anyone that identifies so strongly with a word or a set of words to the point that those words are on a personal "never use"/"get offended if others use" list either a) fails to understand that most people are really fucking stupid and expects the average person to actually think about words that they use or b) believes that making a word a "cause" will help to change public thought.
i can almost identify with the people that believe making certain words taboo, at least in their company, is somehow helping educate people. unfortunately, though, this is as effective at plugging your ears and shouting LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU THAT IS OFFENSIVE.
i am against negative actions towards people for undeserved reasons. i am against hate, i am against the bigoted statements and actions and thoughts that i perceive far too many people to hold.
what i'm also against, though, is unnecessary polarization. there ARE things that deserve to be polarized; homophobic actions DO fall into that category. but people don't think about words that they say.. they really don't. it's impulsive, which is the reason language is always changing and evolving. people say or write words to mean things, to articulate thoughts; not to have feelings.
basically, if Kobe Bryant screams out FAGGOT in a fit of rage while playing basketballs.. so fucking what? a man who is in the public eye for playing basketball at a professional level got angry and said a word that is taboo. why do you care? is it because you think it perpetuates hatred towards gay people? if anyone's opinion of gay people is actually affected by Kobe Bryant using a homosexual slur, i have news for you: they are never EVER going to give a shit.
meanwhile, gay people still can't get married. and many, many men and women that are in the public eye because they've been sworn to uphold justice and citizen's rights are actively campaigning to keep gay people from being married. THIS is homophobia, and that's a problem. you can help change society if you take a stand against ignorant actions, but taking a stand against ignorant words always strikes me as futile at best.
EDIT: this post is incoherent as fuck