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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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ZephyrFate said:
Homophobia has been around since the dawn of time, arguably just as long as racism has.

The fact that a shit ton of people in here have used the defense "well I hear it all the time, everybody says it" does not make it okay to say and does not defend Kobe's usage of it. It feeds the problem, which is exactly what a lot of people here want... it's almost like you people WANT to have the right to just go around saying "faggot" for everything you want.

I would believe people can mature, but GAF proves me wrong every time.

I'm not suggesting it's ok though. I'm simply arguing a lot of shit is said on the court, and I simply cannot get offended over it whether it's someone calling me a fag, nigger, or talking about fucking my mom etc - all of which I've heard from black (and white) players while playing AAU basketball.

I wouldn't say people "want" to go around saying the word - they already do. That argument would apply to white people so concerned with who can and can't say nigger - there are plenty of them who just want to say it, but know they can't get away with it. Unfortunately in our society, you can get away with saying faggot with little to no repercussions. I think we can agree on those general points.
commish said:
I can't tell if you're serious or your posts are just an act... hmmm....
I'm just trying to sort out the mentality of some of the posters here and get to the core of what's going on. And the mentality seems to be that if people have a problem with words like n****r and f****t then they're PC police oversensitive white knights.

Joates said:
People need to quit comparing "nigger" to " gay" or "faggot".

One of them can be said in public as an outsider around said group and nothing is likely to happen.

In the other scenario youre likely to get an ass beating... Just saying.

Right. like in the south. Oh wait, which word are you talking about?


Devolution said:
Kobe said:
“What I said last night should not be taken literally. My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period. The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings towards the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone.”


hurp durp, right?
coldvein said:
celebrated? no. accepted? maybe not. but i occasionally use that f-word, and it doesn't offend any of my friends (all gay). i think it's kind of lost it's connection with a sexuality and just become a derogatory term.
You'd be silly to say it's lost its connotation with sexuality. That's just an incredibly tenuous excuse to be able to say it as much as you want. It makes you no better of a person, in fact, arguably worse.


ZephyrFate said:
I sure know when I hear the word "nigger", I don't care too much. I mean, everyone says it right?

This kind of attitude is so backwards it's not even funny.

Like Jay Z says why do people give words soo much power?

ZephyrFate said:
You'd be silly to say it's lost its connotation with sexuality. That's just an incredibly tenuous excuse to be able to say it as much as you want. It makes you no better of a person, in fact, arguably worse.

You must be a straight caucasian male. Thats the only explination.
Joates said:
People need to quit comparing "nigger" to " gay" or "faggot".

One of them can be said in public as an outsider around said group and nothing is likely to happen.

In the other scenario youre likely to get an ass beating... Just saying.

And that's the problem here.

Nevermind, again GAF sickens me.
Why hasn't anyone addressed the issue of insulting the referee in general? Shouldn't a player (of any sport) be suspended for abusing the ref?
Joates said:
People need to quit comparing "nigger" to " gay" or "faggot".

One of them can be said in public as an outsider around said group and nothing is likely to happen.

In the other scenario youre likely to get an ass beating... Just saying.
Thread just peaked.


343i Lead Esports Producer
SUPREME1 said:
Um no. A tech from a previous game was taken away before last night's game (and rightfully so). That brought the total back down to 14. He then received a tech during last night's game which briought it back up to 15, which is where it stands now.

So, you gonna keep trying your best to fail?

Here's something that'll likely make you cry since you seem to hate him so much:

Once the payoffs start, the techs get reset. Cry moar biotch.
Oh ok, I didn't know that.

Trying my best to fail? I don't know what you mean. Also, you must catch a lot shit in the NBA thread, you're coming out defending Kobe so hard lol. Chill out bro.

I know about techs in the playoffs. I'm fine with that. Lol I know you'll love this but I would be so happy if Artest and Kobe get the chicken pox and they get knocked out of the playoffs because of it. Probably won't happen but man, I would laugh so hard. Actually Lakers do pretty well without Kobe, they're stacked.

But this is all off topic now. This story just adds to how classless Kobe is.


Tashi0106 said:
None of that. It's because he's so damn fake. He's got no class. He tries so hard to be MJ.

You hate Kobe because he modeled his game after the player who he thinks is the greatest ever. Yeah, that's hate worthy.
Advance_Alarm said:
saying faggot is not always homophobic, just like saying nigger is not always racist. internet outrage over rides common sense every time
I doubt you're either gay or black. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If you're not, trying thinking about something that's intrinsic to you and imagine it gets used as a slur all the time, and sometimes causes discrimination in real life. Say, you're a black haired guy, or a blue eyed one. Now imagine people use those characteristics as slurs, and if you're in the wrong company, they cause you to be beaten up or worse.

I doubt you'd be all "who cares" about the use of those slurs.


ZephyrFate said:
You'd be silly to say it's lost its connotation with sexuality. That's just an incredibly tenuous excuse to be able to say it as much as you want. It makes you no better of a person, in fact, arguably worse.

i am a silly, worse, boy, and all that. i think that in modern english usage, "faggot" or "fag" is just a term that is similar to "douchebag" or "fuckface". it doesn't mean "homosexual loser". i may be ignorant. but i'm just talking about usage.
krypt0nian said:
And that's the problem here.

Nevermind, again GAF sickens me.

I think his point is more that saying one has repercussions, physical and otherwise, whereas saying the other has little to none unless you're in a certain market/job/position/etc. Not that one is cool and the other isn't.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
SUPREME1 said:
You hate Kobe because he modeled his game after the player who he thinks is the greatest ever. Yeah, that's hate worthy.
We get it
Los Angeles, CA - WEST SIDE!!!

People on the internet stay hating on kobe. It's just how it is.
anyone that says "motherfucker" in heat or high emotional state should apologize to every motherfuckers out there.
throw in retards as well for good measures.
coldvein said:
i am a silly, worse, boy, and all that. i think that in modern english usage, "faggot" or "fag" is just a term that is similar to "douchebag" or "fuckface". it doesn't mean "homosexual loser". i may be ignorant. but i'm just talking about usage.
Considering the history of the word and where it came from, its resonance with sexuality will last as long as nigger will be associated with race. The two are mutually exclusive and unchangeable.

viakado: There is a huge difference between using the word faggot and the word motherfucker. The fact that you insist on equating the two means you know nothing of what the word 'faggot' actually means.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
This thread proves one thing: I should stick to NBA Gaf or threads about ASOIAF.


So it turns out known Los Angeles Laker homophobe and accused rapist Kobe Bryant was fined $100,000 for his use of this heinous and unacceptable word.

Kobe makes 24 million dollars a year.
Riposte said:
Good job projecting an image on me without giving a proper answer. That's being an outer-douchebag I guess. Anyway, I believe having your personality unrestricted is important role of having fun on the court, in a social environment which an amateur court is.

EDIT: this Steward Lee guy is stupid/boring and linking a video to him doesn't say shit.

Much like the majority of your posts.

Dude Abides

Riposte said:
Good job projecting an image on me without giving a proper answer. That's being an outer-douchebag I guess. Anyway, I believe having your personality unrestricted is important role of having fun on the court, in a social environment which an amateur court is.

So you do care more about carrying on like an ass and drawing attention to your "personality" than playing the game. Thanks. It's good to know my douche-spotting skills remain keen as ever.


Some of the responses in this thread are disturbing....you guys are acting like you have never said "thats gay" or "faggot". Its like when you stub your toe...you arent going to yell "oh sugarplums and rainbows". No you're going to yell some sort of vulgar phrase. just because he said that in the heat of the moment doesnt mean thats how he feels.

However, if that is how he feels than fuck him.


Stern said:
Kobe Bryant’s comment during last night’s game was offensive and inexcusable. While I’m fully aware that basketball is an emotional game, such a distasteful term should never be tolerated. Accordingly, I have fined Kobe $100,000. Kobe and everyone associated with the NBA know that insensitive or derogatory comments are not acceptable and have no place in our game or society.”

Kobe wins. Again.


Talladega Knight said:
funny, kevin garnett was caught mouthing the exact same thing a few years ago. this was before he started calling people "cancer patients."

In KG's defense, Charlie V is a psychopathic cancer patient.
dork said:
Some of the responses in this thread are disturbing....you guys are acting like you have never said "thats gay" or "faggot".
not for at least a decade. it's just not something that comes to mind. "fuck" and "shit", however, do come to mind.


viakado said:
anyone that says "motherfucker" in heat or high emotional state should apologize to every motherfuckers out there.
throw in retards as well for good measures.
people who enjoy oral sex or who douche themselves to maintain hygiene also deserve an apology
whats amusing is that they put the camera on these people who are upset clearly looking for these kinds of reactions and then act appalled when it happens


Mercury Fred said:
Tell me about it. I called a cashier a n****r last week and she had the nerve to tell me that I was being offensive. Fuckin ridiculous PC b***h!

Seriously i dunno why she got offended there. It's just a word.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
dork said:
Some of the responses in this thread are disturbing....you guys are acting like you have never said "thats gay" or "faggot". Its like when you stub your toe...you arent going to yell "oh sugarplums and rainbows". No you're going to yell some sort of vulgar phrase. just because he said that in the heat of the moment doesnt mean thats how he feels.

However, if that is how he feels than fuck him.
I stopped after I left high school. At some point you have to grow up.


News stories like this always baffle me. Bringing to light something that just about no one noticed. Like the Janet Jackson boob slip. Let it go.

"Lip reading Basketball fans watching on TV during this moment were offended to no end... LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!!"
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