Welcome! Hugggggggggggggggggg!HEY! there is a K-ON thread and I have not posted in here?? ridiculous... ^^

edit: totp! lemme look up and see the top!

Welcome! Hugggggggggggggggggg!HEY! there is a K-ON thread and I have not posted in here?? ridiculous... ^^
Hooter-san ruining everything.
Hooter-san ruining everything.
gonna reschedule my exam. I still feel awful. *wants to lay down*
i actually own that optimus prime toy :d
i lied.Put Aigis on Optimus!
Has science transformed too far?
Where to buy?
¥4860 huh?
what's that like a buck? two bucks?
MorningMorning everyone! So glad it is Friday.
Dat Mio tie.secret keion ties!
You mean it's the best hat ever. This is probably my new favorite costume Mio has worn.what is up with Mio's hat!??! its like an extreme reaction to the tinyhat phenomenon.
Supply and Demandseriously though why are so many things in japan that probably cost jackshit to make and stuff like so expensive?
wait nevermind many of these products are aimed exactly at the market that would gladly pay tons of money for this stuff
Those ties! Would wear
I like the Mugi and Yui ties.
-_-So you're saying you want a Mio tie for Christmas???
No one in the boardroom will know the truth!!!
Lol what is that from?
.,. go watch the show/movie/doujin/fanficStahp
And why the golf club?