Heh, yeah. In some ways simpler, in some ways more complex. It'd certainly transform the franchise pretty radically.Well it will be much simpler if KH3 ends with Xehanort fulfilling his ambition and reuniting the worlds...
Heh, yeah. In some ways simpler, in some ways more complex. It'd certainly transform the franchise pretty radically.Well it will be much simpler if KH3 ends with Xehanort fulfilling his ambition and reuniting the worlds...
Heh, yeah. In some ways simpler, in some ways more complex. It'd certainly transform the franchise pretty radically.
I'd like to see this entire thing blow up in everyone's faces, including Xehanort. For example, Xehanort succeeds, but when he attempts to rebalance everything by combining light and dark, it either results in something far worse than the heartless or causes a cataclysmic event that throws all of the worlds into chaos to the point where there are pure dark worlds and pure light worlds existing in the same plane, and good characters try to learn to make use of the darkness to do good, and your new protagonist can make use of either, and whichever one they favor doesn't affect their actual alignment to good and evil, just their powers.
I think a new Protagonist would be really cool but Nomura already said that Sora is the main character until the very end.
I don't think they need Kingdom Hearts for that. There's probably something in Ansem's hidden research that will allow them to create new bodies for them. Having a reformed Even on their side could mean access to his Replica research.But I could see Sora also attaining that power, using it to give a full existence to Naminé, Roxas, and Xion (maybe)
Contradiction? FF changes its protagonists and just about everything else all the time. Unless you're talking direct story sequels, which is decidedly un-Final Fantasy like and certainly not what the series is known for.He better not Final Fantasy it.
I for one enjoy new protagonists. Keeping the same character forever is kind of bad
He better not Final Fantasy it.
I for one enjoy new protagonists. Keeping the same character forever is kind of bad
So, its not that once Soras story is over the story of a new hero will begin, but that the series will always have Sora as the hero, isnt it?
Nomura: Yeah. One of the concepts of the series is that the hero Sora isnt some special being, but a normal boy. Sure, his heart is connected to Ventus and the others, but other than that, hes a normal kid that could have come from anywhere, that hasnt inherited anything from anyone. I want to make Sora a character that will give the player the feeling that even if Im not some special being, I have the possibility buried inside of connecting with many others to accomplish things. In Birth by Sleep, I wish for all the fans to hope to see that Sora reappears. The secret cutscene is what symbolizes this, and so please work your way there, and wait for Soras role in the future
I really hope we get Shibuya in KH 3, it was promised in DDD but you never know :l
I just happened upon this video:
Something really interesting about this is that it made me realize that, unlike KH1's combat system, KH2 has Sora and most human-sized bosses actually operate by a very very similar set of rules. They all have combos, combo finishers, air juggles, air recovery moves, and so on, though the use of all of these varies in power and effectiveness.
What's fascinating here is that one of Sora's Forms can be converted into a relatively basic enemy quite easily, apparently, without glitching out - the game knows how to fight with it. It makes me wonder if (outside of battle scripting) these different enemies all fundamentally have the same AI and just vary in strength based on their stats and the speed/hitstun/area of effect/etc. properties of their movesets.
It also makes me realize that KH2's essential combat system is already quite compatible with a KH multiplayer combat concept, and that it likely actually wouldn't be very hard at all to make the assorted Organization members (for example) into controllable characters.
Birth By Sleep's Versus mode is another step in that direction too.
It makes me wonder if KH3 will have any sort of online duel mode included in the game that'd let you play as the assorted Keyblade wielders in the game, as various Organization members, and so on.
It's worth noting that the anti-form AI in that video is from the Vexen fight, though your point still stands seeing as how many bosses are able to be converted into player characters.
I'm not sure if they'll put in a multiplayer though. KH3 is probably going to have a protracted development schedule and SE is going to want it out the door as soon as it feasibly can be.
Still think Frozen should be a world in the game. Elsa could be like a summon similar to Shiva and the snow troll would make a good boss. That or is could be like FF13's Shiva sisters and Anna and Elsa could combine to make a motorcycle. Snow would be proud.
Still think Frozen should be a world in the game. Elsa could be like a summon similar to Shiva and the snow troll would make a good boss. That or is could be like FF13's Shiva sisters and Anna and Elsa could combine to make a motorcycle. Snow would be proud.
That'd be cool but I'm pretty sure Midgar's a bit more overdue (and equally unlikely, for what it's worth). I'd hardly say it was "promised" really.
I could see a non-canonical Sora cameo in TWEWY2 as being more likely, though. Think of it as something akin to Cloud's appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics.
I really hope we get Shibuya in KH 3, it was promised in DDD but you never know :l
It's worth noting that the anti-form AI in that video is from the Vexen fight, though your point still stands seeing as how many bosses are able to be converted into player characters.
I'm not sure if they'll put in a multiplayer though. KH3 is probably going to have a protracted development schedule and SE is going to want it out the door as soon as it feasibly can be.
Any plans for multiplayer in Kingdom Hearts III?
Nomura: Multiplayer elements are also under consideration. We are also looking into online capabilities. We will announce more details regarding this at a later time.
Still think Frozen should be a world in the game. Elsa could be like a summon similar to Shiva and the snow troll would make a good boss. That or is could be like FF13's Shiva sisters and Anna and Elsa could combine to make a motorcycle. Snow would be proud.
Frozen was intended to gel well with Kingdom Hearts. Hearts play a significant role (to the extent of true love being defined in terms of the heart rather than its own context as usual), villains are sufficiently minor and unrelated to events that Xehanort can be squeezed in into quite a large role with minor fuss, and the Anna/Elsa pair appears so startlingly similar to Sora/Riku that interacting with them may well serve a character development role for the latter pair by showing them where they/the other were/was pre-character development and that not having a Sora and Riku are split and each follow one sister for this world would practically be a plot twist. The similarity and fit seems too great to be an accident. Thus, it must be by design. They knew itd show up eventually, so they made it work well for it.
I guess I would need to actually see Frozen if it becomes a world, huh.
I know nothing about it, but the huge success of the film makes it seem like a more likely choice than some others to try to ride out its popularity.
Potentially there could be a new bunch of Prinesses in KH3 with Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Brave and Frozen all being successful for Disney. Would be funny if Princess Leia was one just for the nerd rage.
Another big thing about Frozen is that it actually makes the heart itself a huge part of the plot. Like you say, it's practically tailor-made.No Square based worlds.
LEAVE. Don't come back until you've seen it, and then I expect you to beg my forgiveness for your transgression.
Princess and the Frog wasn't successful. It was one of the reasons Disney Traditional shut down.
We are in April now, Nomura "has yet to confirm the release season"By the way, this was posted about in the main Gaming forum, but apparently the next time we can expect news on FFXV/KH3 is at or around E3.
Hopefully we'll hear more about KH 2.5 well before then, though.
I can't wait to see the intro for the next Kingdom Hearts. The intro to dream drop distance was amazing.
Agreed that it was great.
I'm not so sure I want KH3's intro to be so heavily in the "summarize all of the games so far" vein like the KH2 and KHDD intros. (The KH:BBS intro, on the other hand, is pretty much just a much-less-interesting version of the KH2FM secret ending video, which is even worse).
I guess it depends on how well it's done. I'd just like to see something new.
I kinda meant in terms of the style and effort. I do like that the intros get more complex with each new release, gba and DS(not 3DS) games excluded
Agreed that it was great.
I'm not so sure I want KH3's intro to be so heavily in the "summarize all of the games so far" vein like the KH2 and KHDD intros. (The KH:BBS intro, on the other hand, is pretty much just a much-less-interesting version of the KH2FM secret ending video, which is even worse).
I guess it depends on how well it's done. I'd just like to see something new.
I'm sure it will be a new one. I can't recall if they've confirmed Utada or not but I'm sure it'll be a new theme regardless.As long as the KH3 theme is something totally new instead of Sanctuary or the first game's song. I'm tired of hearing those two songs again and again.
I find it interesting that there are Castle Oblivion-esque "white rooms" in Twilight Town's mansion and somewhere deep in Radiant Garden's basement. Not to mention that a great deal (if not the entirety) of The World that Never Was is very much in the same style. I wonder why Nomura loves that environment style so much and in what ways it'll end up appearing in KH3.
(also, lololol dull featureless environments in KH games!!!!!!!!)
I love the look of Memory's Skyscraper, and just that whole fight between Xemnas and Sora in general. I'm also hoping that dual wielding becomes a regular ability in KH3 without the use of a drive form, kind of like how it was in 358/2 days with the zero gear.
I want the keyblade abilities to return. It's much better than simply having +1 in STR/MAG each time.
Even better, make every keyblade like the weapons in FFX, without any stat upgrades and relying exclusively on abilities.
I want a jetch boss fight in kh3
watI want a jetch boss fight in kh3
watA Kefka fight would've fit into DDD so well.
Sephiroth's had his several cameos! It's someone else's turn! Besides, doesn't Kefka look like someone who would command his own dream eaters?
Kefka's actually fairly unlikely, to be honest, since (IIRC) the only FF cameo in Kingdom Hearts that wasn't originally designed by Tetsuya Nomura in the first place is Vivi (Setzer was designed by Nomura for FFVI).
I'm torn between saying that it's someone else's turn (I totally agree) and saying that a big Sephiroth superboss fight is KH tradition at this point.
I love Kefka and FFVI, but I still can't see that happening in KH. Kefka would probably kill his own Dream Eaters after like thirty seconds anyway, he's too unstable.
KH3 will probably wrap up his and Cloud's story, but I'd really like to see another FF villain in there, cameo or plotwise.
I wouldn't be remotely surprised to see Lightning show up in KH3, but I maintain that Noctis/Stella/some other FFXV character is more likely because Nomura and Nojima are much, much more closely involved in that project, whereas they had very little to do with FFXIII.
KH3 will probably wrap up his and Cloud's story, but I'd really like to see another FF villain in there, cameo or plotwise.