Finished Birth by Sleep FM today! Going to watch Re:Coded then start with each game's post-game content. I might as well do a full impressions post while I'm still in the mood and have the game(s) fresh in my mind.
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
While it's definitely the main star of this collection, there's not much (outside of the OST and HD, obviously) in the way of improvements for KHIIFM. But that has more to do with the fact that KHIIFM is already a pretty damn good game as is. Would 60FPS have been a nice thing to have? Yeah, sure, but the game still plays just as great as it always did at 30.
The texture glitches on the other hand, definitely need to be addressed, along with the freezing issues, though they seem much less frequently reported. My biggest issue however, is the loading. It seems like loading takes slightly longer, and the loading for drive forms takes longer than it did on PS2, and actually negatively affects gameplay because time doesn't stop during the transformation. (Unlike Command Styles in BBS) It can be circumvented by pause buffering (Pausing at the start of the transformation, waiting about two seconds, and un-pausing, making it load a little faster), though.
Those issues aside, it's still a pretty great (and great looking) port, and I'm looking forward to the English release.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix
KHIIFM may be the main attraction, but Birth by Sleep Final Mix is the game that intrigued me the most in the collection, not just because it's a fantastic game, but because the jump from PSP to PS3 means that it should see some substantial technical improvements, just by virtue of the fact that it's on more powerful hardware. Now, while I wouldn't use the word "substantial", there's definitely some tangible improvements to the game:
The frame rate stays at 30 FPS far, far more consistently now. Anyone with experience playing the PSP version knows that there are numerous portions of the game where the frame rate will dip or even turn into a complete slideshow because so much is going on at once. While framerate dips haven't been entirely eliminated, the vast majority of the notable ones have been smoothed out. Some notable examples:
* The very first light orb battle in Land of Departure runs a lot smoother.
* Mad Treant's bomb attack no longer slows the game down to a crawl anymore.
* Maleficent's castle in Enchanted Dominion had a noticeably lower framerate that the rest of the world in the PSP version. It runs far smoother for both characters this time around.
* The Trinity Armor fight in Radiant Garden runs much smoother now.
* The main hub area of Disney Town use to run a bit choppy. It's also fixed now.
* Mirage Arena battles seem to generally run a lot smoother now.
* Braig II's desperation attack doesn't cause slowdown anymore
* (Possessed) Zack's Hero's Pride (The Omnislash-esque attack) no longer slows down the game, making it slightly easier to evade.
*The Vanitas Remnant battle is more or less devoid of frame drops
Haven't fought Mysterious Figure yet, but I'd be surprised if a lot of the slowdown was still present. There are a handful of places where framedrops are still apparent (Final phase of the Secret Episode boss, any fight against a horde of those UFO Unversed), but for the most part, it's been improved throughout a good portion of the game. Command scrolling being available on the shoulder triggers feel a lot more intuitive than the D-Pad (Though the option is still there for those that want it)
I did notice a bit of screen tearing, but for some reason, it seemed almost exclusive to the Last Episode. Never saw it anywhere else during the game.
I messed around a bit with Level 1 Critical in Terra's story up until Braig, and the rebalancing definitely makes things a lot more enjoyable, particularly boss fights. You still have to rely on Ignite and Poison for those mandatory Unversed encounters, but considering enemies don't have much health in BBS, and you have a wealth of defensive options for each character, it seems like it'll be far less tedious this time around. Sadly, Aqua's battle level wasn't adjusted to give her more viable enemy levels, so post-game grinding with her is still a bit of a drag.
Load times are more or less comparable to the PSP version when there's no data installed, though like Drive Forms in KHIIFM HD, D-Links seem to take longer than usual to load. Thankfully, it's not as big of an issue here since time stops when linking. (Plus, you can pause buffer it as well)
With all of that being said, I paid $80 or so for this, and I still feel like I got my money's worth. $40 for great ports of the two most content packed entries in the series is a fucking steal.
Edit: Rhythm Mixer is still broken as all hell, but now the only way to get it is by completing the sticker album since the save file bonuses from the PSP version aren't a thing anymore.