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Kobe Bryant slinging homophobic slur during nationally televised NBA game

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krypt0nian said:
Say nigger - get fired.

Say faggot - oh everyone says it. Get over it.
Delio said:
Pretty much :/

Say nigger- get fired.
Say faggot- get fired.

You say that in ANY professional function and you are toast. But at the same time there are also instances where those words slide(IE. A boardroom,... or professional sports).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Crumpet Trumpet said:
I don't really care that he said faggot in the heat of the moment, it's no big deal to me. What annoys me is privileged hetero-GAF telling people to get over it like they understand anything. Yeah no thanks duderz

Oh gimme a fucking break. Let me guess - gays are the only group that are on the receiving end of hate in America, right?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Like i said earlier a large subset of black culture has a huge double standard over this. It is pretty ridiculous. We cannot argue that there should not be use of the n-word if we say its ok for people to say other equally derogatory terms about another currently marginalized group of people. People who get beaten and killed for living their life. Can you not see the correlation here?

I am not saying kobe is homophobic but quite a large subset of the black community is homophobic and would use the terms but if you call them the n-word they will have a hissy fit

I just don't get it.

When I was younger we throw these terms around like they were nothing. At some point you need to realize its time to grow up.
PhoenixDark said:
Racism remains more toxic than sexism or homophobia, generally. I'm not going to get into a nigger v faggot argument, but the general point on that conversation should always be both words are hateful. And with regard to Kobe, no one should be suspended from a sport due to something a mic picked up from a private conversation. If he gave an interview and made that comment, I doubt many people would be arguing against a suspension.
Homophobia has been around since the dawn of time, arguably just as long as racism has.

The fact that a shit ton of people in here have used the defense "well I hear it all the time, everybody says it" does not make it okay to say and does not defend Kobe's usage of it. It feeds the problem, which is exactly what a lot of people here want... it's almost like you people WANT to have the right to just go around saying "faggot" for everything you want.

I would believe people can mature, but GAF proves me wrong every time.
commish said:
Oh gimme a fucking break. Let me guess - gays are the only group that are on the receiving end of hate in America, right?
The only people being called faggot before they get beaten for being gay? Yeah most likely


Crumpet Trumpet said:
I don't really care that he said faggot in the heat of the moment, it's no big deal to me. What annoys me is privileged hetero-GAF telling people to get over it like they understand anything. Yeah no thanks duderz

So instead of moving on with your day, you're going to sit there and be upset about it? Ok then, you have fun with that.
CrushDance said:
Say nigger- get fired.
Say faggot- get fired.

You say that in ANY professional function and you are toast. But at the same time there are also instances where those words slide(IE. A boardroom,... or professional sports).

Yes I'm certain that players are called nigger by white players constantly in the NBA during games and practice and let it slide. Bullshit.

Point stands. If we let this behavior slide, we encourage it and give it legitimacy.


Yeah, I'm not going to give up the word "retard", so I hope that isn't next.

EDIT: In response to MrToughPants.


Should there be laws preventing people from saying such "mean" words? I simply don't understand the ultimate goal of political correctness, because the future of it looks authoritarian as all hell.

krypt0nian said:
Yes I'm certain that players are called nigger constantly in the NBA during games and practice and let it slide. Bullshit.

LOL, really? You don't think many black players don't freely call each other black-themed slurs time to time?


CrankyJay said:
Is this possibly your last post on GAF?

I don't use them loosely around the GAF because you have to be politically correct. And I did't mean I say 'faggot' but I do say "thats gay" every once in a while and no one gay or straight get uptight about it.

Straight people care more than gay and thats a fact.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
There are more important things for the gay community to be concerned with than some overpaid man child saying fag in frustration.
Igo said:
That's really unfortunate but i'm still not buying the comparison. At least not until the FBI start raiding homes and murdering the most vocal proponents of the LGBT movement. I mean, the police haven't even brought out the hoses yet. The LGBT needs to step up their game if they really want equality.

Kobe's a fool but I doubt this was the result of ignorance. Old habits die hard I suppose.

wait, what the fuck? How about politicians "step their game up" and give a group of people some basic rights, instead of this blame the victim nonsense

Dude Abides

Riposte said:
Why should people be forced to care about that one man's feelings? Assuming that homosexual player isn't being physically hurt or directly confronted. On the court the last thing I want are rules controlling my personality.

You must not be much of a player if your biggest concern on the court is "rules controlling your personality" - one of those guys who wears all the latest and most expensive gear to look good but can't play for shit. In any case, you can remain an inner douchebag all you please without calling people "faggot" or "nigger."
MThanded said:
Like i said earlier a large subset of black culture has a huge double standard over this. It is pretty ridiculous. We cannot argue that there should not be use of the n-word if we say its ok for people to say other equally derogatory terms about another currently marginalized group of people. People who get beaten and killed for living their life. Can you not see the correlation here?

I am not saying kobe is homophobic but quite a large subset of the black community is homophobic and would use the terms but if you call them the n-word they will have a hissy fit

I just don't get it.
Yup. I wrote a piece on it a while ago. So many of us just let it slide everyday and it angers me beyond anything. Self deprecating clown for sure.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
_tetsuo_ said:
I've heard worse from middle schoolers playing basketball.

same. When I walk the dog past the school, there's some vile shit coming out of those kids mouths. I didn't even know half the shit they were talking about when I was their age.


krypt0nian said:
Say nigger - get fired.

Say faggot - oh everyone says it. Get over it.
In some work environments. There was a black guy on that Grey's Anatomy TV show that supposedly called another cast member the f-word and was fired from the show and has never really recovered his career. Meanwhile guys like Charlie Sheen and a few others just took a time out and apologized and that was it.
PhoenixDark said:
Racism remains more toxic than sexism or homophobia, generally. I'm not going to get into a nigger v faggot argument, but the general point on that conversation should always be both words are hateful. And with regard to Kobe, no one should be suspended from a sport due to something a mic picked up from a private conversation. If he gave an interview and made that comment, I doubt many people would be arguing against a suspension.

On camera, in a public place, its debatable if it counts as a private conversation.
krypt0nian said:
Yes I'm certain that players are called nigger constantly in the NBA during games and practice and let it slide. Bullshit.

Point stands. If we let this behavior slide, we encourage it and give it legitimacy.

Are you fucking serious? OF COURSE THEY GET CALLED THAT.


I would understand if they suspend him, since he is an icon that people look up to so he should set an example and what he did is stupid.
but i realy dont get it, can somebody explain to me if the f word is a bad kind of name for gay people or if its something like the n word, where it stands for something and people just stopped using it because it was degrading.
MIMIC said:
As far as professional basketball is concerned, it's a CURSE word and not a slur. NOTHING is going to change that.

If people think that this PC stuff is going to make its way into basketball, football, baseball, etc. then lol. Seriously.
"Basketball reality" isn't some magical place that exists outside of normal, every day reality. Yeah, people can say whatever they want, within a given circle, outside of it, in front of a tv camera, or as far away from it as possible, but other people, if they hear it, are still allowed to be upset by it, especially when it's a slur.

It's like how you're completely incapable of drawing very basic corollaries that you should be able to draw. It's a free country, so you're completely allowed to be obtuse and to be as loudly obtuse as you want, but we, as people exposed to your words and very limited ability to understand them, can still point out that while you're completely allowed to say what you want to say, what you choose to say is, to put it nicely, idiotic. We're never going to eradicate your inability to understand things, but we can still examine and lol at it.

Does it make more sense now?


Crumpet Trumpet said:
The only people being called faggot before they get beaten for being gay? Yeah most likely

What would be worse, Kobe making this gaffe or him actively campaigning against gay marriage. Because it seems to me some of you think thats what hes getting at.


CrushDance said:
Say nigger- get fired.
Say faggot- get fired.

You say that in ANY professional function and you are toast. But at the same time there are also instances where those words slide(IE. A boardroom,... or professional sports).

Yeah i REALLY doubt calling someone nigger during sports would slide.


Margalis said:
Multiple NFL players have been fined for using "faggot."


1) I didn't say NBA, NFL or MLB. I said basketball, football and baseball.

2) And? People get in trouble all the time for using loud foul language. Doesn't mean it's going to stop anytime soon.
Kalnos said:
Yeah, I'm not going to give up the word "retard", so I hope that isn't next.

EDIT: In response to MrToughPants.
Man, I'm pissed that I was forced to give up the word "nigger". Fucking political correctness am I right?

Omiee: Faggot was used commonly to refer to gay people who were to believed to burn faster on the cross, popularized by the Nazis back in WWII.


Mercury Fred said:
Anyone who has a problem with this is overly PC.

The use of both f****t and n****r should be celebrated, right?
Can you ever just be straight forward and not a sarcastic jerk? Seriously. You can make your point and not come off like a total douche, you know.
krypt0nian said:
Say nigger - get fired.

Say faggot - oh everyone says it. Get over it.




Riposte said:
Should there be laws preventing people from saying such "mean" words? I simply don't understand the ultimate goal of political correctness, because the future of it looks authoritarian as all hell.

I'd rather societal attitudes be changed through increased tolerance and compassion towards fellow man, personally =]
ShdwDrake said:
Never said that, I'm just saying people care to much.
I sure know when I hear the word "nigger", I don't care too much. I mean, everyone says it right?

This kind of attitude is so backwards it's not even funny.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Mercury Fred said:
Anyone who has a problem with this is overly PC.

The use of both f****t and n****r should be celebrated, right?

I can't tell if you're serious or your posts are just an act... hmmm....


Mercury Fred said:
Anyone who has a problem with this is overly PC.

The use of both f****t and n****r should be celebrated, right?

celebrated? no. accepted? maybe not. but i occasionally use that f-word, and it doesn't offend any of my friends (all gay). i think it's kind of lost it's connection with a sexuality and just become a derogatory term.
Joates said:
What would be worse, Kobe making this gaffe or him actively campaigning against gay marriage. Because it seems to me some of you think thats what hes getting at.
Yeah, like I said, I don't care about Kobe saying "faggot" in anger.

qcf x2

MIMIC said:
Who gives a shit.

This is basketball, not a fucking White House press conference.

People who want to be offended and jump at any chance they can get, especially if it involves a black perpetrator.

I never cared much for Kobe, but if you're gonna permanently label him a homophobe and bigot now just make sure you apply that broadly for everyone in professional sports, because I'm pretty sure* that word get said by the majority of athletes, whether the camera catches them or not.

*Be naive if you want. I've worked with professional athletes and just from playing ball with amateurs the word (and other bad words, oh no!) come(s) out. Camera just happened to catch this shit at a time when being PC trumps being sensible enough to apply context, especially if headlines can be written and thus money can be made.

The referee isn't gay, Kobe wasn't implying that or insulting his sexual orientation. Did he say a taboo word? Yes, he did. And he apologized. Maybe he should get a small fine or something but you can't tell the players what they can and cannot say in-game. And the guy who said he needed to be suspended, get real. It wasn't during a press conference.

And I'll bet the overwhelming majority of those "offended" don't even watch basketball.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I've never called anyone a f-- before.

National outrage and multiple statements and shit is ridiculous, but him saying this does come from a culture that supports intolerance toward gays. In my world, you get called an asshole or a motherfucker or something.
I hope you issued a statement apologizing to Delonte West.


Einbroch said:
Yes, that .003% of his paycheck must really make him change his mind.

My point was that "PC" stuff has already come to professional sports. All major pro sports these days spend a lot of time and energy on player conduct issues to try to make sports more presentable and family-friendly.


People need to quit comparing "nigger" to " gay" or "faggot".

One of them can be said in public as an outsider around said group and nothing is likely to happen.

In the other scenario youre likely to get an ass beating... Just saying.
Kobe said:
“What I said last night should not be taken literally. My actions were out of frustration during the heat of the game, period. The words expressed do NOT reflect my feelings towards the gay and lesbian communities and were NOT meant to offend anyone.”



Dude Abides said:
You must not be much of a player if your biggest concern on the court is "rules controlling your personality" - one of those guys who wears all the latest and most expensive gear to look good but can't play for shit. In any case, you can remain an inner douchebag all you please without calling people "faggot" or "nigger."

Good job projecting an image on me without giving a proper answer. That's being an outer-douchebag I guess. Anyway, I believe having your personality unrestricted is important role of having fun on the court, in a social environment which an amateur court is.

EDIT: this Steward Lee guy is stupid/boring and linking a video to him doesn't say shit.
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