Terra and the Mushrooms are down.
I'm not going to do a breakdown of the Mushrooms, but I will list what you need to clear all of their games (this is more of a quick reference post in case somebody inevitably asks about it once 2.5 comes out.) :
Maxed Wisdom Form
Maxed Master Form
Maxed Final form
Negative combo
Finishing plus x2 or Finishing Plus and Rumbling Rose
Combo Master
Fatal Crest or Berserk charge
Mushroom number 8 is the only one that gave me any sizeable amount of grief. It feels like the game just decides to let him fly off randomly. The best advice I can give is to avoid using the X/O attack towards the end and use horizontal slash instead. If the mushroom flies off at the 60+ mark it's basically guaranteed to hit the ground, and the regular keyblade strikes are more likely to send it flying than the horizontal slash is.
Terra is hard for me to judge conclusively. Beating him this go-around only took me about 30-40 tries (The first time took over 100), I remembered a lot of the moves he used, so I had a good idea of how to counter most of them. When I won I realized he hadn't used two of his most deadly attacks: The command roulette bow and the Magic Seal. Both of them are indeed avoidable, but I have an extremely hard time actually nailing down the counters for them. The timing on the bow shots is really weird so I think I only ever managed to dodge all 4 shots once, and the telegraph for the seal moves is very fast.
If only Birth by Sleep could have gotten a proper FMV for its version of the Master Xehanort confrontation from the secret ending, the in-game version was comparatively underwhelming.
Alas, if only I knew. That chart is simultaneously sad and hilarious at the same time though.
I'm not going to do a breakdown of the Mushrooms, but I will list what you need to clear all of their games (this is more of a quick reference post in case somebody inevitably asks about it once 2.5 comes out.) :
Maxed Wisdom Form
Maxed Master Form
Maxed Final form
Negative combo
Finishing plus x2 or Finishing Plus and Rumbling Rose
Combo Master
Fatal Crest or Berserk charge
Mushroom number 8 is the only one that gave me any sizeable amount of grief. It feels like the game just decides to let him fly off randomly. The best advice I can give is to avoid using the X/O attack towards the end and use horizontal slash instead. If the mushroom flies off at the 60+ mark it's basically guaranteed to hit the ground, and the regular keyblade strikes are more likely to send it flying than the horizontal slash is.
Terra is hard for me to judge conclusively. Beating him this go-around only took me about 30-40 tries (The first time took over 100), I remembered a lot of the moves he used, so I had a good idea of how to counter most of them. When I won I realized he hadn't used two of his most deadly attacks: The command roulette bow and the Magic Seal. Both of them are indeed avoidable, but I have an extremely hard time actually nailing down the counters for them. The timing on the bow shots is really weird so I think I only ever managed to dodge all 4 shots once, and the telegraph for the seal moves is very fast.
If only Birth by Sleep could have gotten a proper FMV for its version of the Master Xehanort confrontation from the secret ending, the in-game version was comparatively underwhelming.
Hello everyone. Has anybody seen this?: http://www.ff-reunion.net/kh/2013/09/25/kh_correlation-chart
Is there a translation?
Alas, if only I knew. That chart is simultaneously sad and hilarious at the same time though.