He is a good cat, got him from a lady that took in strays so we had to get him used to people. Took a loonnnng time but now he enjoys being around us. Also had a lot of health issues but we took care of him.
I think you all saw a glimpse of Momo our other cat. Here she is in case you all are interested.
HeheHe wasn't pleased that I had my camera all up in his face hehe. I wanted kitten pics so had to do it
Not Hung over. Hungry. Just like saying it with out the R since it's suppose to sound cute
im gonna get a cat
and name it
I want a black cat
I'm going to name it felix
is that a cirno_tv emote?
You should name it Dog
is that a cirno_tv emote?
My Tigger Kitty Meow.
Nyaaaaaaa! :3
I wish I wasn't allergic to cats... orz orz
Not enough Mugi.
I demand more!!!
Mugi overload
mugi's eyebrows = potato chips
I thought they were pickles
What about doggies???
Less so to dogs, but after a few hours I need to remove myself from their presence. orz
Ok I love the Sniper Mugi haha
Is good, but piano shirt mugi...
I need to learn how to play the piano...
Hey now...Lewdhunterzero
I need to learn how to play the piano...
Ok I love the Sniper Mugi haha
speshul bonus
We should play some Left 4 Dead 2 K-On sometime
Hey now..
We should play some Left 4 Dead 2 K-On sometime
but real forehead