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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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smokeymicpot said:
Can't believe how fast people forgot the rape thing. It is like saying Big Ben is a great guy.

He was proven innocent though. Most people assume he is innocent.

Also an excuse to post this, I love the parodies of the old "gamer" ads:
MThanded said:
WTF are you talking about. After middle school/high school I and most other people I know stopped using these terms because we realized they were unnecessary.

Where I have grown up its typical. Sadly some people don't mature.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I have never in my life and probably never will seriously call anyone a faggot during any competition or frustrating moment. It's just not a word in my vocabulary. It's a hurtful, dumb word. I have about a hundred other horrible slang terms I can use that don't target a marginalized minority group.

Then you hung out with some awesome people who were taught what is and isn't write to say from the get go.
ChocolateCupcakes said:
No they aren't. They don't condone the word but lets face it in the heat of a moment things happen and sometimes its things people are not proud of.

And yet people talk about how repeating it over and over, even after knowing how much it hurts others is fine because it's sports!

Right now you're just looking at the words people are using to argue against you and coming to the conclusion that they are evil people that would use the word in normal conversation or something.

I'm coming to the conclusion that people who refuse to change their vocabulary, knowing full well how harmful it is to a minority of people, are assholes. There is no other way to say it.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
SUPREME1 said:
Um no. A tech from a previous game was taken away before last night's game (and rightfully so). That brought the total back down to 14. He then received a tech during last night's game which briought it back up to 15, which is where it stands now.

So, you gonna keep trying your best to fail?

Here's something that'll likely make you cry since you seem to hate him so much:

Once the payoffs start, the techs get reset. Cry moar biotch.
I don't loathe or like kobe I am sort of indifferent about him but...

You really need to come up for air at some point. You gotta be tired down there.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
"That's just the way it is" is the most terrible excuse for this sort of thing.

Call people assholes, fuckers, shitstains, whatever. There's really no need to ever make homophobic comments.
What if they're brown and you call them a shitstain? Faggot=Nigger=Chink=slurs directed towards a specific group. It's downright wrong to say those words. Nobody is disagreeing on that in this thread that they're hurtful. What people are saying though is that it's still a huge part of current day lingo(Just like the N word especially) and people will have to roll with it regardless, because things won't change overnight. And you have to sadly pick and choose your battles when it comes to such situations. How many famous actors, musicians, writers, etc, do we celebrate that were huge racists or homophobes? How often do you think I hear the word nigger? How long ago was MLK killed? It's all fairly recent. Freedom of sexual orientation has only come to the forefront the last decade or so. Still we even had politicians trying to ban the idea of same sex marriage just a couple years ago, and it's still brought up from time to time in our "civilized" countries.

The whole thing is an uphill battle. Teaching people why these type of words are wrong is the only way forward. Kobe knows what he meant by that and used it as a means to vent his anger. Yes it's not on the same level as "bitch, idiot, or shitstain" but I'm pretty damn sure it's a word he heard used a lot growing up as an aggressive projection and used it in the heat of the moment. It's not right and he admitted that. It just takes time to weed out that behaviour and educate younger generations. And frankly for myself as a "black" person, I find it highly annoying that so many "blacks" are against homosexuals and the whole gender movement. You'd think that having faced extreme prejudice for the way they were born, that they'd have more understanding and reach out. SMH.
MThanded said:
PD you confuse me. You don't mind the slurs but you can't take a got damn joke.

I thought it was a petty, stupid post. Not suggesting I'm outraged.

Personally I'm simply not offended by most things. That's not to say I belittle the meaning of racial or sexual insults, but they don't bother me - especially on the god damn basketball court where you might also be bombarded with whispers of how someone fucked your mom, sister, etc. Couldn't care less about that shit. Everyone knows Kobe talks mad, mad shit.


Slayven said:
If you can insult your friend's mom and he laughs, then you are friends for life.

Basically that is how it is in the Military, especially in the smaller Teams and such. Your asked to do pretty shitty things and your expected to have a high tolerance for petty things like name calling, one that gets upset about such things is usually sent out of such groups and units and either thrown into the main military or kicked out for failure to adjust.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
Urmm are you talking about GAF or real life? Because GAF is pretty much the definition of sarcastic retorts
I never hear gay people IRL explode into anger when someone uses "fag" in anger or "that's so gay" or whatever, but this is all anecdotal so whatever
Real life, plenty of times. I was at work once and some teenagers came in to shop. One girl said to another "Stop being so gay", laughing and teasing. She used it a few more times...faggy, fag, gaywad...Another customer stormed up to them and was almost shouting about how he was a homosexual and hated when "little punks" used words they didn't understand. He wasn't getting physical, but he was pissed.

The girls were scared shitless. Huh. Maybe it does work, then. :lol I have at least ten more stories, some from work, some at the park, and some from my gay friend.


Devolution said:
And yet people talk about how repeating it over and over, even after knowing how much it hurts others is fine because it's sports!

A lot things said hurt a lot of people. There is no practical way to please certain people without hurting other people.

I'm coming to the conclusion that people who refuse to change their vocabulary, knowing full well how harmful it is to a minority of people, are assholes. There is no other way to say it.

I think political correctness people are assholes. I still don't think we should bully them into not speaking their mind.
We should just set the ground rules and then we won't have to have these threads on GAF anymore.

It's OK to call people f****t and to use gay slurs in general. If you have a problem with that then you're an oversensitive PC white knight.

It's OK to call people n****r and use racial slurs in general. If you have a problem with that then you're an oversensitive PC white knight.


MThanded said:
WTF are you talking about. After middle school/high school I and most other people I know stopped using these terms because we realized they were unnecessary.
Really? Sadly, I still encounter this sort of talk on a semi-regular basis.
AstroLad said:
Well I wouldn't go that far . . . some people are just misguided or like to jump on certain causes because their favorite politicians and celebrities endorse them.
I'm not disputing that, but that doesn't change that it's a word that's designed to marginalize and demoralize a group of people. Just because some people might jump on it for the wrong reasons doesn't make it any less of a terrible thing to say.

MIMIC said:
Trying to eradicate foul language from professional sports.

Good luck with that.
You really don't understand the difference between a curse word and a slur? Really?!?


Mercury Fred said:
Yeah, take a look at this. It just happened a couple months ago, in 2011, and it happened because he was gay. Dude was almost killed. And this shit happens all the time. Gay people are still second class citizens and we're still being fucking killed for being who we are. So you need to fuck off pretty much immediately.

That's really unfortunate but i'm still not buying the comparison. At least not until the FBI start raiding homes and murdering the most vocal proponents of the LGBT movement. I mean, the police haven't even brought out the hoses yet. The LGBT needs to step up their game if they really want equality.

Kobe's a fool but I doubt this was the result of ignorance. Old habits die hard I suppose.


I dunno, I can call you a female dog, or accuse you of incest, and that doesn't get any attention. If I call you gay, this gets all this attention? At least we're staying human here folks.

Words are just words. It's the meaning behind the words that should be important. Did Kobe mean the ref is gay and because of this, there's going to be a beat down? No, of course not. He lost his head and went with an alliterative phrase. Could he have gone "fucking fucker?" Sure but most of us don't go with the redundant phrases. Kobe should have just cursed in Italian or something.

Do I think this applies to other slur words? Absolutely. I'd rather be jokingly called a slur word, than have a bunch of thugs call me an asshole and surround me as to beat me up. People are just too sensitive.


Einbroch said:
Real life, plenty of times. I was at work once and some teenagers came in to shop. One girl said to another "Stop being so gay", laughing and teasing. She used it a few more times...faggy, fag, gaywad...Another customer stormed up to them and was almost shouting about how he was a homosexual and hated when "little punks" used words they didn't understand. He wasn't getting physical, but he was pissed.

The girls were scared shitless. Huh. Maybe it does work, then. :lol

He didn't understand it either, Gay means happy Right?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
methos75 said:
Not really IMO, you can like it or hate it all you want, but the fact remains that calling one a n***** outside a pretty defined slice of culture is not socially acceptable nor is it even common verbiage for anything but a racially motivated slur. But calling someone or something gay, a fag, etc has a common verbiage use that has dual meanings in two different contexts and most intelligent people realize this. You can look into as deeply as you want and comeback offended by that, but your just doing yourself a disservice and thinking too much on it. Until society changes and those words no longer mean what they mean now, this is going to be something that the Gay community is going to be constantly winning a losing battle against.
So if we started using those words more often to ridicule people by calling them a term that is a hurtful word for a group they don't belong to, until that word is common place vocabulary, then it's okay?


MIMIC said:
Who gives a shit.

This is basketball, not a fucking White House press conference.
My thoughts exactly. Society is hyper sensitive these days, its scary. You're better off directing useful energy at real problems not giving a shit what some pissed sports player says in the heat of the moment.

I expect this to a be a 20 page thread, which is sad.


Trojita said:
So if we started using those words more often to ridicule people by calling them a term that is a hurtful word for a group they don't belong to, until that word is common place vocabulary, than it's okay?

That is how most slurs we use came into place


krypt0nian said:
Say nigger - get fired.

Say faggot - oh everyone says it. Get over it.

Basically people need to start being consistent in getting over it. Saying a word is very different from saying something like "We won't be hiring any blacks/gays!" or "Lets beat them up!" Stuff that is actually against the law.
Devolution said:
And yet people talk about how repeating it over and over, even after knowing how much it hurts others is fine because it's sports!

Its not fine its because of sports, its the sort of anger that can come out if your losing or something has got you down. Its not pretty but usually people don't even mean it.

Devolution said:
I'm coming to the conclusion that people who refuse to change their vocabulary, knowing full well how harmful it is to a minority of people, are assholes. There is no other way to say it.

Most people on this board are maybe 20+. And honestly you can't change your attitude that easily. Its all about environment and most people didn't grow up in an environment where saying that word was looked at harshly. At least people are getting better about it though, at least the word in a sense has a different meaning to it that is used as anger rather than to piss off a minority.


MThanded said:
I don't loathe or like kobe I am sort of indifferent about him but...

You really need to come up for air at some point. You gotta be tired down there.

OMG, you just called me gay. OMG!!! So clever!!!

*Faux outrage*


Kano On The Phone said:
You really don't understand the difference between a curse word and a slur? Really?!?

As far as professional basketball is concerned, it's a CURSE word and not a slur. NOTHING is going to change that.

If people think that this PC stuff is going to make its way into basketball, football, baseball, etc. then lol. Seriously.
tenton said:
I dunno, I can call you a female dog, or accuse you of incest, and that doesn't get any attention. If I call you gay, this gets all this attention? At least we're staying human here folks.

Words are just words. It's the meaning behind the words that should be important. Did Kobe mean the ref is gay and because of this, there's going to be a beat down? No, of course not. He lost his head and went with an alliterative phrase. Could he have gone "fucking fucker?" Sure but most of us don't go with the redundant phrases. Kobe should have just cursed in Italian or something.


He implied that being gay is an insult, that is the problem.
I don't really care that he said faggot in the heat of the moment, it's no big deal to me. What annoys me is privileged hetero-GAF telling people to get over it like they understand anything. Yeah no thanks duderz
MThanded said:
I think people are blowing this out of proportion but I guarantee you if a white player was heard calling another white player a "n-word" on the court there would be hell to pay.The n-word never became a general term that was used towards people who were not black but if it had I bet it would be a problem.

Homosexuals are in the same position we(african americans) were not so long ago. I'm not talking about the slavery part but I am talking about the acceptance part. It's a little easier because you cannot hide your race but you can choose who you tell your sexuality to.
Exactly. While I have some distaste for Kobe because I find him arrogant, I'm not so much perturbed by his slip of the tongue as much as I am by some of the prevailing attitudes held by some in this thread. Shitty arguments and double standards, total.

For the record, like some others, when I was younger I was likely to say, "this is so fuckin' gay" when I was pissed at something. I've never referred to anyone as a "fag", but I'm guilty of the former. As some of my friends ended up coming out, I realized how shitty, and offensive such language can be, even when stated casually. I ended up saying, "this is so fuckin' weak" when I'm mad now. It's not that hard to correct.
I'm really afraid to post what I think because I know it'll be flamed and I'll be branded as anti-gay.

I didn't realize there was a popularity contest going on GAF. If it wasn't for the strict moderation on this forum, do you think any of the members here would be different from Kobe? :p


dream said:
An empty apology is not enough. 5 game suspension minimum.

Calls for suspension are ridiculous. This is a big issue because he was caught on camera saying it. There wouldn't be a league if the league had to be consistent and suspend EVERY player who used a bigoted word, whether it was caught on camera or not.

For me, it's enough to not be a fan of his and know he's a complete shitbag.


Crumpet Trumpet said:
I don't really care that he said faggot in the heat of the moment, it's no big deal to me. What annoys me is privileged hetero-GAF telling people to get over it like they understand anything. Yeah no thanks duderz

So you cry yourself to sleep every five minutes?
smokeymicpot said:
Can't believe how fast people forgot the rape thing. It is like saying Big Ben is a great guy.

Maybe it's because he was aquited and the girl was clearly sleeping around and did so right after said rape.

He was guilty of being a stupid young kid who cheated on his wife. He's guilty of getting married to early.

Unless you have some irrational hate for him, what reason would people have to cling onto it?


MIMIC said:
If people think that this PC stuff is going to make its way into basketball, football, baseball, etc. then lol. Seriously.

Multiple NFL players have been fined for using "faggot."

krypt0nian said:
Say nigger - get fired.

Say faggot - oh everyone says it. Get over it.

Racism remains more toxic than sexism or homophobia, generally. I'm not going to get into a nigger v faggot argument, but the general point on that conversation should always be both words are hateful. And with regard to Kobe, no one should be suspended from a sport due to something a mic picked up from a private conversation. If he gave an interview and made that comment, I doubt many people would be arguing against a suspension.


343i Lead Esports Producer
SUPREME1 said:
Hate is a strong word. Why do you hate him? Have you ever met him? Has he ever done anything to you? What has he done exactly that would cause you to hate him?

Do you hate him because he's rich and etremely talented and amazing at his profession?

Or is it because he was accused of something that was never proven or ever close to going to trial?
None of that. It's because he's so damn fake. He's got no class. He tries so hard to be MJ.
Quoting because this is a really good post.

tenton said:
I dunno, I can call you a female dog, or accuse you of incest, and that doesn't get any attention. If I call you gay, this gets all this attention? At least we're staying human here folks.

Words are just words. It's the meaning behind the words that should be important. Did Kobe mean the ref is gay and because of this, there's going to be a beat down? No, of course not. He lost his head and went with an alliterative phrase. Could he have gone "fucking fucker?" Sure but most of us don't go with the redundant phrases. Kobe should have just cursed in Italian or something.

Do I think this applies to other slur words? Absolutely. I'd rather be jokingly called a slur word, than have a bunch of thugs call me an asshole and surround me as to beat me up. People are just too sensitive.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I don't see a problem with calling someone a fag as long as they're not gay...I mean retard is an acceptable slur right PC GAF.

Devolution said:
I'm coming to the conclusion that people who refuse to change their vocabulary, knowing full well how harmful it is to a minority of people, are assholes. There is no other way to say it.

I know rite!

Devolution said:

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