Dat gummi music.
Marry me Falk.
I didn't do that one
Just to clarify, VGO recorded all the strings, plus horns, a smattering of choir, and some percussion. Aside from/after those sessions, I subsequently was personally involved with mixing/synth op on ~1/3 of the soundtrack which had a significant overlap with the stuff we recorded, but isn't 1:1 (since the string recordings were much more than 1/3 of the soundtrack. Also I ended up doing some of the stuff we didn't record anything for just to keep production style consistent in a given Disney world for example)
The rest of the was handled by Square Enix's internal sound team led by Keiji Kawamori (who is the baddest of bad asses btw!)
So all that just to say you should give props to Square Enix sound team for 2/3 of the stuff you hear. Credit where credit is due ;p
Our 1/3 tended to be more towards the boss battles. I'll gladly go ahead and bask in your manlove for those. :V