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Kingdom Hearts Unchained |OT| - It's not an X - [UP] Worldwide Release


I've been F2P and Active since Day 1. I still can't complete the Adamantite drop challenge for lvl 3 keyblade quests (except 3 wishes), even with a 1000/1000 81% Guilted Jack. That Medal isn't some magical boost unless you have awesome medals that go with it.

I've taken advantage of all the free stuff and pulled when opportunity was there and have 0 Guilted premium medals that did not come on purchasable boards (and even then I wasn't able to get all of those).

I have 2 APP Scrooges (thanks to Donald boards) but nothing to use them on, No piglets, Definitely no Pooh & piglets, no RAX, no 0 cost AoE medals, not a single medal that makes sense.

It's literally like I'm playing a different game than what Paying players are playing.
Are you in a good party? There's no way you shouldn't be able to do pt3s with another guilted skelly, or have someone share an APP medal for other missions. You have all the medals from boards right? The HT medals should kill damn near everything at that level. Put APP on a guilted farmable medal with aoe


Are you in a good party? There's no way you shouldn't be able to do pt3s with another guilted skelly, or have someone share an APP medal for other missions. You have all the medals from boards right? The HT medals should kill damn near everything at that level. Put APP on a guilted farmable medal with aoe

Remember My keyblades are not +25, in fact all but one is sub 23. The Best multiplier I have is on 3 wishes @ 2.1.

Even killing today's lvl140 Possessors is seemingly impossible in 1 turn (with a lvl22 lady luck or lvl21 Divine Rose)


Remember My keyblades are not +25, in fact all but one is sub 23. The Best multiplier I have is on 3 wishes @ 2.1.

Even killing today's lvl140 Possessors is seemingly impossible in 1 turn (with a lvl22 lady luck or lvl21 Divine Rose)
Yeah, I'm ftp and I had a go at the Possessers today and totally failed. My problem is I can only equip 3x 6 star medals until I plough my way through the Avatar boards but I'm saving my jewels in case we get Kiari tomorrow


I've been F2P and Active since Day 1. I still can't complete the Adamantite drop challenge for lvl 3 keyblade quests (except 3 wishes), even with a 1000/1000 81% Guilted Jack. That Medal isn't some magical boost unless you have awesome medals that go with it.

I've taken advantage of all the free stuff and pulled when opportunity was there and have 0 Guilted premium medals that did not come on purchasable boards (and even then I wasn't able to get all of those).

I have 2 APP Scrooges (thanks to Donald boards) but nothing to use them on, No piglets, Definitely no Pooh & piglets, no RAX, no 0 cost AoE medals, not a single medal that makes sense.

It's literally like I'm playing a different game than what Paying players are playing.
Number 3s are actually the worst ones because those are mostly ones with bosses with more than a few health gauges so in addition to Jack you probably need a couple of other guilted attribute-specific medals as well + a tier 2 STR buffer. If you can't do #3s, you might still be able to do many of the #4s (since enemies in those are high level but often only have, like, 3 health gauges), Jack Skellington completely obliterates everything & anything in those, you just mostly need some medal with APP so that you don't run out of Jack's special nukes. So just make a choice who to give APP to (if you have any half-decent AOE medals with a cost of 1, that's your medal) and try #4s if #3s are still giving you trouble. I mean, I did most of my #4s with basically nothing else but

Piglet w/DBII
RAX w/APP (this could probably be any medal with APP since in most missions this didn't do all that much damage, it just gave me the occasional special gauge refresh)
Jack Skellington 100% w/ABII Max

Jack alone didn't necessarily one-shot everything, but it left most of them with so little health that just using normal attacks with the rest of the medals was usually enough to kill them, with occasionally using either the 100% guilted 1000/1000 Chipped ABII BC Mickey (that you also now have access to since you joined our party) to clean up what was left if they still had ~1-1,5 bars of health left or if that felt too draining, used one of my own better (cheap gauge cost) medals or one of the other good friend medals in our party (Illustrated Terra has APP and is pretty strong as well, which is very useful).

The rest of the medals weren't needed most of the time. I pretty much never used their special attacks to save special gauge and was still able to beat the missions.

If you need it, I can share my (IIRC) 100% guilted Musketeer Goofy, which should prove helpful at least in missions with green enemies. If you need something specific that you don't see being available, you can try to ask it in the party chat. If we have something helpful, we'll happily share. :)

EDIT: And you don't need +25. I didn't have one for most of the Adamantine quests.


Number 3s are actually the worst ones because those are mostly ones with bosses with more than a few health gauges so in addition to Jack you probably need a couple of other guilted attribute-specific medals as well + a tier 2 STR buffer. If you can't do #3s, you might still be able to do many of the #4s (since enemies in those are high level but often only have, like, 3 health gauges), Jack Skellington completely obliterates everything & anything in those, you just mostly need some medal with APP so that you don't run out of Jack's special nukes. So just make a choice who to give APP to (if you have any half-decent AOE medals with a cost of 1, that's your medal) and try #4s if #3s are still giving you trouble. I mean, I did most of my #4s with basically nothing else but

Piglet w/DBII
RAX w/APP (this could probably be any medal with APP since in most missions this didn't do all that much damage, it just gave me the occasional special gauge refresh)
Jack Skellington 100% w/ABII Max

Jack alone didn't necessarily one-shot everything, but it left most of them with so little health that just using normal attacks with the rest of the medals was usually enough to kill them, with occasionally using either the 100% guilted 1000/1000 Chipped ABII BC Mickey (that you also now have access to since you joined our party) to clean up what was left if they still had ~1-1,5 bars of health left or if that felt too draining, used one of my own better (cheap gauge cost) medals or one of the other good friend medals in our party (Illustrated Terra has APP and is pretty strong as well, which is very useful).

The rest of the medals weren't needed most of the time. I pretty much never used their special attacks to save special gauge and was still able to beat the missions.

If you need it, I can share my (IIRC) 100% guilted Musketeer Goofy, which should prove helpful at least in missions with green enemies. If you need something specific that you don't see being available, you can try to ask it in the party chat. If we have something helpful, we'll happily share. :)

EDIT: And you don't need +25. I didn't have one for most of the Adamantine quests.

Thank You! Just finished Lady Luck 4 with a Lady Luck +22.

1.55x - KH II Aerith [0/500 5*]
1.70x - Halloween Sora [1000/1000 6* 100% Guilt]
1.20x - The Queen [1000/1000 6* no pips]
1.60x - Musketeer Mickey [1000/1000 1 pip]
1.85x - Larxene [1000/1000 no pips]
friend - Illustrated Terra w/ APP (Thanks Yami)

Now - Should I upgrade my Lady Luck or pay the 3 Adamantite forward to another blade?


It depends on your medals. Like, say you have lots of good Power medals, then you might think of focusing on Treasure Trove & Olympia.

You do have a guilted Jack Skellington so either Three Wishes or Divine Rose could be worth upgrading. Divine Rose does have a more conveniently placed slot for Jack (the best upright slot in Three Wishes is the second one, so you don't get much room to buff it up, whereas in Divine Rose it's, what, the 4th slot?) and you can also use it in Speed-medal-requiring quests (in which Jack Skellington is also useful thanks to the no-attributes attack). Three Wishes isn't as suited for that. I personally did all of the #4s with Divine Rose and maybe one or two of the #3s as well.

EDIT: Holy shit I just heard that one of the higher tier Coliseum rewards is a ABII + APP skill. That's overkill. -_- I'm still at tier 9 round 10 (I beat it but haven't played any further...).


Sölf;221762923 said:
Already below 4500 and still 11 hours to go. Oh god, why. ;___;
If you're below 4500 with your score, then I'm starting to worry where my score leaves me that is 300-400k less than yours. :S
I'm much further down in the rankings for the HSC, I'm currently about 330 spots away from the top 10,000. So close but so far. I'll keep trying to get myself into the next tier but not sure if I'll make it.


I tried to improve my score for the last ~2 hours. I FINALLY managed to do that and go from 7,4 million to 7,6 million. I am now at 4169th place. I am pretty sure I am save now. And if not, I doubt there is any more I can do, except for hoping that the Red Copter Fleet stay paralyzed 2 turns in a row. And I have no patience for that.


I've gotten 10 million (42% boost, ranked 1145 right now) on the HSC using

5* Piglet w/DB2
KH2 Kairi w/DB1
H Sora 92% Guilt w/AB2
Jack 95% Guilt w/AB2
Random Sephiroth w/Para+
on a 25+ Starlight

I went down the magic enemy path and beat the copter and poison apples, died against the Pumpkin with the Poison apple after doing a bunch of damage to them. I could in theory beat those enemies and die against the 2 Pumpkins but don't think it would keep me in the top 1000 anyways.
Just got 11 mil because of this setup(really similar)
You can make 8 mil pretty easily if you're in a good party with a 21% friend medal

My setup was on a +27 starlight(25 is good enough as seen above)
Pooh w/ DB2
RAX APP (can be replaced with any APP)
Bambi w/ DB1 (i found a use for her)
HT Sora 100% w/ AB2
Jack 95% w/ AB2 MAX
Brandson's original sephy 74% w/ AB2 MAX

I was at 7.9 mil before oceanic posted that setup and Brandson guilted his sephy. You can replace brandon's guilted sephy with a regular and should hit 8+ mil easily.
Besides Poohglet. What else can I do with this?

Poohglet is nice, combined with Jack I feel like I have a chance to survive future story updates and whatnot.


Besides Poohglet. What else can I do with this?

Poohglet is nice, combined with Jack I feel like I have a chance to survive future story updates and whatnot.
Well, the poohs are really useless since you got poohglet haha(might be useful for future HSCs though, since pooglet will never be a multiplier). Throw a Second Chance on Poohglet, or a DB2 if you don't have one. The Timeless River Sora does some really good damage for unguilted, so throw an ATB II on him. KH1 Cloud is also a really good power medal.
Just got 11 mil because of this setup(really similar)

You can make 8 mil pretty easily if you're in a good party with a 21% friend medal

My setup was on a +27 starlight(25 is good enough as seen above)
Pooh w/ DB2
RAX APP (can be replaced with any APP)
Bambi w/ DB1 (i found a use for her)
HT Sora 100% w/ AB2
Jack 95% w/ AB2 MAX
Brandson's original sephy 74% w/ AB2 MAX

I was at 7.9 mil before oceanic posted that setup and Brandson guilted his sephy. You can replace brandon's guilted sephy with a regular and should hit 8+ mil easily.

Nice, glad the setup worked for you! What ranking does 11 million get you? I'm just wondering whether pushing for the perfect run to get top 1000 is worth it.


I was about to gloat about me achieving 8.3 mil in the HSC and securing my Jack & Sally earlier today but I'm seeing people w/ 11 million and I'm like never mind.

Also managed to beat my first Adamantite pt. 5 mission. Thanks mysterious whale w/ an almost fully guilted TVA medal.
Besides Poohglet. What else can I do with this?

Poohglet is nice, combined with Jack I feel like I have a chance to survive future story updates and whatnot.

If you are not planning to gun for Illustrated Kairi, then Poohglet is the best thing that could happen to you. Congrats!

As for the other medals:

-Pooh is useless with Poohglet in your inventory. Fuse them or sell them.
-Tifa and Peter Pan are identical, except that Peter Pan has much higher base stats. If you want to use a Sleep status multiplier medal, use him over Tifa.
-KHII Mickey is OK if you don't have a good AoE Magic medal.
-KH Sora Ver. B is pretty nice due to being an AoE Speed medal (which are uncommon).
-KH Cloud is good.
-TR Sora is excellent. Take it from me, my 100% guilted TR Goofy is one of my best medals, and TR Sora is the Speed equivalent of that.
-Uniform Selphie has her uses. There are some cool strategies you can use that would not be possible if you only went with Poohglet. There have been a couple of times where that 2-attack x3 buff was the only viable strategy to finish an objective. For example, this was how I beat the first two objectives for the Kupo Dew Drops mission:

Belle w/ Poison+
Illustrated Sora w/ ABII Max
Uniform Selphie
TR Goofy at 100% w/ ABII, 1000/1000
Ansem the Wise
Illustrated Ansem w/ Poison+

On an Olympia +26.

With proper special gauge management and a bit of luck, I was able to carry just enough bars into the final fight to activate everything (takes 16 bars total). I didn't even need a Poison to proc on the target.

As for the amount of Pester Jesters... 0. Having a single one spawn ruins my plan because I could only deal damage with single-target medals. Fortunately, the required fights all just have one enemy in them, so TR Goofy was able to take them all out with proper buffing and some luck.

Individual fights:

vs. Cannon Gun - Needs Poison activation and Illustrated Sora boost, and TR Goofy needs to activate ABII.
vs. Gargoyle - No luck required here. Just used TR Goofy.
vs. Wayward Wardrobe - Either needs a Poison activation or ABII activation with Goofy. Requires both Illustrated Sora and Uniform Selphie boosts.
vs. Hammer... thing - See Cannon Gun.
vs. Black Gummi mob - All specials need to be used, Poison optional, TR Goofy needs ABII to activate.


Nice, glad the setup worked for you! What ranking does 11 million get you? I'm just wondering whether pushing for the perfect run to get top 1000 is worth it.
827th @ 11.02 mil, don't think it's possible for more to go further since that was with nearly perfect APP activations


that puzzling face
Brandson's Sephi guilt boosted me from ~7.1M (rank 5200) to ~7.8M (rank 3600).

I think the entirety of KingdomGAF can thank Brandson for Jack+Sally at the very least, lol.


If you are not planning to gun for Illustrated Kairi, then Poohglet is the best thing that could happen to you. Congrats!

As for the other medals:

-Pooh is useless with Poohglet in your inventory. Fuse them or sell them.
-Tifa and Peter Pan are identical, except that Peter Pan has much higher base stats. If you want to use a Sleep status multiplier medal, use him over Tifa.
-KHII Mickey is OK if you don't have a good AoE Magic medal.
-KH Sora Ver. B is pretty nice due to being an AoE Speed medal (which are uncommon).
-KH Cloud is good.
-TR Sora is excellent. Take it from me, my 100% guilted TR Goofy is one of my best medals, and TR Sora is the Speed equivalent of that.
-Uniform Selphie has her uses. There are some cool strategies you can use that would not be possible if you only went with Poohglet. There have been a couple of times where that 2-attack x3 buff was the only viable strategy to finish an objective. For example, this was how I beat the first two objectives for the Kupo Dew Drops mission:
Selling non-farmable medals is a bad idea, because they can always provide a % bonus in a future HSC, as is the case with Pooh in the current one. Those additional 7% could be the difference between getting rewards or not.
Just upped my score to 10.6 million. Ranked 1002 lol. Pretty much reached the realistic limit of my deck, only 100% procs all of my skills could really make a difference.

I could pull and get one of the new medals to get a higher multiplier, but I'll settle for 3 J&S medals since I can't guilt it anyways. Gonna miss on guilting Zero though with 6 of them, although being a debuff medal it would only have specialized uses.

It should be worth it when I pull iKairi right?





Will this EMC carry a higher chance of getting Illustrated Medals? Why else would they feature Sora and Riku's so prominently in the banners? I mean, they're already out.

Maybe having all three will grant some new, limited time only medal.
Will this EMC carry a higher chance of getting Illustrated Medals? Why else would they feature Sora and Riku's so prominently in the banners? I mean, they're already out.

Maybe having all three will grant some new, limited time only medal.

I'm thinking a boosted version of them. Also, I heard there's gonna be a Sora/Riku/Kairi medal probably in the same fashion as the Terra/Ventus/Aqua medal.





it was worth it to look like a goddamn moron, the HT Dolan costume pieces are +6 Skill Chance each. Together with the Prep Ribbon that's +15.

Deck was on a Divine Rose +23.

-5* Piglet with DB2.
-6* HT Sora, he was guilted but it didn't matter because on that slot he was doing 1 damage anyways. I gave him Poison in the hopes of eeking out some damage from the Blue Copter Fleet, and it triggered and missed anyways on the 'winning' run. I don't care.
-6* Minnie with 3 pips on her and DB2.
-6* Jack, fully Chippendaled, 100% Guilt and AB2.
-6* Sephiroth, fully Chippendaled, AB2. Actually kind of incredible thanks to that crazy 2.40 multiplier. He has, what, 19k attack when boosted?
-Friend medal was another 6* Seph practically identical in build to my own.

Results in a +56% multiplier. Played normally, trying to emphasize KO'ing mobs with Jack's skill over and over. Barely squeaked out a victory against the Poison Apples because those DB2s actually triggered. Got to the BCF and High Wizard and just barely had enough gauge to throw out one last 2-tier Blade of Seven before eating shit.

how in the fuck do you people manage level 250s normally

like how do you even SURVIVE those hits, are you just rolling the status effect game so hard they can't attack you as you chip away at them piece by piece???

EDIT: I would like to note that I took that picture at around 9 PM EST, it's now almost midnight. 3 hours have passed and I've dropped 200 ranks. The crunch is real, this is NOT a drill.
like how do you even SURVIVE those hits, are you just rolling the status effect game so hard they can't attack you as you chip away at them piece by piece???

Namine + at least two DBII skills. It is otherwise extremely hard to survive one round.

I didn't use any status skills in my 12.269M run.


Namine + at least two DBII skills. It is otherwise extremely hard to survive one round.

I didn't use any status skills in my 12.269M run.

Ah. Yeah. Namine. God, it'd be great if I had a feasible way to get her as a medal outside of constantly pulling the fucking lever. And yeah... that basically narrows your damage output to like two distinct medals. Fuck.

In other news, regarding the upcoming EMCs. I have a whopping 3.8k jewels. Surely I have a realistic chance at getting a spiffy new premium!


why am I still here

just to suffer


Completely forgot about the high score challenge. Gave it a few attempts this morning with a strong speed deck and and a 63% multiplier.

Literally what the fuck at the room of level 250 enemies. I was doing 1 damage to them with guilted, chipped medals. And there is no way past them. That's absurd.

Guess I'm not getting that Jack and Sally medal since I managed around rank 8000 and can go no further. I mustn't have whaled hard enough.
Completely forgot about the high score challenge. Gave it a few attempts this morning with a strong speed deck and and a 63% multiplier.

Literally what the fuck at the room of level 250 enemies. I was doing 1 damage to them with guilted, chipped medals. And there is no way past them. That's absurd.

Guess I'm not getting that Jack and Sally medal since I managed around rank 8000 and can go no further. I mustn't have whaled hard enough.

Try going at it with better medals and a lower multiplier. I'm sitting comfortably in the top 500 with just +42%.


Try going at it with better medals and a lower multiplier. I'm sitting comfortably in the top 500 with just +42%.
This challenge actually worked out nicely for me, since the medals I'm using in my speed deck for the bonus actually are my better ones.

I still can't touch the level 250 enemies though, they completely wall me when they show up.


This challenge actually worked out nicely for me, since the medals I'm using in my speed deck for the bonus actually are my better ones.

I still can't touch the level 250 enemies though, they completely wall me when they show up.

you have to believe in your own justice

if I broke past 5k by being pure F2P, no whaling should have been necessary (and also I'm soundly inside of 4.7k, I am satisfied)

at the least try to see if you can edge the poison apples to a low enough health threshhold before they 3-tier strength themselves

if you lack a proper strength-boosting medal then that might possibly cause big problems

edit: shit the event's over in 15 minutes anyways

god I should just fucking go to bed


you have to believe in your own justice

if I broke past 5k by being pure F2P, no whaling should have been necessary (and also I'm soundly inside of 4.7k, I am satisfied)

at the least try to see if you can edge the poison apples to a low enough health threshhold before they 3-tier strength themselves

if you lack a proper strength-boosting medal then that might possibly cause big problems

edit: shit the event's over in 15 minutes anyways

god I should just fucking go to bed
I had tier 2 speed boost and a tier 1 attack boost up, using a 60% fully chipped guilted medal and did absolute minimal damage, I don't think I even got past their first partial health bar, same with the pumpkin knights. Most of my attacks were doing 1 damage.


There's no fucking way I can catch up with the ridiculous power creep of this game at this point, I've been trying in vain for a while now, despite stubbornly buying the weekly package each week. I finally started getting good medals but it's still not enough. The challenges are getting more ridiculous with every event.

I don't know why I'm bothering other than the fact I've put so much money into it already


Have to have a guilted ill Kairi, Riku, or Sora to get the free SRK medal. Sucks that they couldn't have done what they did with the TAV medal.



That exclusive medal for guilting one of the illustrated medals makes me think that we are never getting Mickey and Brooms. They are encouraging people to guilt the exclusive medal by guilting 3 other premiums. That's just money grabby as shit


Whelp... this might be the end of the road for my time with this game. Guilting super premiums to unlock a medal and defeating 4 lvl 500 enemies in 1 turn to earn a gem?
I'm already spent too much $$ and this is WAAAAAAAYYYYY beyond possible.


Whelp... this might be the end of the road for my time with this game. Guilting super premiums to unlock a medal and defeating 4 lvl 500 enemies in 1 turn to earn a gem?
I'm already spent too much $$ and this is WAAAAAAAYYYYY beyond possible.
I think the idea is to use 3 jack and sallys then a nutty speed nuke. I'll do some testing. Gems are hard to get in general so this isn't that surprising.

No illkairi :(, sad day

That J&S nerf is massive, everyone needs to send in support tickets complaining. Ask for any amount of jewels you used during the HSC back.


Not even Whales can do the Level 500 boss either. Man, that J&S nerf is soooo fucked up. This is almost worse than the Zootopia medal fiasco.


Not even Whales can do the Level 500 boss either. Man, that J&S nerf is soooo fucked up. This is almost worse than the Zootopia medal fiasco.
Yeah, I just tried with 3 J&S medals. How does it make sense that I do no damage with tier 3 attribute buff(with tier 3 defense debuff) and then do damage with just a tier 3 strength buff? Are strength buffs better than attribute buffs? That would be really stupid if so. Not sure if anyone has even beaten one boss yet.

Only possible setup that might work is
ill kairi
Boosted Saix 100% w/ ATB II
Boosted Sephy 130% w/ ATB III
Jack 100% w/ ATB II
Boosted Sephy 130% w/ ATB III
On a +27 starlight


I'm not surprised that the J&S medal was nerfed because the the Japanese one is better than some current premium medals in Japan! Nontheless it sucks especially since they advertised it as an unnerfed medal.

But it looks like they are investigating the issue and are thinking about how they compensate the players. I would prefer if they give us back our Jewels. ;)
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