Seems like Lee Hyori will make a comeback sometime in 2013. I hope she goes on Running Man to promote. Nation's siblings reunited.

Seems like Lee Hyori will make a comeback sometime in 2013. I hope she goes on Running Man to promote. Nation's siblings reunited.
Seems like Lee Hyori will make a comeback sometime in 2013. I hope she goes on Running Man to promote. Nation's siblings reunited.
GANGKIZ (갱키즈- 오늘밤 (Tonight)
Holy moly the 90's vibe. ME LIKE IT.
This is such a good song. It has a really nice groove you can get into and the atmosphere is great on my IEMs. It has been wonderful while commuting. Soyeon and Hyomin carry it along quite nicely but the rap is a rare example of one that contributes to the song perfectly. Just when the song is getting a bit tired, Hwayoung busts in out of nowhere (all the "uh.. yeah.. here we go"" prep for raps is worthless unless you really bring it, which idol rappers never do) and changes the flow but with a such good feel. I actually wish it was the kind of thing were the rap is twice as long and ends the song because it's such a development in feeling that going back is a bit disappointing.
Been listening to it for 3 weeks. Haven't gotten tired of it. Wish Gang Kiz would release more stuff ;_;
Dal Shabet had a live show on Gurupop yesterday, was fun. You guys should watch this show too, its hosted by San E and Daniel from Dalmatian and its unique in that the show is mostly in English and the MCs provide translations for guests.
Well I think they're pretty hilarious haha.That's unwatchable. The guys are fkn annoying.
Is it just me or does she look like she pad's her bra?
My first thought lolIs it just me or does she look like she pad's her bra?
Dal Shabet had a live show on Gurupop yesterday, was fun. You guys should watch this show too, its hosted by San E and Daniel from Dalmatian and its unique in that the show is mostly in English and the MCs provide translations for guests.
San E sexy dance with Serri haha.
Here are the playlists for the Wonder Girls, Girls' Day, and Dal Shabet episodes.
What's the difference? Why not just make a Japanese bento box?So,Korean GAF, I wanna make 도시락 (the korean obento) for a girl that I'm into. Looking all the pictures in Google, I think it would be better to draw little cute faces on them, but I don't know how to do it.japanese
I looked for a tutorial, but couldn't find any. Yeah, is simple at first "just cut the mouth and eyes, dumb bitch" but if you look closely, they are very well made and small, and I don't have such precision with my hands/scissors. Also, there are a lot of rice with different colors, yellow, pink, blue, etc, and I have no idea how to do that.
This would be better to ask in a Japanese forum/thread, but since there aren't any of those in GAF (or that I know of), I'm asking here.
Any help is appreciated.
EDIT: Weaboos usually know how to make this. But "keaboos" usually only listen to K-Pop and nothing else.
What's the difference? Why not just make a Japanese bento box? are the same thing. But I wanna make faces on them. Korean has them, japanese has them. Is not specific to any country. But since she likes Korean culture, I'm saying 'toshirak' instead of 'obento'.
BoA haven't done anything, her correction was actually sweet, but the guy got pissed off lol.
It would help if you linked pictures to said faces.
Also, it's a D sound, not a T.
D sound? Since when? I don't know this rule.
I'm looking for the faces, brb.
For 도시락? Has your school been teaching you to make a T sound with the ㄷ?
I asked why people in drama says "bianeyo" instead of "mianeyo", and him said: "Not, bianeyo doesn't exist. They don't say such thing".
I'm deaf, dumb or he's a great piece of sh*
(Yes, I'm retard) could probably find some obento making books at your library/bookstore.looks like you'll need to buy stuff
This is such a good song. It has a really nice groove you can get into and the atmosphere is great on my IEMs. It has been wonderful while commuting. Soyeon and Hyomin carry it along quite nicely but the rap is a rare example of one that contributes to the song perfectly. Just when the song is getting a bit tired, Hwayoung busts in out of nowhere (all the "uh.. yeah.. here we go"" prep for raps is worthless unless you really bring it, which idol rappers never do) and changes the flow but with a such good feel. I actually wish it was the kind of thing were the rap is twice as long and ends the song because it's such a development in feeling that going back is a bit disappointing.
GANGKIZ (갱키즈- 오늘밤 (Tonight)
Holy moly the 90's vibe. ME LIKE IT.
and unless I passed out momentarily and missed it there wasn't any rap.
Forgot to quote this. GODDAMN her hair looks so amazing.
I asked why people in drama says "bianeyo" instead of "mianeyo", and him said: "Not, bianeyo doesn't exist. They don't say such thing".
I'm deaf, dumb or he's a great piece of sh*
(Yes, I'm retard)
Wow... that's actually serious... Because I remeber when I was in 4th grade or something, and we had to sing a song for a presentation to our parents... Then everybody started laughing at me saying "You can't spell what is written, lol". "Damn, by now you should be reading this right" ... and IN MY HEAD, I was saying the words flawlessly...
My heart is in shreds... :'(
Yeah, it's 미안해요 (mi an he yo). That got me a bit too, actually, but I think it's because ㅂ and ㅁ have the same mouth shape and really the only difference is how you aspirate them. Water/물/mul gets the same type of thing happening, it often sounds like "bul" when they pronounce it. I actually am starting to think it's related to the auditory illusion called the McGurk Effect or something.