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Justice League vs Teen Titans: First look of full cast

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Never forget


Dopest squad that never was
Supergirl looks oddly flat in that picture. Not flat in the "not as blessed as Power Girl" way but the perspective makes her look like she was drawn then stretched along the Y axis or something.
Now why would they put Cyborg with the titans when he basically became a Justice League equal the same day they all fought Dark Sied? Cyborg is should have been a league member instead of a titan in the new 52's. He has highly advanced technology that far surpasses the others abilities if you compare them (the titans) individually versus a league member.

Nothing specifically indicates he's a titan. Could just be he's tagging along for the adventure and they shoved him in the promo shot to attract fans nostalgic of the old series.

I don't get the cyborg dislike, Many DC characters aren't great because of their basic traits or origins, but because of their stories. Cyborg simply hasn't had as many opportunities to branch out since he's been tied to a team for the longest time. I enjoyed his Forever Evil arc in JL, still have to check out his new series.
Well good haha

Just imagine Cyborg killing every single titan member if he really wanted to just by using his boom tube tech ability. Send them somewhere to their deaths is how I see it. But if DC is possibly hinting at future project with a 52 young justice crew that would be truly amazing.
They couldn't mess witht eh Milestone characters
That is always one of the odd things about Supergirl and Power Girl both being Kara from 2 different dimensions. Their body styles are drawn so differently that it seems impossible for one to just be a few years removed from being the other. ( actually how much difference is there supposed to be in thier ages?)

Also didn't DC pretty much buy up the Milestone characters just for Static? I mean have they used Icon or any of them for much of anything?


That is always one of the odd things about Supergirl and Power Girl both being Kara from 2 different dimensions. Their body styles are drawn so differently that it seems impossible for one to just be a few years removed from being the other. ( actually how much difference is there supposed to be in thier ages?)

Also didn't DC pretty much buy up the Milestone characters just for Static? I mean have they used Icon or any of them for much of anything?

They leased the rights to them and let it lapse
Cool, can't wait for this. Although I don't understand why Cyborg is with the Titans? Seems like a demotion to me. Maybe he is the only leaguer who isn't under Savage's control and is helping the Titians. Though I think Shazam would have made more sense.

Why is beast boy still a boy?

Maybe to give Damien someone closer to his age to interact with.


Cyborg's probably with the Titans now because "oh no, the Justice League all got mind controlled but I wasn't affected, I need a team to help stop them."

I mean don't forget when JL: War starts, he's still playing high school football or whatever. Dude is still young.



What in this is supposed to convince me? All I got was that Batwing no longer exists and that is really really really really upsetting.

and i Get Harper and Steph in more roles where they are doing something in Batman eternal/ B&R Eternal.

Ehhhhh. I don't hate on selfie culture but some it in the book is irritating me and I'm well within the target demographic for this.

Sometimes I like Babs art style and other times it crosses into Shojo territory to where I just can't get into it. I get it, you really like Sailor Moon. Now if she did some One Piece references then this book would be perfect.


What in this is supposed to convince me? All I got was that Batwing no longer exists and that is really really really really upsetting.

and i Get Harper and Steph in more roles where they are doing something in Batman eternal/ B&R Eternal.

They are doing something, they're being mentored and being in aww of Batgirl who's the Elderstatesmen of the bat family right now.


Ehhhhh. I don't hate on selfie culture but some it in the book is irritating me and I'm well within the target demographic for this.

Sometimes I like Babs art style and other times it crosses into Shojo territory to where I just can't get into it. I get it, you really like Sailor Moon. Now if she did some One Piece references then this book would be perfect.

Yeah this book is made for people about my age and 3 years younger but half of these twitter, texting, instagram books are so fake. It feels like they looked at noting but those fake accounts and retweet pages to get the feel for this book. I couldn't even read Black canary or Dr fate.

They are doing something, they're being mentored and being in aww of Batgirl who's the Elderstatesmen of the bat family right now.

I mean Harper Has been learning from Dick, Tim, and Babs and has seen more impressive things that a bike driving off the side of a building
even though it isn't even important
She isn't a Batgirl fangirl she's obsessed with Bruce.

I have no idea what's going on in comics anymore.

Who is Blue Bird? Is she the type of character that gets killed off in big summer crossovers to add weight to the huge threat of the year?

Blue bird is a new character that may have some tie in's with the Batman Weekly. She may very well end up dead but she's been pretty cool so far. (even though she is too good at some things at times w/o being properly taught.)
Might be because of said Arc

Spoiler is Stephanie Brown. She is The Clue-Masters daughter in new 52. I've really like her a lot.


I have no idea what's going on in comics anymore.

Who is Blue Bird? Is she the type of character that gets killed off in big summer crossovers to add weight to the huge threat of the year?
Harper Row - she's one of Batman's newer sidekicks. She'd been following him around for awhile and became a superhero when Tim Drake helped train her.


Raven has the best design. Starfire and Nightwing are next. Then Cyborg. Then Robin and Beetle. Last is Beast Boy.

My favorite Tean Titan squad are: (all ages 21-25) perverted Beast Boy, moody yet likable Raven, moody yet likeable Robin, and seductive Starfire.


Jesus Christ, that costume is offensive. So embarrassing.


Why because she has on that suit.

You are talking about Dc who has been really really good (afik) on being socially aware on all peoples issues and in their attempts to relate to everyone. Kori doesn't care what other people think of her or what she does as she is the empress of her own planet her dressing like that is an extension of her character honestly,


Yeah i guess, And the thing i hate more than anything else is how they focus on Him being Bruce's Biological son. Like all the time he put in with his other Son's just doesn't matter because Damian is all that matters.
God, this. This is pretty much the reason why I can't stand Damian. He's an asshole kid, whatever. Not my favorite character archetype but it makes for an interesting dynamic with his siblings. But without his siblings, he's nothing interesting to me.


Junior Member
I'm 50/50 on Starfire's costume, but she looks good with a little more muscle. I'm also liking Raven's design. Though I'm curious as to why Cyborg is with the Teen Titans when he was a founding member of the Justice League in this continuity (like the New 52). Not that I mind, I'm just curious.


God, this. This is pretty much the reason why I can't stand Damian. He's an asshole kid, whatever. Not my favorite character archetype but it makes for an interesting dynamic with his siblings. But without his siblings, he's nothing interesting to me.

The fact that he's beaten Tim twice now and Jason once is ridiculous and don't even get me started on That god awful Batman vs robin movie.


I hated that whole trend of comics. They act as if girls can't understand sy-fi or complex murder mysteries, or just wanted some dumb social media book.

Herrr derrrr what if a teenage girl was president how totally awesome would that be!!!!!!!!!!

God forbid we have comics that aren't all DARKNESS, NO PARENTS.


Oh fuck off, Damian instead of Tim? Didn't that little shit join the team then get kicked off immediately? Faster than Jason?

Haven't been keeping up with DC since they took the hacksaw to most of my favourite characters.
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