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Kingdom Hearts Community Thread: Now everybody can be a Keyblade Wielder!


I thought it was higher, given the 5 Absent Silhouette fights, the Roxas fight, the Lingering Will fight, and all 13 Data Battles. It's been years since I had a save game for it though.

The data battles just give you items. I think the nobody cage match before the garden of remembrance gives something.though. Not sure what the other two bonuses come from. One of them might be for Limit Form.

The game seems to give you many more AP boosts than I remember.
Is Chain of Memories worth playing?

I'd say if you are interested in the lore try it out for a few worlds. You know very quickly if the game is for you.

That is impossible question to really answer since CoM is one of othe most divisive games I know. Some can't stand it and some like it. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground tho there ain't too many who REALLY love it either.
Is Chain of Memories worth playing?

Play Re: Chain of Memories if you do, not the GBA game. But I think it's pretty neat. It's definitely way grindier than most KH games, though, at least if you want to get a deck that's good for defeating bosses.

One major piece of advice I have for you is to set up one deck for bosses and one deck for going up against ordinary mobs, and make the one for tackling ordinary mobs one in which you pretty much just fire off Sleight after Sleight (Sleights are three-card combos). Regular enemies tend not to have 0 cards, so Sleights with values above 9 are totally unblockable to them almost all of the time, meaning you can pretty much wipe the floor with most encounters pretty quickly once you get used to it (and *that* makes it a lot less frustrating to level up or hunt around for better cards).


Just beat Marluxia's Silhouette (But not Larxene still. Eurgh) His most deadly attack is definitely the floor poison + flower cage combo. The attacks themselves aren't so bad if you can figure out the timing, but if you don't reflect the flower cage just right (Cast reflect twice once the flower cloud gets thick) you'll end up letting Marluxia get his scythe combo off and probably push you into the kill zone.

I did the absent silhouettes late in the game previously after I got second chance, so I bulldozed them the first time around. It's amazing how much you miss it once it's gone.
Going with the Shield in KH2 is so much better than everything else (since endgame stats aren't really affected, it's all about the order in which you learn abilities, and it pretty much knocks the pants off the other two in that regard). Once More/Second Chance is the biggest part of that, but it doesn't really lag that badly on any abilities except for maybe Lucky Lucky and Finisher Plus.


Going with the Shield in KH2 is so much better than everything else (since endgame stats aren't really affected, it's all about the order in which you learn abilities, and it pretty much knocks the pants off the other two in that regard). Once More/Second Chance is the biggest part of that, but it doesn't really lag that badly on any abilities except for maybe Lucky Lucky and Finisher Plus.

Indeed. Shield's only real drawback is the inability to learn negative combo until level 73 and berserk charge until level 85, which makes some of the mushrooms impossible until then.
In the final mix the Lucky Lucky upgrade tied to Sora's level was moved to Limit form's level up skills, so the other branches don't even have that advantage anymore. I don't remember the last time character builds were this badly balanced.

I'm attempting to grind for some of the materials to make draw and Lucky rings, but the bright stones are proving to be elusive for some reason. How annoying.

Gun Animal

I'd say if you are interested in the lore try it out for a few worlds. You know very quickly if the game is for you.

That is impossible question to really answer since CoM is one of othe most divisive games I know. Some can't stand it and some like it. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground tho there ain't too many who REALLY love it either.

I'd say I'm firmly in the middle ground in that I really liked Reverse/Rebirth, because it trimmed a lot of the potential fat by removing all non-essential characters, and I found Riku's campaign to be very compelling, but I felt that Sora's campaign took far too long to finish and felt mostly like a retread of KH1 with a somewhat more involved combat system. I'm glad I played it once for the story, but I can't imagine ever playing it again.

However, I would say that if you don't want to invest 40 hours into playing both campaigns JUST to find out what happened between KH1 and KH2, just watch the cutscenes on youtube.

edit: in response to badcrumble's deck advice, my advice is to, once you have the cards for it, make a deck with all the number 0 keyblade cards you have in front, and then whatever Wind, Fire, Cure, Thunder and Blizzard cards (in that order) you can fit into your deck. Also include at least one mega-ether (highest number possible) to restore any magic cards you lose doing lvl 3 magic sleights. The reason I suggest this is because lvl 3 magic sleights (specifically wind and thunder) are the most efficient way to clear out a regular enemy encounter, and all the magic sleights listed are the most effective way to do damage to bosses (especially Nobodies) because they do damage so quickly that there's no risk of your sleight being broken by a 0 card. The lvl 0 keyblade cards are just to break enemy sleights. Keep in mind that some bosses are immune to certain damage types, but Wind deals damage to pretty much everyone and you can always rely on it. Also, dumbo and cloud's summon cards are good for clearing rooms early on, but later on summon cards become very unreliable because of the amount of time they take to do damage.
Can somebody explain why Xigbar is in the infamous XIV jif :d



Repunzel and Anna better be in KH3

Hopefully they both get their own worlds, but I'll settle for them just being in it.


The story kinda fell apart during that big clash in the Hollow Bastion, by the way (after you get back from cyberspace). The dialogue doesn't make much sense (especially the scenes with King Mickey, they just don't seem to be asking each other the right questions) and the whole scene with Axel and that other Org XIII dude is just all kinds of nonsensical ("Got it memorized?"). The story was rather coherent up to that point, what happened?

Gun Animal

Repunzel and Anna better be in KH3

Hopefully they both get their own worlds, but I'll settle for them just being in it.

It would be crazy if they didn't each get worlds, considering how similar Disney's new CG art style is to Kingdom Hearts, and considering the locational variety they would provide.
Yesterday I got a fever of Kingdom Hearts after watching Frozen. From level 50 to level 90 in 1 go. Defeated Kurt Ziza, Phantom, Ice Titan, Sephirot and Unknown. I´m more close to get Platinum!!

Also, I read that KH x is playable in english or I´m mistaken???


I beat the rest of the Silhouettes.

Larxene is still seriously annoying, but much more manageable considering I had higher stats. The turbine attack is the only major threat once you've got her patterns down and have a good way to restore MP. She'll be...interesting if I ever decide to do a lvl. 1 run.

Lexaeus was scary, but surprisingly simple. His attacks have massive power and range that only get stronger as the battle goes on, that said his attacks tend to have huge telegraphs that make them relatively easy to counter. Being able to tell how he swings his weapon when he uses a move is probably the most important part. If you can manage to block his ground-scraping swing you can use a reaction command to snag an opening.

Vexen, despite being the last was similarly straightforward. The only major snag with Vexen's battle is that your chance of success is inversely proportional to how quickly you allow him to gather data. Once the data bar fills the third time, things become a nightmare since he starts using deadly area-of-effect attacks. The fight is mostly about being patient and attempting to keep a distance between Vexen and the data reticule. (side note, when snowflakes start blowing across the screen use reflect and move away from the data circle ASAP.)

I've moved on to trying to fight Sephiroth ( I'm currently at level 55 and I've died about 130 times now.) The fight is incredibly aggravating because of that damned Shadow Flare. nearly 2/3rds of my deaths have been caused directly or indirectly by that wretched attack, since he uses it in combination with nearly all of his other moves. (Most of the other deaths were badly timed item healing or dodging.) I've gotten him down to about 2 HP bars, so I feel like I'm close to killing him at least.

Limit form is a lifesaver in the fight since going into it restores HP, and the Strike Raid limit gives you invincibility frames as well as healing, which is nice when he tries to get the jump on you with Heartless angel (keep in mind that if the spell goes off your HP and magic are still going to be drained) or firaga wall.The only bad part about limit form is how much MP it can drain, I've lost a few times because I forgot to conserve MP and couldn't reflect/cure a few of his attacks. Hopefully I can beat him today (School just started so my freetime is about to go down the toilet.)

The story kinda fell apart during that big clash in the Hollow Bastion, by the way (after you get back from cyberspace). The dialogue doesn't make much sense (especially the scenes with King Mickey, they just don't seem to be asking each other the right questions) and the whole scene with Axel and that other Org XIII dude is just all kinds of nonsensical ("Got it memorized?"). The story was rather coherent up to that point, what happened?

The game just pulled a massive infodump on you. They literally set up the main conflict and performed a massive retcon within the space of 20 minutes. (
The Ansem from the first game was the heartless of a fraud
, Orgy XIII is collecting hearts to create their own Kingdom Hearts and Sora and friends have to stop them, and mementos of Roxas are given from seemingly nowhere.) The plot gets its shit together towards the end, but that section of the game threw a lot of people for a loop.
Both Lexaeus and Sephiroth can be looped if you do it right, altough I can only loop Seph because I have way more experience on him than datas.

Fighting Sephiroth at lv36 and then lv1 has got to be one of the best KH moments for me.
An important thing to remember in KH2 if you're using Berserk Charge (or just lots of Combo Plus and can't get a full combo in) is that bosses can only be killed by finishing attacks, but all magic attacks (even though magic is based on a one-two-finisher rhythm as well) count as finishers. If you've got a boss down to 1 HP but they're being too aggressive to let you get a full combo finisher attack in, a simple Thunder spell is the fastest way to end it.
Looking at some videos of KH2FM on the PCX2S(or whatever its called, the emulator) and goddamn this game was beautiful.

The visual effects are particularly impressive


The visual effects are particularly impressive
Although I have to admit that there was a bit too much "sparkle sparkle" sometimes :D
But yeah, the game looks great. I can't wait for the HD Version to be released.

I wouldn't equip too many Combo Plus. Espacially for boss-fights.
One to two Combo Pluses is the sweet spot, only one to be on the safe side. Anything more than that and you risk a counterattack. Also, if you're using Charge Berserk, you're doing it wrong.


I finally beat Sephiroth. Only took 10 tries once I realized using only 1 finisher made Seph do his horizontal combo as opposed to his vertical slash, and I made sure to keep my distance so I couldn't be surprised by firaga wall.

I've just been gathering synthesis materials to make the absent silhouette accessories.

I tried Larxene's and Lexaeus's data battles for kicks. Lexaeus's I managed to get a third of the way through, so I'm pretty confident I can do it now, but Larxene's.... uhh....
I've haven't had any problems using 2 combo plus upgrades. I generally don't upgrade it further considering how much damage more finishers do. I prefer to get them in as soon as I can.

An important thing to remember in KH2 if you're using Berserk Charge (or just lots of Combo Plus and can't get a full combo in) is that bosses can only be killed by finishing attacks, but all magic attacks (even though magic is based on a one-two-finisher rhythm as well) count as finishers. If you've got a boss down to 1 HP but they're being too aggressive to let you get a full combo finisher attack in, a simple Thunder spell is the fastest way to end it.

Horizontal slash counts as a finisher IIRC. That said, considering that you have to deplete your MP to use it Berserk charge doesn't have any real applications to actual boss fights.
One to two Combo Pluses is the sweet spot, only one to be on the safe side. Anything more than that and you risk a counterattack. Also, if you're using Charge Berserk, you're doing it wrong.

It's occasionally handy for certain enemies you can basically stunlock. Sephiroth, for example, as long as you're good at the air recovery + immediate attack to get him back into stun, you can string together a ridiculous number of hits on him in a row.
Did KH3D have multiple finishing moves as well?

I forget.
Yes. One for Riku and one for Sora. lol.

Well I hope KH3 goes back to multiple finishing moves for a single character.

I expect that it will, honestly. It's pretty standard in KH1, KH2, and BBS. I'd be very surprised if it didn't happen. Will it be as flashy or as involved as some of the Birth By Sleep finishers, though? I doubt it.

But yeah, some of the Finisher Plus shenanigans you can get up to in KH2 are great fun (and really made me wish that Finisher Plus existed in KH1FM).
It's occasionally handy for certain enemies you can basically stunlock. Sephiroth, for example, as long as you're good at the air recovery + immediate attack to get him back into stun, you can string together a ridiculous number of hits on him in a row.
That's unsafe if you don't have Second Chance, and and Explosion with Holy Pumpkin + the Combo Up abilities is so ridiculously strong that it's not worth the risk.
That's unsafe if you don't have Second Chance, and and Explosion with Holy Pumpkin + the Combo Up abilities is so ridiculously strong that it's not worth the risk.

Well, that's true, yeah.

I don't find it unsafe at all, though - Sephiroth's air-combo-interrupting teleport slash is extraordinarily easy to counter.
Well, that's true, yeah.

I don't find it unsafe at all, though - Sephiroth's air-combo-interrupting teleport slash is extraordinarily easy to counter.
I never managed to evade that. How do you do it?
I always try to stay on the ground at all times because of those teleports. I lost count of how many times I got hit by that.
I never managed to evade that. How do you do it?
I always try to stay on the ground at all times because of those teleports. I lost count of how many times I got hit by that.
He generally just smacks you once, then teleports to combo you a bunch. In the time it takes him to teleport, you can Air Recover and then hit attack and you'll pretty much interrupt him and get to start another of your own air combos. That move you eventually learn that lets you air recover AND attack an enemy using Square makes the timing a bit easier.
He generally just smacks you once, then teleports to combo you a bunch. In the time it takes him to teleport, you can Air Recover and then hit attack and you'll pretty much interrupt him and get to start another of your own air combos. That move you eventually learn that lets you air recover AND attack an enemy using Square makes the timing a bit easier.
Ah, you let him hit you once. I was thinking that there was a way of not getting hit at all, because it might be OHKO depending on the level and difficulty.
Ah, you let him hit you once. I was thinking that there was a way of not getting hit at all, because it might be OHKO depending on the level and difficulty.

If I recall correctly, it's a single very-low-damage hit that serves mostly to interrupt you and to tee you up for his actual damaging combo. If you were doing a level 1 Critical run, it would be an issue, but otherwise it ought to be pretty mild.


He generally just smacks you once, then teleports to combo you a bunch. In the time it takes him to teleport, you can Air Recover and then hit attack and you'll pretty much interrupt him and get to start another of your own air combos. That move you eventually learn that lets you air recover AND attack an enemy using Square makes the timing a bit easier.

I abused that move so much. SO MUCH. Extra Air Combos means you can keep it going for awhile. Very satisfying attack to unleash when you get knocked into/out of the air.


Almost done with Item synthesis forever. The amount of items you can snag with all 14 lucky luckys available is absolutely hilarious. The most important question is: 4x MP rage off of Shade Archive+ or the 4x MP haste on Full Bloom+?

I've beaten all of the Data replicas.(I'm currently in the mid seventies)

Marluxia is by far the easiest at high levels, and I've been using him to farm Lost Illusions. I didn't know the Doom counter was scaled to your level until now. (I was wondering why the devs would give you 73 hits until I realized that.).

Lexaeus was a bit harder but he was mostly very predictable. Once I got my act together he went down quickly.

Zexion was frustrating. He pulls so much bullshit during the fight I wanted to pull my hair out. It wasn't that bad when I did it at level 99 with a good load of defense ups, but when Zexy can kill you in a few hits it becomes absolutely infuriating. He also likes to trap you in a book the moment you get stuck in his illusion. Reflect until he closes the book and be aware of where he is at all times. Screw the books and screw those deathtraps the game calls "reaction commands". Funny that my favorite Org. member is such a pain.

Saix's battle, like Lexaeus's was pretty simple. The only bad part about the fight is how unbelievably long it can go on if you haven't nailed how to counter his attacks. At one point I couldn't get a hit in for nearly 4 minutes. (I kept forgetting that I had reflect so that I could make an opening. >__>;)

Xigbar was a little tricky because it's a bit hard to nail down the timing for blocks. Aside from some frustrating deaths from his blue bullets he wasn't too bad.

Luxord's was a cakewalk... except for that wretched "Do You Know the Rules?" variant he whips out at the end. The timing for the final command slot is extremely frustrating and that stupid attack was the only reason I died more than 3 times.

Axel is hard for me to really evaluate. His attacks are simple to counter, but since the burning floor reduces you to 1HP (if you even have the proper abilities) you basically can't miss a beat with your blocks or he'll kill you. If you can, heal after using the overtaker reaction command and start attacking Axel ASAP. The arena is tiny so it's hard to heal safely otherwise.

Xaldin's was predictably infuriating. If you had trouble with regular Xaldin this is going to hurt. His two primary attacks (lance stab and lance sweep) aren't too bad, but when he starts busting out the teleportation and wind dancing in combination with all of his other moves things turn into a mess. Xaldin has Aeroga and is all too happy to try and teleport on top of you. A bit of advice: Be careful about trying to combo him because Xaldin can seemingly get back up whenever he damn well pleases and reactivate aeroga on you. If it looks like he's able to move don't chance a combo, just wait for another opportunity to use learn. Getting scraped at 1 HP by Aeroga and the teleportation attack made up the vast majority of my deaths.

Vexen was simultaneously easy and extremely difficult at the same time. I cheesed the first half of the fight with Final Form though. Vexen's shield regeneration in this fight is insane (you have less than a second after it breaks to start hitting him.) so if you can't get a good opening to break the shield and start a combo on him Vexen is going to be extremely difficult to KO unless you just smack at him from the get-go using Final Form. Vexen (Vexen himself, his shield is immune to magic) has a very exploitable weakness to fire that should be taken advantage of as much as possible. Fire spells are also helpful with deterring the anti-forms. Once Vexen hits about 1/2-1/3rd of his HP, he should start generating an array of ice chunks to smack you around with. Be mindful of them and block/heal until he lets up. I don't think he generates any more anti-soras afterward but don't take my word on that. Pack as many ethers and elixirs as you can and put them on shortcuts so you can keep healing and spamming firaga. Firaga should stun him repeatedly and do a massive amount of damage. (Going into Final Form with all the form boost abilities available let me cut off at least half of his HP.) The anti forms were what gave me the most trouble until I realized that blocking their initial blow opened them up for a combo. The fight tends to either go smoothly or turn into a trainwreck.

Larxene was surprisingly staightforward as far as strategy goes, once the surprise opening attack is out of the way. Having glide and limit form makes the fight a lot easier since you have more defensive and evasive tools. Glide can let you evade her turbine beam and the thunderbolts along with it if you're good at circling around. Reflect, as always, is invaluable and lets you survive most of her assaults intact. Bring some ethers/ elixirs though, since she can tear you a new one if you're caught with your pants down. Limit form outright trivializes the fight (Which is hard, but doable otherwise). The absolutely insane amount of damage her combos do means your MP regeneration is absurd and gives you an effectively infinite MP pool provided you use your limits judiciously. Since you can hit any of Larxene's duplicates at the same time, Strike Raid can take tremendous amounts off her HP

Roxas is a complete nightmare, since he's extremely fast and has extremely short telegraphs, as well as those stupid light beams, flying strike raids and duel attack that requires either luck or exceptional reflexes. I had to cheese this with Limit form. I'll try him legit later.

Demyx was surprisingly easy since I remembered what to do (Fill ALL of your item slots with ethers and elixirs, even Donald's and Goofy's, equip the items, Firaga and Curaga to your shortcuts. Get the setup together before heading into the Garden of Assemblage for convenience.) As has been mentioned before, go into Wisdom form and spam firaga. The water clones die instantly to fire and Demyx takes massive damage from it. If you're lucky you'll be able to pin Demyx against a wall so you can kill all the water clones he sends out instantly. I'm going to do another run against him after I finish off Xemnas to see if beating him on my 2nd try wasn't a fluke.

Xemnas broke me. While the First battle isn't exceptionally difficult, the fact that it's very long and is followed up by a far harder 2nd one proved too much. I caved and used 10 or so Defense ups in order to survive his attacks. In the first phase Xemnas acts like an MK Walker (an AI enemy that waits for you to make a move as opposed to rushing in to attack all the time.) The timing for dodging his regular blade strikes is a tinge weird and often doesn't leave you time to hit him afterwards. The basic attacks he uses also don't obey One More and can get you killed if you're not careful. Xemnas also likes to go on a Sith ballerina rampage at random times (though I noticed it often happens after one of his basic combos is finished.) He's got a normal super-combo that requires 5-6 blocks, and one that darkens the screen that requires 6-7 blocks. Xemnas usually lets you run away to heal, so even if you do badly you're not too likely to get killed unless he unexpectedly pulls out the super combos.

The second phase is much nastier for several reasons. Xemnas loves projectile spamming and at any moment in the fight you will be under assault by either his electric spheres, nobody thorns or his lasers. The nobody thorn attacks come out fast and basically demand that you abuse the triangle button. The spheres are dangerous and very annoying, but if you roll into Xemnas right before he fires the spheres, you can get a few hits in. Glide helps you a lot when it comes to closing in. Reflect takes care of the bullets for the most part (though I've been killed a few times by stray rounds.) "Can You Spare...A Heart?" is probably his most aggravating move, if you aren't prepared and aren't at full HP you're basically guaranteed to die. At the very least you can reflect/ leaf brace the attack to prevent it from connecting, and Riku's Dark Firaga lets you keep the Xemnas doppleganger at bay while you close in to stop the move, but nothing is more infuriating than getting hit with it at low HP. Having a large supply of elixirs for yourself and Riku is a lifesaver.

For me the difficulty goes in this order (provided you're playing regular critical): Marluxia<Demyx<Saix<Lexaeus<Larxene<Xigbar<Axel<Luxord<Vexen<Zexion<Xaldin<Roxas= Xemnas
Around this point last year we already had 1.5 release date (J) and artwork revealed.

Don't do dis to me SE ;-;

I bet it's that pesky X HD that is keeping the hypetrain down!


All the data replicas down, just the mushrooms and the big man himself to go. I updated my post above with impressions on all of them.

Around this point last year we already had 1.5 release date (J) and artwork revealed.

Don't do dis to me SE ;-;

I bet it's that pesky X HD that is keeping the hypetrain down!

I imagine that 2.5 is proving a bit more difficult to port and debug than 1 is. Birth by Sleep, being a multiplayer-capable PSP game is probably posing problems (or at least an extensive retexturing job) for them. We should see a bit more on it soon though. Is KH usually featured in Famitsu?
I recall impressions saying that Kingdom Hearts 2 was already up and running quite well (and didn't the team say they were having an easier time adapting it?).

But yeah, Birth By Sleep might take a tad more work (though it already runs at 16x9 instead of 4x3, I think, so that much helps). The menu and UI elements are all REALLY low-res and so are a lot of the textures.

Cutting out the multiplayer elements shouldn't be TOO tricky, though, I think. I guess it depends on how seriously they want to revamp the Mirage Arena. For example, they could do away with the thing where it's armor-only (since the purpose of that is for multiplayer) and let you actually play with the Terra/Aqua/Ventus model while you're there. Also, some of the assorted abilities that really only affect multiplayer (like the group-heal abilities you can purchase at the Mirage Arena) will just get removed from the game because they'll be functionally no different from Cure spells. But yeah, that'll take some actual development work, and I could see them rebalancing some of the tougher Mirage Arena enemies because there's no longer any way to fight them with multiple characters at once as they were intended to be fought.


I recall impressions saying that Kingdom Hearts 2 was already up and running quite well (and didn't the team say they were having an easier time adapting it?).

But yeah, Birth By Sleep might take a tad more work (though it already runs at 16x9 instead of 4x3, I think, so that much helps). The menu and UI elements are all REALLY low-res and so are a lot of the textures.

Cutting out the multiplayer elements shouldn't be TOO tricky, though, I think. I guess it depends on how seriously they want to revamp the Mirage Arena. For example, they could do away with the thing where it's armor-only (since the purpose of that is for multiplayer) and let you actually play with the Terra/Aqua/Ventus model while you're there. Also, some of the assorted abilities that really only affect multiplayer (like the group-heal abilities you can purchase at the Mirage Arena) will just get removed from the game because they'll be functionally no different from Cure spells. But yeah, that'll take some actual development work, and I could see them rebalancing some of the tougher Mirage Arena enemies because there's no longer any way to fight them with multiple characters at once as they were intended to be fought.

Did they actually confirm whether or not the Multiplayer features would be cut?
Did they actually confirm whether or not the Multiplayer features would be cut?

I think it'll be a lot of work to cut them/tweak them to be SP-only, but it'd be even more work to keep supporting them, no? It's got to be one or the other. Leaving in references to multiplayer modes you don't have access to would be incredibly unpolished and embarrassing.


I think it'll be a lot of work to cut them/tweak them to be SP-only, but it'd be even more work to keep supporting them, no? It's got to be one or the other. Leaving in references to multiplayer modes you don't have access to would be incredibly unpolished and embarrassing.

This is Square we're talking about. (See:FF XIV 1.0)

In all seriousness, I agree it's likely that they'll strip the multiplayer, but considering how weird they can be at times I don't count it out completely.
This is Square we're talking about.

In all seriousness, I agree it's likely that they'll strip the multiplayer, but considering how weird they can be at times I don't count it out completely.

I don't think they'll do anything as hilariously awful as cutting the Mirage Arena out of the game entirely, of course. At a base level, they'll just need to tweak some of the Medal Shop rewards (taking out all of the Friendship Commands), probably remove the Rumble Racing and Command Board stuff from the Mirage Arena (since there'll be no need to do those all over again in that space), and alter some of the language so that there's no reference to multiplayer.
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