I never drop the staff personally. I can stand losing str/def since it isn't in your face while playing but it drives me nuts when I have 100 abilities and AP to only equip half of them :lol.
sword: less strenght
shield: less defence
staff: less AP
doesn't affect abilities.
You have done well, my friend. #TeamStaff welcomes you.Chose staff btw, which is what I chose in my very first playthrough. IMO, it grants the best abilities in the long run. Gave up the shield in the process too.
I was always #TeamStaff in KH1. 10 years ago, I chose staff as my primary.You have done well, my friend. #TeamStaff welcomes you.
Everyone's basically all about #TeamShield for KH2 though, yeah?
I do and I don't. I love that system, but I also love getting Fira permanently upgraded to Firaga and stuff. You can grind up like 85% of the moveset REALLY early in BBS and it removes all feeling of progress.I'm just hoping that KHIII makes use of BBS and 3D's Command system. Imagine the insane moves they could pull off on a title designed for consoles.
Staff is no joke in Critical either since you get MP hastera right from the start. But even still Second Chance>>>>>anything else in the game.
But honestly I don't like spellcasting in KH2 nearly as much as in KH1 while not in drive mode or until at the very endgame. In Wisdom/Master/Final form tho I'll be spamming like crazy. And Wisdom form is my favourite! :3
I would day 0 that so hard.
Theathrythm KH when
Theathrythm KH when
Why has this not happened yet
Well, coming from my background in music in general, rather than working for multiple Square Enix projects specifically, licensing in the USA is a huge mess. I'm not too sure how the deal between Square Enix and Disney (Interactive) went but I can tell you that being able to cherry pick whatever Disney music they want to use in Kingdom Hearts isn't a negotiation outcome that happens often. Especially considering that Disney doesn't exactly have full rights to many of the theme songs for their features that are written by pop stars, either.
Of course, a hypothetical "Theathrythm KH" would obviously be no different than another spinoff KH game, though especially with Kingdom Hearts in the title. So it'd probably fall under the general umbrella of whatever initial deal went down. Whether the fact that the music is now the core focus of gameplay rather than an audio accompaniment or sweetener changes things, who knows.
On the other hand, KH2's framework allows for a bigger total moveset available at any given time (I.e. Without having to go re equip yourself).
The question is how to get things like Firaga Burst and Time Splicer and Mine Square and stuff integrated into the KH2 template or something like it.
Which reminds me, I still wonder if the reason for KH not getting digital releases is because of the music.
If I remember right the only Disney game that's ever gotten a digital release is Ducktales remastered. Might be corporate policy driving it.
I think - and this is to assume that KH3 won't use the Command Deck system - that something along the lines of the Command Style and Finisher systems from BBS could go a long way toward increasing move diversity. For example, filling up a bar with a lot of Firaga attacks could let you use Firaga Burst or Megaflare as a sort of climax move.
This sounds like a good way to bring in commands that wouldn't be possible with the classic command menu like Thunder Dash or Megaflare like you said. It would be cool if we could also choose which finisher we get from using attacks (Choosing either to activate Firaga Burst or Megaflare if you've used mostly firaga magic).
No way will attraction flow get its own special button. It's going to be a lot more like Reality Shift mixed a little bit with Reaction Commands (basically, a "cinematic set piece" function instead of a QTE function in accordance with the trends of the day). But Triangle does a lot more than just Reaction in KH2.
Yep. BBS allowed you to customize your normal finisher only (you couldn't pick the Command Style finishers) - something that allowed you to have a whole set of branching finishers for each style could be neat and would be a great way to have tons of move diversity, reward you for mixing it up intelligently in combat to get to your very best moves, *and* provide a good way to keep some of your most overpowered moves fairly well balanced by making sure you'd need to correctly combo up to them instead of just spamming a totally unstoppable deck like you can set up in BBS and DDD. It'd also provide a good way for Sora's power level to ramp up over the course of the game.
Will DDD HD ever come out? I honestly rule out that possibility since it came out on the 3DS, but one never knows.
Also, theaterythem KH would be one of the best things ever. Would really love that.
On the note of KH3, I really want to see a return of KH2's battle system with DDD's free flow. The deck system is nice and all, but the KH2 system is more fun.
Oh yeah, mysterious figure on Critical with terra is luck no? So if I did beat him with terra, does that mean I got lucky?
I agree. If they refined it though, it could work well. Unless it breaks the game ofcourse, in which I say "no thank you".FlowMotion is kind of garbage as implemented in DDD. I could imagine it being done well but it wasn't done well in DDD at all (can't cancel/combo in or out of it, completely ruins platforming/exploration, et cetera) and I wouldn't want that version of it to appear in a KH game again.
If there still was any doubt.newly recording Final Mix scenes
Meristation also briefly discusses Kingdom Hearts X[chi] with Yasue. Although he is not involved with the project, he states that there are no plans to bring the game over to the west at the moment* but the main storyline does connect to other titles and is considered canon.
Yasue mentions that Frozen has been a huge phenomenon in Japan long before the film released in theaters. If he had the opportunity to include a Frozen world in Kingdom Hearts, he imagines that the world would share similarities to the snow mountain in the Land of Dragons (Mulan) and incorporate musical elements like those used in Atlantica (The Little Mermaid).
When asked if there was anything in particular Yasue could add to the Kingdom Hearts series, it would be the inclusion of Star Wars and Marvel, as well as Pixar and old Disney films such as what was done with Timeless River.
He also would choose to put in new characters from Square Enix properties, in particular more characters from Final Fantasy VII.
Loveless. Heartless. It all
I just hope we get more VI characters... not Terra since that would only get confusing (I know she's Tina in Japan but for the West...).
Unfortunately, we're probably getting Lightning because the world is cruel.
Yasue mentions that Frozen has been a huge phenomenon in Japan long before the film released in theaters. If he had the opportunity to include a Frozen world in Kingdom Hearts, he imagines that the world would share similarities to the snow mountain in the Land of Dragons (Mulan) and incorporate musical elements like those used in Atlantica (The Little Mermaid).