Can Crusher
You gotta have no life to a)decide to do this, b)to support this.
I'll quote what I said later in the thread since you picked an earlier response.
"I agree I think it's pretty ingenious.
There is no bait and switch here though. The image you get is 1080p. Complaining that internally some of the pixels were generated using an approximation technique is like complaining about which AA method they use or what PP effects they add.
If you don't like the overall IQ of the end frame then that's on you to decide but you can't sue them for being misleading when they just aren't."
They say a picture is worth a thousand words but I still can't work out what you're getting at.
I wish someone sued for the criminal waste of a great universe. This lore deserves better than a shitty Call of Duty ripoff.
An upscaling algorithm would take the current frame and scale it up. Interpolating purely based on pixel colour data. As soon as you start taking previous frame data including velocity and depth etc and calculating new pixel values across the entire screen, IMO that clearly steps over into native 1080p.
And this mainly manifests in motion, a lot of which will be masked by the limited motion resolution of standard LCD TVs
So do you consider BF4 on consoles to be 1080p because the game is rendered at 1600x900 then upscaled to 1920x1080?
That's not how I'm reading the explanation. Bathe game starts with a 960x1080p base and then builds - using said clever technique - a full 1920x1080p image and renders that for output.Don't be ridiculous. The complaint is that the game doesn't render at full 1920x1080p, which in it's multiplayer mode it doesn't, it is actually rendering at 960x1080 and making up the difference from data extrapolated from the previous two frames. So in esscence, its a really fucking clever upscaling algorithm that fooled many people into thinking it was still rendering at 1080p. while the use of an upscaling algorithm like this is ingenious as it is very clever. The advertising around the game was still misleading as it advertised the game as running at 1080p, which it does not in multiplayer. This lawsuit is good for transparency between developers and gamers.
You could probably count the number of games that have every part of the pipeline at 1080p on one hand this gen.
Don't be ridiculous. The complaint is that the game doesn't render at full 1920x1080p, which in it's multiplayer mode it doesn't, it is actually rendering at 960x1080 and making up the difference from data extrapolated from the previous two frames. So in esscence, its a really fucking clever upscaling algorithm that fooled many people into thinking it was still rendering at 1080p. while the use of an upscaling algorithm like this is ingenious as it is very clever. The advertising around the game was still misleading as it advertised the game as running at 1080p, which it does not in multiplayer. This lawsuit is good for transparency between developers and gamers.
Really people? This deserves a fucking class action lawsuit?
So should we all sue Ubisoft for thier promises and marketing of Watch_Dogs and AC Unity now or what? This is stupid.
You're not aware of the ACU or Halo:MCC problems?
Also, I'm not insinuating anything (funny that you think I am though). I wanted to understand your perspective a bit better. I think may already do though.
The court system has not been kind to Sony at all.
Didn't they lose another lawsuit about deceitful advertising?
Then Sony pictures is also getting sued for not protecting employee info
And the most ignorant of all of the ignorant fools commenting on a lawsuit! The one who alludes to something he has no understanding of but has heard other people complaining about! A new champion emerges. The next baseless comment has a lot to live up to.
Something something coffee! Rabble rabble! Frivolous lawsuits that have enough merit to convince a judge and jury! Won't somebody please think of the multinational corporations?!
So do you consider BF4 on consoles to be 1080p because the game is rendered at 1600x900 then upscaled to 1920x1080?
"Gamers quickly noticed and complained that Killzone's multiplayer graphics were blurry to the point of distraction," Ladore's complaint alleges.
Did they? I thought nobody noticed until DF literally did a pixel count? At least that's how I recall it going down.
So should we all sue Ubisoft for thier promises and marketing of Watch_Dogs and AC Unity now or what? This is stupid.
Watch this start a chain reaction. Look out Ubi!
Here's a shot taken while rotating the camera at a medium steady rate (taken from a capture card rather than using the built-in sharing feature).
Considering the technique being used, I'm impressed with how artifact free the image appears in motion. From what I can see, this type of rendering has the most noticeable impact on thin objects (such as fences) but even then it simply looks as if it is part of the camera blur.
Here's the same area taken with maximum camera rotation speed. Motion blur is in full effect. If you look at the metal flooring you can see increased aliasing with larger steps but the image still looks good. Without the excellent motion blur it would certainly be more obvious.
I'd love to know just how many resources this technique frees up. It could be a real alternative to traditional rendering that would allow for a higher framerate without the massive loss in image quality associated with lowering overall resolution (which really only looks bad as a result of scaling).
Also, just for fun, here's a shot with the PS4 set to output at 720p. The system is downscaling the image so jaggies are minimized compared to what you'd get with a traditional 720p image. When blown up to 1080p it looks dramatically worse than the 960x1080 method they used.
Click on the images to see them at full resolution.
People "complained" it was blurry but because it had been listed as 1080p, people assumed it was some AA method. Even when DF did their pixel count, they still came up as 1080p. It was only when Guerilla discussed the technical aspects of the game and talked about the multiplayer, that people realised what was going on. It's still a 1080p image, but done in such a way that it only renders half of the pixels per frame, using the last frame to approximate the remainder of the current frame."Gamers quickly noticed and complained that Killzone's multiplayer graphics were blurry to the point of distraction," Ladore's complaint alleges.
Did they? I thought nobody noticed until DF literally did a pixel count? At least that's how I recall it going down.
If the frame outputted from the pipeline is 1080p then I'd call it 1080p.
Whether or not I think the IQ of the image is better or worse off for it is a different matter. You could notice the difference on BF4 and I don't think it did the IQ any favors for up-scaling it with the technique they used.
I thought it was when they did their GDC talk. But I remember it not being an issue for a good few months at least.
Obviously our definition of what rendering at native resolution is differs.
Really people? This deserves a fucking class action lawsuit?
By that definition, every game on Xbox 360 renders at native 1080p.As far as I'm concerned if it outputs 1080p then it is. I don't feel there's any need to muddy the definition when any attempt to deviate from processing 1920x1080 pixels is going to harm the IQ. At the end of the day the IQ of the frames out is what you see.
Well, that's basically what's happening. KZSF MP's technique is essentially TAA, although since the output buffer is larger than the spatial sampling buffers, successful reprojection boosts clarity in addition to improving stability.When Guerrilla released that (relatively) high-bitrate 60fps video of multiplayer on their website well before release, I just thought it was using some imprecise temporal anti-aliasing because of the graininess on bushes and other fine details.
@PNF4LYFE and friends to start legal proceedings against Aaron Greenberg and Microsoft Studios!
I'm often ashamed of the American legal system. All this hoopla and we'll get what, a PSN credit for $.37? Two years from now...
Can we sue Bungie/Activision misrepresenting the scale and scope of Destiny?
Really people? This deserves a fucking class action lawsuit?
This is crazy. I'm sure game devs would admit even if a game actually runs at native 1080p some buffers in a game might not actually be native. Does that mean these game devs will be next on the list?
Really people? This deserves a fucking class action lawsuit?
Looks like it.
As far as I'm concerned if it outputs 1080p then it is. I don't feel there's any need to muddy the definition when any attempt to deviate from processing 1920x1080 pixels is going to harm the IQ. At the end of the day the IQ of the frames out is what you see.
this is unrealted really, as when the term "rendered in native 1080p" is used it usually refers to the rendering of the geometry, its is quite normal for shadow maps and the like to be a different resolution.Oh no we have lower resolution shadow maps!
AFAIK, the single player is 1080p, but the multiplayer is more comparable to 1080i. I can't remember the details, but I think it uses some sort of technology so it's never rendering 1920x1080 at once, but rather switching between horizontal lines of resolution.It is a 1080p image, since when is that false?
Are we going to complain about TXAA being used in games now because it's not "real" AA?