Only 85k...and 40~60% sold....
yea it's pretty bad. I wonder why..
Because it didn't contain KH1 obviously!
Honestly I dunno what made it such a big drop compared to 1.5. The audience certainly shouldn't be on PS4 in masses over there.
Who knows, maybe they really SHOULD have made that Vita port :lol.
But the thing really is, the japanese sales for this isn't THAT bad when you think about what will probably happen in the west. West plays a huge part on KH sales, especially the console ones. Now imagine that they are releasing it as a PS3 exclusive IN DECEMBER 2014! The console is basically fuckin dead in America at that point. Europe is a bit better but even here we are having the next gen adoption full force. ES FUCKIN SPECIALLY SINCE THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS AT THE SAME TIME AS YOUR FUCKIN GAME WHERE DA PS4 VERSION SE?
I remember when the game was announced as PS3 only and some people were like ''Japan''/''they want the whole series on one console'' (I never understood what sense this made since KH3 is next gen only). Well Japan didn't buy it and they crippled it overseas. Now to be honest I do not know how a possible PS4+PS3 (hell, maybe even XBO) version development would have affected the team doing it. Maybe they should have outsourced the project, who knows.
Of course it's still perfectly salvageable if people are still interested in a later PS4 port. There seems to be quite a few people on GAF saying stuff like ''waiting for the PS4 ultra collection'' ect. so hopefully there is a sizeable audience that they have not tapped with the PS3 release.
You can't really even compare it to something like Zesteria since that won't be much of a release for mainstream western gamers. KH is one of those rare JRPG games that have some clout with more casual market.