The 2.5 launch event had some gameplay as well but nothing amazing, no idea why they didn't put it up on YouTube. Squares having a big e3 apparently so we may still see kh3.
The thing that worries me is that SE is able to have a E3 presser easily without KH at all. Hitman+Deus Ex+Tomb Raider+FFXV+Dragon Quest Heroes+Bravely Second ect. is already more than enough.
Not certainly impossible of KH3 beign there tho. Just pure speculation on my part but I think KH3 appearing will be a good meter how the development is going. If the development is going smoothly I can't see no reason for it not to be there, especially after such a long no show. Not a developer so it's hard to say exactly how hard the UE4 change hit the development.
And Shenmue 3 obv