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LA Times: Microsoft announces X360 pricing at lollapalooza 2005


Junior Member
As a European I'm happy with the price(s) but you Americans seem fucking pissed... :lol
Imagine how we felt when the PS2 launched at $600 over here. And I fuckin still bougt it!


I dont understand how some of you are supporting this, the ship is sinking let the captain stay aboard, evey one else jump ship.


I realize now that there was the same reaction to the PSP price. I was really vocal at that point since the PSP was a sure buy for me. But that price was too high. This time, the 360 wasn't so much of a sure buy, but I was leaning towards getting a launch system since I was kinda expecting the $300 with HDD. But this price is too high, and for everything. Maybe this should be a sign to Sony and Nintendo that they can't push this envelope too far. There's a cutoff where the system will completely tank 3DO-style.

I doubt we get a PS3 price until next Feb. I think they'll just wait to see how 360 consoles and periphs sell at this pricepoint. Is this how expensive gaming is over in EU or JP normally? If so, then this sucks. I don't miss the days of $70 games. PEACE.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I have to say, this is pretty great to see. I don't think there's ever been a time before when I've seen UKers happy at the price of something and North Americans losing it.

I'm enjoying this immensly.
You know the most dissapointing thing? Why would developers do anything with the HDD besides caching if all 360's don't have one?

You won't see cool things like your own replays on sportscenter in NFL 2K5.

This blows.


hyperbolically metafictive
sigh. i liked microsoft's gaming division better when they weren't trying to turn a profit. maybe i'll just wait for halo 3 and hope the prices have regained sanity by then.


wtf is going on!?

these announcements are annoying, and don't make sense.

there should be one unit at $399, why have the $299? it's madness.


Mama Smurf said:
I have to say, this is pretty great to see. I don't think there's ever been a time before when I've seen UKers happy at the price of something and North Americans losing it.

I'm enjoying this immensly.

Quite a contrast isnt it? UK forums are delighted by this news :lol


Mama Smurf said:
I have to say, this is pretty great to see. I don't think there's ever been a time before when I've seen UKers happy at the price of something and North Americans losing it.

I'm enjoying this immensly.

me too, a little. We basically pay slightly less than a standard PS2/Xbox launch price, and get a wireless controller, headset and remote control. The US pay $100 more than a standard launch price.


I can accept the $400 value pack since its reasonable to me. My limit is overpriced accessories I can't stand shit like paying $40 for cables or even the wired controller. I will not support this kind of pricing on shit thats probably cheap to produce, nope MS can just shove thier shitty accessories up thier ass if they seem to think they can get away with such tactics.


works for Gamestop (lol)
ziran said:
wtf is going on!?

these announcements are annoying, and don't make sense.

there should be one unit at $399, why have the $299? it's madness.

so microsoft can say "We are launching at $299"

and to rape the consumer with additional accessories when they find out they just got served


jarrod said:
Fixed. They then should've sold the 40GB HD as an upgrade @ $99 and the wireless controllers only for $39. And the wifi card should be like $59 max.

Oh and Game Boy Micro should be $79. Today sucks for pricing. :(

Except a 20GB 2.5" HD would be almost a third of the cost of the system. If this was a 3.5" HD there wouldn't even be any debate about having it standard.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Xbox was $299
Xbox 360 is $299 as a core system

the dollar is WEAKER now than it was in 2001

so by comparison, Xbox 360 actually costs less than xbox did... comparitively.

(which means xbox 360 premium will cost almost the same as xbox did in canada... yay)
These are my thoughts I posted in another forum. Not that anyone here will give a damn and write this off as XBot damage control but to each his own. Everybody wants a deal I guess:

"1) I expected a price of $399 with the HDD and such. If my memory serves me correctly, that's what I payed for the orginal XBox and I think the PS2 as well. So that's why I made sure I socked that much away. I guess many were hoping that M$ would eat a chunk and cut gamers a deal. Wishful thinking, now let's see the what Sony tries to sell the PS3 for. I think M$ fully reliazes that most casual gamers out there aren't realltl going to take advantage of what the HDD will offer right away. Also you don't need an HDD to access XBL on the current XBox. You can put your account on a memory card, remember? I know hardcore like myself will eat it up the benefits of the HDD, but let's be real. I know for a fact that it took a while for people to start utilizing custom soundtracks in games. You can pretty much be sure that if you play on live and want some of the DLC maps and levels, you'll be needing a HDD. Also, isn't M$ offering a bigger HDD later on (40GB)? I rememebr reading this as well. So getting the basic package may work in your favor. Who knows?

2) There is no splitting the user base by not including the HDD. You can always buy one later when you have the cash. I know I've read a few article where M$ has told developers not to rely on HDD for caching data. I'll try to do some digging and post links later. Hell I know I just read this over at XBox-Scene.com this weekend. IMHO, they're giving gamers without loot a break by offering a more affrodable model. It still has all the functionality you can just upgrade with other componenets when you have the loot. If a devleoper wnats to include the HDD option he can, but M$ has stated that it should NOT be a requirement.

3) This is why I've been socking away money for the console since E3. My wife was planning on getting me the XBox360 for my birthday. When she called EB to see how much I had down she was actually upset that I had so much money stashed for the console (i.e. she couldn't surprise me with a cool gift).

4) Now what will get me pissed is if EB, amestop, and the other places try to run the 'bundle' game again. I have the cash, but I'm for one and tired of these places padding the coffers with this bundle sham. Why do you think a lot of launch titles sold one million copies?! It's not that I won't buy 2-3 titles, I just don't like being forced to pick and choose. But I guess that's the price we pay if we don't want to be in the tremendously long Toy-R-US, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy lines hoping to get a console <thinks of SouthPark episode when Cartman didn't get a PSP>. "


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Apharmd Battler said:
2) There is no splitting the user base by not including the HDD. You can always buy one later when you have the cash. I know I've read a few article where M$ has told developers not to rely on HDD for caching data. I'll try to do some digging and post links later. Hell I know I just read this over at XBox-Scene.com this weekend. IMHO, they're giving gamers without loot a break by offering a more affrodable model. It still has all the functionality you can just upgrade with other componenets when you have the loot. If a devleoper wnats to include the HDD option he can, but M$ has stated that it should NOT be a requirement.

How can people now downplay the lack of a HD... goddamn that's what was played up ever since the first Xbox came in to existence!

And I think we've also had countless arguments how certain online MMORPGS sales might have been damaged because a certain system didn't launch WITH it's hard drive.

Is there some data out there that now says only hardcore $399 gamers are gonna want to play online MMORPGS anyway?


rusty said:
Well ain't this a kick in the junk. I don't know how anyone can feel anything but mislead by all the early info from MS.

"HD ERA is coming!"

*no HD cables in standard 360 'core' system

"Freedom from wires! Wireless controllers!"

*Wired controller in standard 360 'core' system

"Xbox Live Silver - Free live on weekends!"

*not included in standard 360 'core' system

"20 Gb hard drive!"

*not included in standard 360 'core' system

"Bacwards Compatability!...

*not included in standard 360 'core' system

I think I'll pass. Can I get a refund for a pre-order at Gamestop?


checkmate! :D


399$US is a great price for what you get. Cutting edge hardware + wireless remote (hey that still is still 30$CAN for the first xb), hd, AND wireless controller, I think it's worth. Fuck, My x800PRO cost me more than last last year when it came out.

399$ for 4 years of gaming is nothing. Nothing.

edit: 399$ is cheaper than what the ps2 and xbox were when it launched


DarienA said:
How can people now downplay the lack of a HD... goddamn that's what was played up ever since the first Xbox came in to existence!

Like I said before, not having it standard is a downgrade. Never before have I seen a new product launch with one less standard feature.


Pimpwerx said:
I realize now that there was the same reaction to the PSP price. I was really vocal at that point since the PSP was a sure buy for me. But that price was too high. This time, the 360 wasn't so much of a sure buy, but I was leaning towards getting a launch system since I was kinda expecting the $300 with HDD. But this price is too high, and for everything. Maybe this should be a sign to Sony and Nintendo that they can't push this envelope too far. There's a cutoff where the system will completely tank 3DO-style.

I doubt we get a PS3 price until next Feb. I think they'll just wait to see how 360 consoles and periphs sell at this pricepoint. Is this how expensive gaming is over in EU or JP normally? If so, then this sucks. I don't miss the days of $70 games. PEACE.

I think most people were pretty pleasantly suprised at the PSP price. Everyone was prepared for $300+.


mrklaw said:
up at xbox.com now Link to UK pages

says you get the component cable in the standard pack too - with SCART adapter (for the composite bit)

So if I was happy(?) with a wired controller and a cheap memory card....I could save a few quid.

Wait, what? The SCART cable is going to be composite? What's wrong with RGB, it can't be that hard to convert component to RGB can it?
Wario64 said:
what the fuck. any new gaffers joining the next-gen boycott with me?



and they think they can rape us more with microtransactions? oh wait, we gotta buy a $99 hard drive or a $399 Xbox to even do that. screw that noise

sonyers will have a field day today

Iam with you Wario 64. I refuse to move to next Gen.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This is going to piss off a lot of game retailers who have been taking pre-orders for one SKU. My lord, this could be quite a mess for them...


Shit, the 399 option looks pretty good after seeing the prices on the accessories.

After seeing those prices, it seems to me that Microsoft is trying to not just turn a profit, but also trying to recoup the 2 billion dollar loss they made on the original Xbox.


I'm not so pissed at the price because I can wait, But what really bothers me is that the HD is no longer standard


dark10x said:
This is going to piss off a lot of game retailers who have been taking pre-orders for one SKU. My lord, this could be quite a mess for them...

Yes, it is. On my lunch break I'm heading out to EB to get my fucking money back.

Boy oh boy, they ain't gonna be happy to see me.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
FiRez said:
I'm not so pissed at the price because I can wait, But what really bothers me is that the HD is no longer standard
Yes, this is my biggest concern. The one thing that 360 seemed to have on PS3 was the HDD. I assumed that games could use this HDD as a means of improving performance...but I don't see how this could happen now. I mean, it COULD be an option...but how many devs would add this option for something that isn't standard? Their time is better spent optimizing for the disc based loading.

You know what else pisses me off? Sony could be less aggressive with their PS3 pricing now...

I'm not too worried about cost myself, but this is going to cause a lot of problems for many people.


butthole fishhooking yes
suaveric said:
Shit, the 399 option looks pretty good after seeing the prices on the accessories.

I think that's the idea of two SKU's. I imagine MS is also going to run shortages on the "core" system.


hyperbolically metafictive
if ps3 is as expensive and as graphically underwhelming, i'm becoming a nintendo fan out of sheer spite. worst generational leap...ever.
rusty said:
Well ain't this a kick in the junk. I don't know how anyone can feel anything but mislead by all the early info from MS.

"HD ERA is coming!"

*no HD cables in standard 360 'core' system

"Freedom from wires! Wireless controllers!"

*Wired controller in standard 360 'core' system

"Xbox Live Silver - Free live on weekends!"

*not included in standard 360 'core' system

"20 Gb hard drive!"

*not included in standard 360 'core' system

"Bacwards Compatability!...

*not included in standard 360 'core' system

I think I'll pass. Can I get a refund for a pre-order at Gamestop?

Quoted for truth. What really pisses me off about this news is that Microsoft blatantly lied to us. I mean wtf did Allard (iirc) meant when he said that the hdd would be standard and that the first Xbox360 that would hit the market will have an hdd? Was it all stupid PR double-talk?


I am now convinced that the whole Xbox project was just a favor to Sony. This is part of the "phase-out" phase. Conquer some territory, now hand it over to Sony.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I am now convinced that 99% of gamers are retards, judging by the majority of posts this morning. I'm going back to bed, I didn't wake up to find myself talking to pre-teens who can't afford a measily amount of money. Wah wah indeed.

And I thought u was hardkore!

Musashi Wins!

I guess I was spoiled by Microsofts willingness to lose money on the first Xbox. Of course, I didn't buy at launch for any of this gens consoles so they all felt like better values. Still, I felt as though the 1st console made me a rather loyal customer though this announcement discourages my buying dollars.

It just doesn't seem worth it to me. Even though there's several games I'd like to play, there's nothing there yet that I have to play...like most launches. I'm making more money than I ever have, but I'm not paying a premium for buyers remorse.

Also, not to defend their upcoming ass-raping of gamers, but at least Sony has done a lot to make themselves seem the most powerful of the upcoming systems and has the added bonus of making it seem like their consoles are a continuing investment in your game library as the compatible library is HUGE. You feel like less of a heel paying a kings ransom for that.


Price be damned, prices go up and down. Its the no HDD as standard that pisses me off the most, since I know now it won't be even vaguely utilised as much as it could of. HDD is what set the Xbox apart from competition, with custom soundtracks, Live downloads and *ahem* modding.

Microsoft needed to focus on those strengths and improve them. Instead they've turned their back on them almost by making them 'optional'.

Whereas I was going to get an X360 since it seemed a wonderful proposition (wireless controllers as standard, better hdd support, free live at weekends... ) , now I will be holding off until either Halo 3, or the sudden appearance of a holy trinity of AAAA titles.

Seriously, fuck you MS, I supported the Xbox as it was great, but right off the bat you're fucking its successor up. Now it pains me to even consider saving up the remorgaging price the PS3 will require.



force push the doodoo rock
DopeyFish said:
I am now convinced that 99% of gamers are retards, judging by the majority of posts this morning. I'm going back to bed, I didn't wake up to find myself talking to pre-teens who can't afford a measily amount of money. Wah wah indeed.

And I thought u was hardkore!

yeah measly

DopeyFish said:
I am now convinced that 99% of gamers are retards, judging by the majority of posts this morning. I'm going back to bed, I didn't wake up to find myself talking to pre-teens who can't afford a measily amount of money. Wah wah indeed.

And I thought u was hardkore!

<<<<<<####xbot model 1.5 instruction set 399.99-fhuta>>>>>
Shutting down operations. recharge mode initiated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<ver.1.5 ###2###1###>


DopeyFish said:
I am now convinced that 99% of gamers are retards, judging by the majority of posts this morning. I'm going back to bed, I didn't wake up to find myself talking to pre-teens who can't afford a measily amount of money. Wah wah indeed.

And I thought u was hardkore!

I have a family to feed, a house to pay for, 2 car payments and a myriad of other things. Don't judge my spending habits.

Can we please get a ban on Dopey?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DopeyFish said:
I am now convinced that 99% of gamers are retards, judging by the majority of posts this morning. I'm going back to bed, I didn't wake up to find myself talking to pre-teens who can't afford a measily amount of money. Wah wah indeed.

And I thought u was hardkore!
It's not about the money for me (and plenty of others here). However, price makes quite a difference to a lot of others and could seriously impact the succes of the console with the general market.

Like I said, the ONLY thing that pisses me off is the lack of a standard HDD as it will no longer be used as it could have been. You act as if no XBOX games used the HDD, but you could not be more wrong. A lot of the biggest titles used the caching features of the HDD in order to provides seamless experiences. Ninja Gaiden relied heavily on this feature, for example.
I was laughing and having a good time with the news until I reached the pricing breakdown for accessories and whatnot.

That's just depressing.
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