Napalm_Frank presents: Neogaf KH community EXCLUSIVE REVIEW:
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories Trophy list!
So I finally platinumed the game and it was easily the worst platinum I have done thus far (and probably in the future too), no contest. And hell, I had 2+ years to do it. I'm not a huge trophy nut but I do like to platinum/100% the games I like unless it's something totally ridicilous. Even before 1.5 released I knew I ''had'' to get all the trophies for the series. 1, 2 and BBS were no problem really despite 1 requiring 3 separate runs (I actually liked to speedrun the game, didn't hate a single trophy but then again I'm a KH1 freak) and a bit of minigame grinding in BBS. They were fine and I enjoyed my time platinuming them.
Not so much Re:CoM. It was a fuckin slog and I'm one of those dudes who actually like both CoM games. Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty have joked before that companies should hire trophy consultants to check their trophy lists just in case of stinkers like Re:CoM.
Now, there are tons of games with horrible trophies in them but there are 2 reasons why I thought I needed to bring this up specifically.
1: The remaster was done by Osaka, perhaps including even same people that worked on the original. This was their first KH game so they should have known what they were doing.
2: This has to be the only game in 2013+ where the trophy support was heavily used in marketing. Like it was supposed to be a big deal. Welcome to 2009 or whatever. If you do that at least have some standards designing your trophies.
So let's check out the trophies. I'll skip all the story related ones since they make total sense and are completely harmless. Other trophies that are harmless or actually good include all the minigame ones (makes sense and they are not bad), all sleights/max AP (makes sense/whatever), journal entries and other stuff you most likely get on a normal playtrough ect.
The only one that I'm torn on is Card Master Sora where you need to collect all the cards. The enemy cards are a fuckin grind with horrible drop rates... but it makes perfect sense to have this trophy. Platinum should always require some sort of mastery or completionist element to it and despite being really annoying I'll have to give it a pass. It's more about the game desing than throphy design.
That said let's dive right in to the bad stuff.
First off the difficulty trophies not stacking. Big problem right at the beginning. CoM is not a game that is fun for repeated playtroughs. And the game is terrible for speedrunning, lot's of loading, menus, boring rooms, RNG for room cards. All they needed to have is stackable trophies for this and we would have been off to a good start.
Second, the no deaths trophy. This one is kinda bad but relatively harmless in context of having to beat it on beginner anyway. The game has save points available pretty much any time you'd need them and death on beginner is a rare occurence anyway. Still on a game that you can just savescum it and that takes multiple hours to complete it's just a stupid thing to have. All it does is make you reload a save instead of using continue. This trophy serves only to annoy people and make no difference when it comes to the gameplay.
Third, the synthesize 300 rooms trophy. This serves no fuckin purpose other than add another pointless grind. Now when you reach level 99 you probably are very close to getting it anyway and you can easily just go back and forth two rooms to get it but there is no fuckin reason to have this trophy at all. Totally pointless.
Fourth, edit a deck 500 times. Another what the fuck trophy. There is NO WAY anybody in this planet is going to do this naturally. Another pointless ''grind'' cause we didn't have enough. Like, 500? Who the hell thought that would be a good number. Totally pointless garbage.
Fifth, the worst offender, level 99 for both characters. Holy shit this was a terrible grind considering I started it just after finally collecting all the cards. The biggest two reasons this is bullshit are that the leveling is pretty slow in this game and that the levels serve no purpose at all after like, 65 or something for Sora and 45 for Riku. There is zero content in the game that requires you to level up after you have beaten the final bosses. In the other games at least the leveling was way faster and served the purpose of powering your character for additional content. Without having podcasts ect. to listen to while doing this I would have abandoned it. Card Master was the only grind this game needed since at least having a complete set of the cards is a fitting goal. High levels serve no purpose whatsoever, you don't even get any cool shit for it.
Final Verdict for Re:CoM trophy list is 358/2 out of 1. Huge respect to Seda and whoever else had the patience to do it when it released.