preorder cancelled
Compare that to those friggin bullshots with perfect AA they released :lol.
I don't notice the aliasing that much, my TV hides it well though when it upscales stuff.
And holy moly that looks amazing, can't wait to see how 2.5 looks on my screen once I finally get it.
It REALLY need those last 3 battlesI missed out on the launch night stream
Seems like no one's archived it either yet. Ah well, guess i'll just have to wait for a proper one tomorrow. Re:codeds battle scenes look pretty neat judging from the Olympus Colosseum shots, still sad that Days missed out on that.
Yeah, it really did. Without that it kind of felt like the buildup to those three were all for nothing. There's still the Riku scenes before and after the battle but that's been retreaded for quite awhile. Besides that the Xion battles with all of her forms and Saix would make for great watching material. Ah well.
And just a thought but what if DDDHD were to include a KHChi console version? It certainly would make a repurchase slightly more enticing (especially if it has a KH3 demo aswell, that's three things)
Jesus fucking Christ at the KH2 trophy list. WHY!!!!???
Agreed.they've already talked about expanding the reach of [chi]. it would be the perfect place, honestly
Square-Enix out to make peopleJesus fucking Christ at the KH2 trophy list. WHY!!!!???
I know. I was hoping for dat lvl 1 challenge![]()
Square-Enix out to make peoplesuffer.not
I'm considering playing the game on critical during the first play through, but I really don't want to play the game on critical during my first play through. I want to enjoy myself 😔
This is not the kind of torture I'm into.
But critical is da best difficulty! Way less grinding for synth materials for one.
If you're lucky (and we're unlucky) they'll be non-stackable and you can do Proud mode first.
Yeah, but there doesn't seem to be item related achievements
Resolution seems to be exactly the same as 1.5 or something very close. So something like 900p or whatever it was. It was some weird ass resolution.
Craftsman - Collect all Synthesis Note entries in Jiminy's Journal.
Plus of course you'll be geared faster for dem post game bosses.
The actual image is 1920x1080, and the unadulterated jaggies lead me to believe that's the actual game reso, not upscaled. Unless there's some major shenanigans going on.
If it is Full HD that makes me even more confused why they ain't talking about the technical specs.Well, I don't see Square Enix themselves releasing a bullshot with no AA. ;p
If it is concider me impressed. IIRC didn't 1.5 actually have ''full hd res'' vertically/horizontally?
I'm wondering where it originated from myself, seemed like it popped up out of nowhere. It's definately not a emulated shot because the UI would much worse so it has to be a 2.5 shot.Where's the picture from then?
Because that's 100% rendered at 1080p. The solid black pixels between his left hand and pants are a dead giveaway of no aliasing from either AA or resizing/upscaling.
Internal resolutions (got from Debug PS3):
1440x810 @30fps + 2x MSAA / 1280 x 720 @30fps + 4x MSAA
If it is Full HD that makes me even more confused why they ain't talking about the technical specs.
If it is Full HD that makes me even more confused why they ain't talking about the technical specs.
キーブレードの勇者ソラが、ドナルド、グーフィーとともにディズニーのワールドを飛び回り、胸躍る冒険を繰り広げる大ヒットRPG「キングダム ハーツII」が、フルHDとなって蘇る
People would just bitch when they see no "x4 MSAA" at the end, even if it's impossible with the hardware.
Or no 60fps.
I don't think X/X-2 HD were shouted from the rooftops either, were they?
I wouldn't know. I don't follow japanese media or forums. However that does remind me of the E3 trailer of 1.5 where they did call the game Full HD :lol. I think it was just an accident tho rather than trying to misguide.well, Japanese sites like 4gamer have been saying it's Full HD for a while now
Nomura please, you've said multiple times you want to tell the story of Birth By Sleep Volume 2 and you had your chance with 2.5
Ah well, guess i'll move onto thehope it gets put in with DDDHD. I still wonder if it was originally a PSP, 3DS or Vita project that got canceled.grim
I still wonder if it was originally a PSP, 3DS or Vita project that got canceled.
i get the feeling to match the rule of 3 that the remasters have had so far, PLayable KHDDD, BBS Vol2, [chi] scenes?
Yeah true, it does sound like after the way he presented it as a evolution of the secret movies because it's playable, talks about her many expirences it seems like something he wants to tell in a playable form.It's clear then that he intends BBSv.2 to be playable in some form: cutting it into just a few short scenes tacked on as extras to some other game wouldn't be enough.
I suppose we might see it someday as a standalone DLC after KHIII's release. Kingdom Hearts: First Light, anyone?
Yeah the Vita would have quite logical and fit in as their first big title for the system before the Vita flop at the early stages of the systems life. Even now (after FFX/FFX-2 doing decent sales wise) they're not really bothering with more than mobile software ports for the system so it shows how much worth they see in it for software. It's a shame if that was the case.Personally I think it was supposed to be the first big SE Vita title made immediately after 3D. Then when Vita pretty much flopped SE just pulled all the support they had for Sony portables and Osaka went straight to KH3.
Yeah true, it does sound like after the way he presented it as a evolution of the secret movies because it's playable, talks about her many expirences it seems like something he wants to tell in a playable form.
I just can't think of another oppurtunity to do it without taking up more resources off of 3 than they need to. A First Light add-on post-release would actually work quite well though. Yeah the Vita would have quite logical and fit in as their first big title for the system before the Vita flop at the early stages of the systems life. Even now (after FFX/FFX-2 doing decent sales wise) they're not really bothering with more than mobile software ports for the system so it shows how much worth they see in it for software. It's a shame if that was the case.
Yea I hope they release some chi scenes in DDD HD remaster or KH3.
Nomura's recent interview seems to imply chi is quite important part of the story and I don't want to play chi...