I have to admit, I enjoyed KH2FM more than the first one. probably best game in the series for me. not BBS because, even if it has a solid and better combat system, doing the same 5 worlds 3 times gets tedious very quickly.
so, better bs than the first game, more post-game stuff and I even enjoyed the gummi ship stuff when I made a proper donut ship. as far as disney worlds go, it does have some good ones but most of them (especially second visits) are very forgettable, a waste of good ideas (timeless river) or just boring/annoying. in that regard KH1 did better but it didn't have much variety as you see in KH2, for the better or the worse. I do however like Atlantica more in KH2.
Better Atlantica and 100 acre, and no Tarzan world makes KH2 worlds better for me.