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I'm not sure I like the restrictions on our latest challenge - allowing assault but no saboteur or scout, the best counters to the class. I think we'll just get rocket spammed throughout the match :/.


Cagen said:
I'm not sure I like the restrictions on our latest challenge - allowing assault but no saboteur or scout, the best counters to the class. I think we'll just get rocket spammed throughout the match :/.

Yeh i think i'll give it a miss. I wont play any game with weapon or class resrictions. This isn't called Pussyzone 2.


Facism said:
Yeh i think i'll give it a miss. I wont play any game with weapon or class resrictions. This isn't called Pussyzone 2.

Yep 100% agree - every class has a + & - side and there are ways to counter each - disabling them is as good as saying your not good enough to counter.
And before people start whinging about Assault rocket spamming, fucking turn on FF, I played the beta for months with FF on and you very quickly get used to it and man does it stop 90% of the fuckwits once they see their score decimated.


I would love to join the GAF clan. My PSN and my forum handle is the same, J-Wood. I'm in the central time zone and in the Eastern US.


Bugnology said:
GAFe 8/8 Friendly Fire ON
pwd: on

Good man Bug nice to see some GAF games with FF on.
Would love to join but the missus is getting a bit pissed with my early evening sessions, esp after lasts weeks attempts to get a Valour medal which did kinda take over the main TV most nights:lol
Anyways I'll join later if you're still hosting.


dazed808 said:
Good man Bug nice to see some GAF games with FF on.
Would love to join but the missus is getting a bit pissed with my early evening sessions, esp after lasts weeks attempts to get a Valour medal which did kinda take over the main TV most nights:lol
Anyways I'll join later if you're still hosting.


:lol <3


dazed808 said:
:lol I know, I know, but antagonizing an 8 & half month, highly hormonal, pregnant woman is
definitely not recommended!
I'll be on in 25 mins:D

ooh you got a little rick (or rickette ;p) on the way :D

good games just now GAFe. FF changes the game quite substantially. Some genius moments.

Spot and Mark is awesome, i presume when i spotted people they show up on the team's radars? I was spotting and marking like a champ on S&D pyruss, then used the mounted MG i had repaired earlier to lay on the sauce whilst charges were planted :D


Facism said:
ooh you got a little rick (or rickette ;p) on the way :D

good games just now GAFe. FF changes the game quite substantially. Some genius moments.

Spot and Mark is awesome, i presume when i spotted people they show up on the team's radars? I was spotting and marking like a champ on S&D pyruss, then used the mounted MG i had repaired earlier to lay on the sauce whilst charges were planted :D
Argh, thanks to the stupid engineer ribbons I couldn't shoot worth a crap with any other weapons, can't wait to get the repair ribbons and stop having to use the shotty. Good games though.

Before you guys showed up and I was playing with TTP in Salamun we had a team of 5 people and the only ones I saw trying to get the objective in search and destroy were the 2 of us against 6 of them, it was bullcrap...

Congratulations on the wee tyke Rickster.


Ilparazzo said:
Argh, thanks to the stupid engineer ribbons I couldn't shoot worth a crap with any other weapons, can't wait to get the repair ribbons and stop having to use the shotty. Good games though.

Before you guys showed up and I was playing with TTP in Salamun we had a team of 5 people and the only ones I saw trying to get the objective in search and destroy were the 2 of us against 6 of them, it was bullcrap...

Congratulations on the wee tyke Rickster.

I think Salamun is the only map with acceptable S&D locations. Nice and open, not little killbox rooms.


Facism said:
I think Salamun is the only map with acceptable S&D locations. Nice and open, not little killbox rooms.

It was also fun when TTP hid in the pipe in Pyrrus during assassination, I almost didn't find him cause of that.

EDIT: We should be able to kick people out of games to make room for gaffers.


Ilparazzo said:

It was also fun when TTP hid in the pipe in Pyrrus during assassination, I almost didn't find him cause of that.

EDIT: We should be able to kick people out of games to make room for gaffers.

Yeah, he was shouting "MEDIC" so I came around him, looked everywhere, and was like "where the hell is he". "I'm in the pipe!"



Have a fun! Enjoy!
Raist said:
Yeah, he was shouting "MEDIC" so I came around him, looked everywhere, and was like "where the hell is he". "I'm in the pipe!"



And place some C4 at the entrance goddamit!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Ilparazzo said:

It was also fun when TTP hid in the pipe in Pyrrus during assassination, I almost didn't find him cause of that.

EDIT: We should be able to kick people out of games to make room for gaffers.

It is possible to make a clan only game (there is a dedicated option), but non GAFe gaffers wouldn't be able to join.


Fun game and my first one with a negative K/D too... :(

However: any tips about close quarter combat? I always feel like I'm drunken when an enemy is near me, I can't do shit. Sometime he wins, sometimes I win.


Just joined you GAFe on Visari Hammer. Good match there. I was trying to get some ribbons for once so I was trying to use C4 as much as possible. Turns out C4 is amazing.

On the last round Search and Destory (Defend) HGH planted one bomb so I put my disguise on and ran to the bomb site. Spotted some HGH coming out so I acted cool and mingled but kept my distance. Didn't fire any shots and tried to stay away from turrets. Waited until everyone nearby ran away to the 2nd bomb location. Luckily everyone fell for it and they left me alone.

Ran inside and planted some C4 behind me to cover my back. Ran upstairs to the bomb where I saw a HGH sniping through the lookout infront of me with his back turned. A swift punch to the back of the head and he was out. At the same time a HGH came from below but my C4 took care of him. Defused the bomb when another HGH tried to rush me. Took him out with a burst of SMG to the face. A grenade through the front window from my own team mate finished the job and I went down in a blaze of glory :lol

I love KZ2 :D


Facism said:
ooh you got a little rick (or rickette ;p) on the way :D
Little Rickette it is!:D
Ilparazzo said:
Congratulations on the wee tyke Rickster.
Cheers mate, though she's not out yet and think she's gonna take her time and prolong the waiting as much as she can!

If I suddenly disappear for a while, either the missus has finally snapped and smashed up the ps3 or i'm in the hospital crapping myself coz i'm about to become a dad!:lol
Anyways, missed all the games tonight so will try get on tomorrow and join everyone - want to get as many games in as poss as sure i'm not gonna have too much time soon.


The_Inquisitor said:
Ok, I still cant get my aiming down for some reason. Anyone have some tips? Also, any games going atm?

Nah, same for me. I don't have a problem with middle to long distances but in close combat it's a pain in the ass. Doesn't feel right at all.


Thrakier said:
Nah, same for me. I don't have a problem with middle to long distances but in close combat it's a pain in the ass. Doesn't feel right at all.

When in doubt, boost sprint with melee held down ;p
Nightz said:
Who are the leaders of the two clans? They should get on it ASAP.

He passed the GAFw leadership to me, I had no idea until I checked it in game last night :lol But I'm up for merging the 2 GAF west clans.


xBerserker said:
He passed the GAFw leadership to me, I had no idea until I checked it in game last night :lol But I'm up for merging the 2 GAF west clans.

Well I guess the first thing you can do as the new leader is change the clan message lol. Get us involved in some tournaments too. I think that'll encourage more activity. :D

Is GAFW still alive and kicking?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
We have TWO challenges today.

One starts in 30 mins (6PM GMT) - 8vs8
The next one 2hrs after the one above (8PM GMT) - 3vs3


TTP said:
I didnt even warm up :(

1 spot left guys

edit: lol @ the amount of boosters in our squad
I was playing the campaign in elite when you sent me the message. Hope that didn't screw up my mad skillz :lol


This is just great, Clan match started and I get a 'game host not available' after a few seconds and then a network error code :(


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Jeez guys how the fuck did we suck so badly? :lol

I did a mistake as the Assassination target. At some point I should have used boost to run away and get some time.

Oh well, next match is at 8PM GMT 3vs3


TTP said:
Jeez guys how the fuck did we suck so badly? :lol

I did a mistake as the Assassination target. At some point I should have used boost to run away and get some time.

Oh well, next match is at 8PM GMT 3vs3

was my first clan match but I sucked monkey balls anyway, I guess medic/air support is useless so I'll go boost like everyone else

and good game GPT, deserved victory.


Raist said:
I'm sure it's because they shot TTP's blinking spawn grenades. :(

:lol :lol

seriously I guess saboteur + c4 base camping in S&R would have been a wise choice instead of running around shooting speeding guys hopelessly


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Raist said:
I'm sure it's because they shot TTP's blinking spawn grenades. :(


Well, they where clearly organized while we weren't at all. That's the main difference. We didn't have a plan for any mission nor did we have roles. I loved seeing 4 turrets defending the propaganda delivery point tho. That was awesome, albeit uneffective in the end. Next time we need some C4s at the entrances. One per entrance would be enough as there are good chances the radio carrier is already weak when he gets there.

Also, I think assassination targets shouldn't hide where I did in Salamun Market but rather in the balcony where the sniper usually lands his cloaked ass. There are only two narrow entrances there, easily controllable with turrets and C4s.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Lince said:
:lol :lol

seriously I guess saboteur + c4 base camping in S&R would have been a wise choice instead of running around shooting speeding guys hopelessly

Exactly. But that happened because, as I said, we didn't have roles. Next time we should define defending and attacking teams, and stick to that.

Like, in a 8vs8 match

Team Alpha (defenders)
- Tactician with air drones for keeping defenders where they need to be.
- Engineer with C4 mining the shit out of everything and placing turrets.
- Engineer with repair for placing turrets and repair that damn turret in the balcony in Salamun Market.
- Scout with Spot and Mark concentrating on killing enemies placing/defusing charges in S&D

Bravo Team (attackers)
- Tactician with boost for pushing the team forward
- Saboteur with C4 to sneak to the objective and place C4s like there is no tomorrow.
- Assault with boost for delivering propaganda speakers and placing charges (as he can sustain more damage while he is "idle" placing those charges)
- Medic to keep the team alive as much as possible


Junior Butler
Gorechylde said:
I'd like a GAF USEast invite when it's convenient. Thanks.

PSN: Deathikus

I've been trying too but the leader isn't listed for the 3rd group.

Does anyone know who GAF US East's leader is so we can PM them?
Is GAF East 1 planning on getting in some competitive clan battles? Full Recovery? Kittonwy?

Just wondering, the 3 tourneys we were involved in were at like 6pm, waaaaaaaay to early for me.

I would love to play any evening from 9:30pm to 1am ET. That would be a perfect time.

I REALLLLY want to play in my first official KZ2 clan match.


TTP said:

Well, they where clearly organized while we weren't at all. That's the main difference. We didn't have a plan for any mission nor did we have roles. I loved seeing 4 turrets defending the propaganda delivery point tho. That was awesome, albeit uneffective in the end. Next time we need some C4s at the entrances. One per entrance would be enough as there are good chances the radio carrier is already weak when he gets there.

Also, I think assassination targets shouldn't hide where I did in Salamun Market but rather in the balcony where the sniper usually lands his cloaked ass. There are only two narrow entrances there, easily controllable with turrets and C4s.

Yeah we really needed to be more organised, however with the way we are playing being more of a community then a clan - first come play, we can't really organise things before hand too easily unlike a more professional clan can. We can do this for the ConsoleGaming.eu tournament we're entered into though as it is all set up before the match and this is something we should really do or we're going to get our asses handed to us.

I don't think anyone played badly, scores were all right, K/D ratios were good and I saw some pretty effective play from pockets of people together, though we do lack communication quite a bit, I only heard a few sporadic things coming from you, Marcel and I blurted out a few things but we really aren't very cohesive yet. I really wish you could only talk to your own side/clan in the prematch set up - then you could talk tactics and get everything set up in the 15 minutes before the match and you know everyone will be there and paying attention. All we got were the GPT guys talking to each other and us silent as anything :lol.

I also hit respawn to fast and respawned back at our base a couple of times if anyone is wondering what the fuck I am doing in the battle replay. Sigh :(. Why doesn't the battle replay show sentry placements and kills, it looks like I am hanging back and not doing anything sometimes while I am actually placing turrets and letting them get kills.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Cagen said:
I also hit respawn to fast and respawned back at our base a couple of times if anyone is wondering what the fuck I am doing in the battle replay. Sigh :(.

That happens to me at least two times per match. I hit X the moment the spawn point disappears and I'm back to the base :( Also, why the fuck is pressing X so fucked up there? I mean, I have to literally hammer it in order to respawn.

Why doesn't the battle replay show sentry placements and kills, it looks like I am hanging back and not doing anything sometimes while I am actually placing turrets and letting them get kills.

Cos that thing is glitchy as hell. Totally not worth checking it out as you see dead bodies killing people.
So GAF West 2 What's going on match wise and whatnot. Do we have a practice schedule yet or anything. I am still trying to get to grips on the maps, going to be watching the walkthrough videos on Killzone.com soon.


TTP said:
That happens to me at least two times per match. I hit X the moment the spawn point disappears and I'm back to the base :( Also, why the fuck is pressing X so fucked up there? I mean, I have to literally hammer it in order to respawn.

I do this soo many times during a match. Most times it's because i've chosen a spawn point, decided a different class would be better so change and then just press X to respawn forgetting it resets your chosen spawn point - so frustrating :(
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