the moon out of the sky and batman didn't know if she was being serious.

Nightwing is my favorite hero and I feel as if he can never get the spotlight, just teases everywhere. I want a nightwing game, or tv show or something jfc.

It would be so nice to see this as a rebooted tv show or preferably just give me back young justice because it has no damian.

I watched this last night and I didn't love it. It might be my least favorite movie so far (I haven't seen Justice League War tho...)

Nightwing being completely absent of the conflict was one of the things I disliked. I'm tired of Damian although he got better as the movie went on. The Titans barely fought against the League and IDK, I felt there were very few members in each team. And Damian beating Superman lmao.

I only know Starfire from the Cartoon but I was not a fan of her design this time around. It looked like she belonged to the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.

It was enjoyable enough I suppose just not the best.

Yes we all agree!

Nightwing > Damien

Even in young justice s2, Nightwing was under utilize....

Seem like DCAU just dislike him even though he's really popular.
Agree!! 3 movies now that its majority about Damian. Batman and Son, Bad blood and now this..getting sick of him. Everyone seem to like Dick but he never gets to shine in any of these. One of the major reason Damian works in the comic is because of the dynamic with Batdick. In these movies, he's just an annoying prick...
Four movies, actually. There was also that Court of Owls one, which I found to be the worst of them.


Dick Grayson is one of the best characters DC has. It's mind boggling how under utilized he is outside of TTG!.

Damian is insufferable. I was so happy
when Blue Beetle blasted his face off
. That was the lesson he really needed.

Pretty decent flick overall. Leaves me really hungry for more Titans related stuff. I've always enjoyed the Teen Titans/Young Justice related series a lot more than Justice League for some reason. Hopefully DC will deliver with a respectable Judas Contract film/episode. Or bring back Young Justice, that'd be great too lol.

So, what's the verdict: is it better than Batman v Superman?

Oh yeah!! Batman vs Robin movie...what a pile of crap.

So 4 Damian movies..
Son of Batman
Batman vs Robin
Batman badblood
Justice league vs teen titans

Seriously...and they all sucked!!
Also, aside from the
Damian vs Dick
fight in Son of Batman, I feel like they're kind of implying that Damian is a better fighter than Dick, too. In Batman vs Robin, he actually fights almost evenly with Batman, whereas when
Dick fights Batman
in Bad Blood,
Bats easily beats him.
You could say that Bats held back against Damian, but still. That doesn't reconcile how he also fought and beat


Oh yeah!! Batman vs Robin movie...what a pile of crap.

So 4 Damian movies..
Son of Batman
Batman vs Robin
Batman badblood
Justice league vs teen titans

Seriously...and they all sucked!!

Speaking as someone who hasn't watched any of these movies, is there a particular reason why they aren't recommended?
Yeah they potray Damian as being invincible or something...

It was already eye rolling when he beats

It was stupid when he beat
Jaime in DDR
...seriously everyones jobbing to him even if it's not fighting.

But what takes the cake is when he beat
....no word.
Yeah they potray Damian as being invincible or something...

It was already eye rolling when he beats

It was stupid when he beat
Jaime in DDR
...seriously everyones jobbing to him even if it's not fighting.

But what takes the cake is when he beat
....no word.

The thing with the last one was more of a team effort though. I don't think it would have happened if he tried by himself. This was actually believable.
Beside superman was possessed and wasn't at his best.

Speaking as someone who hasn't watched any of these movies, is there a particular reason why they aren't recommended?

The problem with the top 3 is that they made Damien op, and basically he's really annoying. With this movie though, at least for me he seems more likeable.
Speaking as someone who hasn't watched any of these movies, is there a particular reason why they aren't recommended?

They are all Damian centric...which nothing really happens. Its just Damien whinning how good he is and how his grandfather is blah blah blah....Justice league vs teen Titan was a lil better...but I already gone tired of seeing him.

None of them is even close to Batman: redhood which was fantastic.
They are all Damian centric...which nothing really happens. Its just Damien whinning how good he is and how his grandfather is blah blah blah....Justice league vs teen Titan was a lil better...but I already gone tired of seeing him.

None of them is even close to Batman: redhood which was fantastic.

I imagined I lucked out since I watched them backwards. I suppose if I saw them in the correct order, it would have tainted my opinion of him in this one.
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