This argument blows my mind. Jay-Z having sprinkles of good verses inbetween largely average ones count as moments where he is trying, whereas otherwise he's not trying? Or is that just an excuse for his average quality of verse going down? Even though I like his verse on Monster, a whole lot of people hate on it cause they think it's shit. Does that mean Jay phoned in? Cause it certainly sounds like Jay cranked it up to 11 when spitting over that beat. You can hear it in his voice.
And I'm still trying to find this bit where anyone mentioned Kanye was a better lyricist. He's most definitely not, but like I said before, Jay's average verses are getting lazier, and Ye's, especially evident in 2010, are getting more and more hungry. I don't know how you can say Ye isn't hungry right now.
And that's good, because I don't know who else can scare the shit out of Jay enough to make him reassess the quality of his lyrics today. Nas is out doing his own thing, Jay's got no beef with anyone. Only Ye can spit alongside Jay, and if it's for an entire album, best believe Jay's going to try his hardest not to get ethered for an entire album. Whether or not anybody writing forum posts on the internet thinks Ye's lyrical ability can get near Jay's or not, Jay is aware that if he slacks, his rep is at stake.
They are a great duo. That's why I'm hyped for this album. They bring out the best in each other, and only good can come out of this. Well, good and H.A.M.