I'm about to be real with you all.
Nigga (without the "ER". very important) and faggot, I say them both, but never in the way they were originally intended, towards the people they were intended for. Never in a million years. I say "that's gay" as well. I don't hate blacks or gays.
Back when prop 8 was being voted on, there was a big hotel owner (can't remember which one) in my city who endorsed a lot of money into prop 8, which was the anti-gay proposition to ban gay marriage.
The gay community boycotted his hotels, which was where they held a lot of their meetings and events.
This went on for days and being that I'm not a prop 8 supporter, I was pissed that the guy would do something like that to begin with.
About a week later, the news reported that the hotel owner decided to put money into the gay community as a way of getting their business back, but still supported prop 8. This was such a weasel move it sickened me to my stomach. I stood up and started to walk away and muttered to myself, "fucking faggot". When I thought about it, It kind of surprised me that I was calling a straight guy a faggot in defense of a gay person, but that's how the word works in my world.
Nigga doesn't mean black to me. Faggot doesn't mean homosexual to me.
Nigga is anybody and everybody. My girlfriend is white. We've been together over nine years. She is my best friend. She's my partner. She's my nigga.
This fucking slimy bastard that voted yes on an anti-gay rights bill, then turn around and try to pander to the same group he just put money into harming, is a fucking faggot and not the gay dude he was probably calling a faggot when he handed the check over to his homophobic, faggot friends.
So with all that said, I believe it's important to keep these words alive. Let the meanings naturally change shape the way most words eventually do. This will take all the power out of the original meaning of these words and with that, take the power out of the people who would try to harm us with them. You getting butt hurt and wanting to bury the words out of existence is keeping them strong so that it stings every time you hear them, no matter if they're aimed at you or not.