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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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Devolution said:
If I said even half the shit I see on TV my coaches would have sat me on the bench or forfeited my games, since they were of the school that competition doesn't need to be drenched in bad sportsmanship.

Well to be fair, you suck compared to any player on TV. If Kobe said that shit your coach would look the other way.


Devolution said:
You just marginalize your fellow team mates with such talk. I remember reading an article about a homosexual player who winced every time he heard "faggot" launched at other players.

Why should people be forced to care about that one man's feelings? Assuming that homosexual player isn't being physically hurt or directly confronted. On the court the last thing I want are rules controlling my personality.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
I'm not upset by this particular moment, I guess, just disappointed that people are still throwing around faggot willy-nilly during a time when we are still hated for being who we are by a significant portion of the population. Especially for someone who is such a role-model.

I was with you up until your last sentence. People need to find better role models then professional athletes. Especially this one. He's a complete piece of shit.


get some go again
dream said:
If someone wants to write up a petition to have Kobe suspended by David Stern for a minimum of 5 games, I would be glad to sign it.
if the lakers don't win this year i can promise you the celtics ain't either.
wenis said:
A lot of people are attacking you right now, but you know I get what you're saying.

It just seems like just a human thing to do. We all make mistakes and Kobe happened to make his mistake in front of millions with cameras on him. Yeah it was in poor taste and unfortunately his "apology" wasn't an apology, but a lot of people (not saying you) want blood for this. A simple slip of the tongue that if said during practice would never had been a piece of news.

It's not right that words like that can be used so loosely, but it happens because we aren't as progressive of a society as some people really really wish we were, but crashing down on Kobe for this one instance isn't going to change anything. In fact it will just make people on Kobe's side more sarcastic and less open to watching their own tongues just out of spite.

He should be asked to do a better apology, but that's about it. He's human and made a mistake, just like we all have.

He should apologize, yes, but I'm honestly disappointed with people actually defending the usage as if it's okay.


CrankyJay said:
Thank you for your bigoted service. =)

Its not bigoted, that is how any small niche group of professional act when around just themselves. The same is true of Policeman, Lawyers, Fire fighters, etc, its how things have always been in not just this country but others as well, you should hear the things Brits call Middle Easterns.
methos75 said:
Not really IMO, you can like it or hate it all you want, but the fact remains that calling one a n***** outside a pretty defined slice of culture is not socially acceptable nor is it even common verbiage for anything but a racially motivated slur. But calling someone or something gay, a fag, etc has a common verbiage use that has dual meanings in two different contexts and most intelligent people realize this. You can look into as deeply as you want and comeback offended by that, but your just doing yourself a disservice and thinking too much on it. Until society changes and those words no longer mean what they mean now, this is going to be something that the Gay community is going to be constantly winning a losing battle against.
This mindset is so fucked up. Why do y'all need to compare certain types of discrimination against others? Fact of the matter is that discrimination exists and is terrible all-around and we should be working towards ending it, rather than shrugging it off because it's not as bad as slavery.


Souldriver said:
I can understand that blurting out offensive words can happen when you're very mad, and the things you say bare little meaning except for "god damned I'm mad!". So what the guy said doesn't enrage me or anything, but it is a sad moment and it is sad that a role model says it. So I see no reason not to point out the word is unacceptable.

Then again, while I do see some extenuating circumstances, it's amazing how unable the part of gaf that doesn't see a problem with this is at bringing forth arguments that aren't complete trash. "I say it all the time", "calling someone nigger is not the same as fag", "who gives a shit really", "why does he get shamed when I hear it all the time?", "I don't use fag towards gays", ... are not helping your cause.

Nobody said it shouldn't be seen as unacceptable but making a fuss out of it is stupid. He apologized and that's all that should have happened. When you grow up in a culture where faggot and gay are blank insults like fuck/shit/etc then they become ingrained in your thought process whether you like them or not. I grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood where they were words I heard multiple times a day and I still sometimes say them without thinking even though I realize they can potentially hurt people. He was pissed and made a mistake. Calling him a homophobe or anything else over this is just reaching to an insane level.
methos75 said:
Its not bigoted, that is how any small niche group of professional act when around just themselves. The same is true of Policeman, Lawyers, Fire fighters, etc, its how things have always been in not just this country but others as well, you should hear the things Brits call Middle Easterns.
Wait, what? Saying bigoted things isn't bigoted? In what universe?
Devolution said:
You just marginalize your fellow team mates with such talk. I remember reading an article about a homosexual player who winced every time he heard "faggot" launched at other players.

Let's not forget the kinds of people who idolize a guy like Kobe.

If I said even half the shit I see on TV my coaches would have sat me on the bench or forfeited my games, since they were of the school that competition doesn't need to be drenched in bad sportsmanship.

That doesn't make any sense. There's plenty of shit talking in sports, and in many ways it's a part of the culture. In no way am I saying it's admirable or anything: it's essentially the evolution of playground manners in middle school. Nor am I justifying casual use of the word fag, or any other gay slur. But in respect to sports, there are a host of phrases and insults I wouldn't condone yet have never been insulted or pissed off at when they were hurled at me while playing basketball. To be perfectly honest they tend to make me want to embarrass the insulter even more (on the court, not verbally)


Kobe plays Xbox Live confirmed?

Also either I'm sheltered or Canada is nicer than where y'all live but I haven't heard those kind of slurs very often in a long time, maybe since high school o_O And that's through working in a mill (oh the swearing that goes on there) and with at-risk youth.

And while I might not quite put it as high as the n-word in terms of historical persecution, I think the issue has been gaining momentum in society and that there HAS been a push for more tolerance and yes, that includes people not using the words;no matter the context.

Call the ref a blind piece of shit or motherfucker, don't have to go so far =]


Who gives a shit.

This is basketball, not a fucking White House press conference.
Devolution said:
He should apologize, yes, but I'm honestly disappointed with people actually defending the usage as if it's okay.

I dont think people are saying its ok. But you can't expect people to hold their tongue and think about what curse words they should use, if they are mad. Its ridiculous if you think otherwise.
wenis said:
A lot of people are attacking you right now, but you know I get what you're saying.

It just seems like just a human thing to do. We all make mistakes and Kobe happened to make his mistake in front of millions with cameras on him. Yeah it was in poor taste and unfortunately his "apology" wasn't an apology, but a lot of people (not saying you) want blood for this. A simple slip of the tongue that if said during practice would never had been a piece of news.

It's not right that words like that can be used so loosely, but it happens because we aren't as progressive of a society as some people really really wish we were, but crashing down on Kobe for this one instance isn't going to change anything. In fact it will just make people on Kobe's side more sarcastic and less open to watching their own tongues just out of spite.

He should be asked to do a better apology, but that's about it. He's human and made a mistake, just like we all have.

Holy shit ... a rational post.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I dont think people are saying its ok. But you can't expect people to hold their tongue and think about what curse words they should use, if they are mad. Its ridiculous if you think otherwise.

Plenty of people in this very thread have said it's okay, maybe you should read some more.
methos75 said:
Not really IMO, you can like it or hate it all you want, but the fact remains that calling one a n***** outside a pretty defined slice of culture is not socially acceptable nor is it even common verbiage for anything but a racially motivated slur. But calling someone or something gay, a fag, etc has a common verbiage use that has dual meanings in two different contexts and most intelligent people realize this. You can look into as deeply as you want and comeback offended by that, but your just doing yourself a disservice and thinking too much on it. Until society changes and those words no longer mean what they mean now, this is going to be something that the Gay community is going to be constantly winning a losing battle against.

Most people grow out of that though, if you're stuck with a high school mentality it's fairly simple, don't be a dick on TV/public, whatever ignorant views you have in private are no-ones business.


Kano On The Phone said:
Wait, what? Saying bigoted things isn't bigoted? In what universe?

I'm going to guess that particular group he was in thought they were using those words as terms of endearment?
methos75 said:
Not really IMO, you can like it or hate it all you want, but the fact remains that calling one a n***** outside a pretty defined slice of culture is not socially acceptable nor is it even common verbiage for anything but a racially motivated slur. But calling someone or something gay, a fag, etc has a common verbiage use that has dual meanings in two different contexts and most intelligent people realize this. You can look into as deeply as you want and comeback offended by that, but your just doing yourself a disservice and thinking too much on it. Until society changes and those words no longer mean what they mean now, this is going to be something that the Gay community is going to be constantly winning a losing battle against.
Easily one of the stupidest things I've read on GAF all year. Cheers.
Einbroch said:
These threads are pointless. We have two different ideologies that aren't going to change. No one's going to go "OH JEEZ I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT THAT WAY."

People are just getting pissed. Time to sit back and :popcorn.

It's kinda weird though. There's a lot more people in this thread "not caring" than they are who are "caring." Almost as if the "not caring" group is actually "caring" what the "caring" group is talking about.

I mean, there's actually a lot one can get out of this conversation, but no one actually "cares" about that type of thing. I always find it funny that the "not caring" group is actually more offended than the "caring" group, who tend to not come off as loudly than the "not caring" group.

Call me cynical, but what if it's the "not caring" group that are truly the one that is controlling the political correctness machine, but they don't realize it? From what I could tell on the internet, it always seem to be like the "not caring" group that are the loudest. Almost as if they realize that political correctness actually doesn't exist, but they have to create something to fight against because if they don't have some enemy, their entire purpose of being on the internet will cease to be. Like some sort of bad psychological thriller or something.


343i Lead Esports Producer
The NBA took away that technical after the game. It was to be his 16th which is a 1 game suspension. Lakers still have an important final game of the season left to play to secure the 2nd seed in the West. What a joke.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
This mindset is so fucked up. Why do y'all need to compare certain types of discrimination against others? Fact of the matter is that discrimination exists and is terrible all-around and we should be working towards ending it, rather than shrugging it off because it's not as bad as slavery.
He's not defending it, he's just saying how it is. Is it wrong? Yes. We can do our part to not say these words but that doesn't mean it's going to change overnight, and in the mean time people of said group maybe shouldn't get so angry when we clearly aren't attacking them.

A simple "please don't say that word, I'm gay" would shut someone up really quick. Even if you're not gay, a "don't say that word" would be enough to quiet any person. But instead it's always sarcastic retorts or an explosion of anger.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Lamonster said:
I have an idea you guys. Let's keep paying our professional athletes embarrassing amounts of money and keep letting them get away with being criminals and human scum. I like beer.
Well the pros do earn that high pay so.....


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I dont think people are saying its ok. But you can't expect people to hold their tongue and think about what curse words they should use, if they are mad. Its ridiculous if you think otherwise.
WTF are you talking about. After middle school/high school I and most other people I know stopped using these terms because we realized they were unnecessary.


MIMIC said:
Who gives a shit.

This is basketball, not a fucking White House press conference.

if they said "you fucking fag" in white house press conferences, i would watch them way more often.


Fun fact, PTI just said that he never ACTUALLY apologized, he just said not to take the words literally. He deserves a suspension for not apologizing, even if it was a half-ass apology(like i originally thought he did)


Devolution said:
He should apologize, yes, but I'm honestly disappointed with people actually defending the usage as if it's okay.

You're going to be disappointed for a looooong time, dude. It's best to just be indifferent to such matters than get upset or disappointed about something that isn't something you can control.


Kano On The Phone said:
Wait, what? Saying bigoted things isn't bigoted? In what universe?

It isn't cause of how we use them, they actually make the team closer. Like we had a new guy come into our Unit who was Half Mexican and White, obviously his new call sign was Mexi-Melt. was it bigoted, maybe to outsiders but for us we clearly knew who he was, it made him part of our team, and it open him up to partake in our ribbing of each other out in the field. because when its just the 8 of you for a year or more, things like this are needed to build bridges and keep one from going nuts.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
I dont think people are saying its ok. But you can't expect people to hold their tongue and think about what curse words they should use, if they are mad. Its ridiculous if you think otherwise.
I have never in my life and probably never will seriously call anyone a faggot during any competition or frustrating moment. It's just not a word in my vocabulary. It's a hurtful, dumb word. I have about a hundred other horrible slang terms I can use that don't target a marginalized minority group.


Hail to the KING baby
Kano On The Phone said:
Gay people.
Well I wouldn't go that far . . . some people are just misguided or like to jump on certain causes because their favorite politicians and celebrities endorse them.


Part of me knows that he did not me one iota of anything offending to the gay/lesbian community, and says this is a non-story.

But then, the gay-lesbian community is the only minority community (i think) where such slurs are often heard used in public situation, regardless of intent. It's not acceptable say african american or latino american racial slurs in colloquial public conversation, so why should it be different for f****t and the glbt community?


Crumpet Trumpet said:
This mindset is so fucked up. Why do y'all need to compare certain types of discrimination against others? Fact of the matter is that discrimination exists and is terrible all-around and we should be working towards ending it, rather than shrugging it off because it's not as bad as slavery.

Seriously as a Black Gay man when i hear people shrug off one for the other it pisses me off. As you said discrimination is just that it doesnt matter if it's slavery or getting fucking beaten for being gay they are both horrible and it needs to end. And maybe one day people will move away from wanting to call someone a F*g as a go to slur.
Devolution said:
Plenty of people in this very thread have said it's okay, maybe you should read some more.

No they aren't. They don't condone the word but lets face it in the heat of a moment things happen and sometimes its things people are not proud of.

Right now you're just looking at the words people are using to argue against you and coming to the conclusion that they are evil people that would use the word in normal conversation or something.


methos75 said:
It isn't cause of how we use them, they actually make the team closer. Like we had a new guy come into our Unit who was Half Mexican and White, obviously his new call sign was Mexi-Melt. was it bigoted, maybe to outsiders but for us we clearly knew who he was, it made him part of our team, and it open him up to partake in our ribbing of each other out in the field. because when its just the 8 of you for a year or more, things like this are needed to build bridges and keep one from going nuts.
If you can insult your friend's mom and he laughs, then you are friends for life.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
This mindset is so fucked up. Why do y'all need to compare certain types of discrimination against others? Fact of the matter is that discrimination exists and is terrible all-around and we should be working towards ending it, rather than shrugging it off because it's not as bad as slavery.

Its not shrugging it off "because its not as bad as slavery" its shrugging it off because you're trying to change a meaning that society has placed upon the word.

Its just a label. And it only has as much meaning as you want it to in this case.


Tashi0106 said:
The NBA took away that technical after the game. It was to be his 16th which is a 1 game suspension. Lakers still have an important final game of the season left to play to secure the 2nd seed in the West. What a joke.

Um no. A tech from a previous game was taken away before last night's game (and rightfully so). That brought the total back down to 14. He then received a tech during last night's game which briought it back up to 15, which is where it stands now.

So, you gonna keep trying your best to fail?

Here's something that'll likely make you cry since you seem to hate him so much:

Once the payoffs start, the techs get reset. Cry moar biotch.
Einbroch said:
A simple "please don't say that word, I'm gay" would shut someone up really quick. Even if you're not gay, a "don't say that word" would be enough to quiet any person. But instead it's always sarcastic retorts or an explosion of anger.

Then you'd be accuse of repressing freedom of expression and political correctness or something. There's really no way to win. I still say the the "incorrect" side are the ones blowing this out of proportion if anything.
Einbroch said:
He's not defending it, he's just saying how it is. Is it wrong? Yes. We can do our part to not say these words but that doesn't mean it's going to change overnight, and in the mean time people of said group maybe shouldn't get so angry when we clearly aren't attacking them.

A simple "please don't say that word, I'm gay" would shut someone up really quick. Even if you're not gay, a "don't say that word" would be enough to quiet any person. But instead it's always sarcastic retorts or an explosion of anger.
Urmm are you talking about GAF or real life? Because GAF is pretty much the definition of sarcastic retorts
I never hear gay people IRL explode into anger when someone uses "fag" in anger or "that's so gay" or whatever, but this is all anecdotal so whatever
ITT we have two extremes: one group that seemingly believes using any offensive word regardless of this situation, context or interpretation warrants blowing it out of proportion and another group that assumes that just because they personally don't take a word literally that word still doesn't have damning effects on anyone else.

Bryant shouldn't have used the word publicly and I don't think anger is at all a good excuse, just as when I hear people get drunk and use racial epithets I don't consider intoxication at all a good excuse. But let's face it, the word gets used and the intent has shifted somewhat over the years. So while I don't think this needs to be news-worthy, sorry if I don't shed a tear for Bryant getting bad publicity over this. His millions of dollars and dozens of endorsement deals will see him through this minor rough patch.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
People should not say those words.

But moralist rage is such a pathetic part of human experience... I'm tired of public shamefests. It will happen inevitably, but I'm tired of the finger wagging circus that repeats itself over and over again.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Devolution said:
He should apologize, yes, but I'm honestly disappointed with people actually defending the usage as if it's okay.

That's just our culture unfortunately. We live in/near the most liberal city in america so when someone uses that word or any other derogatory word there is an entire city that would be up in arms about it.

That's not what the rest of the country is like. I'm not saying get over it, but you just need to get used to the fact that it's going to be like this for some time. The sports culture has always been like this. Trash talking is just an extension, anger is an extension and this is what comes with it. So it's not surprising to see that there are plenty of people who feel like they need to defend their culture.
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