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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Well unique is quite obvious

They even say that something like make it rain counts as 1 ability instead of multiple ones, since its a multi damage component
you're kind of proving my point tho

you can't tell if it has to be 3 separate abilities or 3 separate casts. the dot example only exemplifies that it doesn't work for dots :p

I mean, yeah sure, if you really want to focus on the his usage of words or whatever.

If it's still not clear to you, go to the official forums (or maybe reddit or their twitter) and ask him to clarify. It's not like they don't respond to people.

But if we're determining how it works, him saying 'see Maokai passive' clears up the mechanics.
idk i think making me google maokai's passive is kind of dumb when you can just say 3 separate casts

like elaborate on that mystic shot case

say mystic shot auto mystic shot

and it's perfectly clear


So far it seems that even here support is the most thankless role. No one appreciates them or wants to play them. Fine by me because I like Soraka. Everyone wants to play carry though, doesn't matter if they can't even last hit.
you're kind of proving my point tho

you can't tell if it has to be 3 separate abilities or 3 separate casts


3 unique casts. That includes the same ability, but it doesn't include something like Rivens Q, which is 3 different casts of the same ability within the same cooldown.


Meh, support is one of funnest roles in the game. If people would rather do fuck all for 80% of their games because they get to to have big deeps in 20%, more power to them.

Any rate, 6 wins in a row with a KDA of 9.68 across all matches, with a 51.5% kill participation (which is brought down by a few stomps which normally means lower k/p)...and all I can think about is how matchmaking is getting ready to wreck my shit and pull down even lower than 10 games under .500.


man i hate zac so much lol


3 unique casts. That includes the same ability, but it doesn't include something like Rivens Q, which is 3 different casts of the same ability within the same cooldown.
i intuited it works like that, but it wasn't crystal clear in the article, that's all



grueling 66min game but like how do you even get an s with xerath lol


So far it seems that even here support is the most thankless role. No one appreciates them or wants to play them. Fine by me because I like Soraka. Everyone wants to play carry though, doesn't matter if they can't even last hit.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Masteries are 0/18/12 with Windspeaker's Blessing at his keystone, (odd duck for a tank support). Courage of the Colossus isn't particularly great once you're out of lane because you won't be engaging all that much and Taric's CC isn't reliable enough for Stoneborn Pact, which is fine because you have your own healing baked into the kit. Again, odd duck.

Skill order is E-W-Q to start.

Then you can either max E or Q first, both are perfectly viable. Generally speaking, max E vs. engage supports (Thresh, Blitz, Leona) and utility supports (Janna, Nami) and max E against poke supports (Zyra, Brand). These aren't hard rules though. You have until level 4 to commit to any skill ordering. This is particularly important against champions that are combo utility and poke (Karma, Lulu, Sona). As you play Taric you'll start to develop your own style, learn support match-ups, ADC pairings, etc. and that'll influence your skill ordering.

The second skill to max is also up in the air. If you max'ed E first, then Q is next to protect your ADC if they're doing super well. If you have a fed bruiser/tank on the team, the consider going W second because it scales on the target's max health. If you max'ed Q first, then max W next for more raw protection or E for more CC/catch potential and a touch more damage.

For item builds, again Taric is flexible. Default is Relic Shield to start, but in poke lanes (or rather lanes you expect you'll be max'ing Q first and using it frequently) Ancient Coin is viable as well. Also consider your team's composition. If you happen to have several champions on your team that have trouble getting engaging, then Talisman of Ascension can be the tie-breaker in your starting itemization.

For the initial build, it's the usual boots/sightstone/upgrade your starting item in the order you see fit. Boot choices are Lucidity Boots (best if winning), Ninja Tabis (most general option). Mobis (if you plan on roaming a lot), and Merc Treads (buy if the enemy team has a lot of CC, don't just buy for the MR)

If you started Relic Shield, then Eye of the Equinox is a possible item pickup if your team is winning early on and you want to close-out. Outside of Relic Shield, Eye of the Equinox, and Talisman, Taric's core items consist of:

Redemption (most flexible option)
Knight's Vow (build for armor and to protect a fed ADC)
Locket (build vs. magic damage heavy teams or if an opposing AP champ is fed)

Build in the order you see fit, and only build if it makes sense. Locket vs. all AD comps isn't going to help at all. Other items that are fantastic on Taric:

Zeke's Convergence (get your fed ADC absolutely popping and well protected)
Ardent Censer (build if you have multiple AA heavy champions doing well. Taric proc's the passive ridiculously well, possibly as well or even more so than Sona)
Righteous Glory (when you are absolutely the only engage option for your team)
Abyssal Mask (2nd best MR item for Taric after locket, particularly if your team is magic damage heavy)

and for a laugh:

Iceborn Gauntlet (this with Q spam is just hilarious when you're ahead, but only do it to add salt to the wound!)

awesome, appreciate it!

just had a great game w Taric


So I heard about the rune changes that are coming. Are they also changing the way rune pages work? It kinda sucks to only have 2 for free. That doesn't even give one enough material to fill one for each generic role.
I believe you'll be able to edit runes while you're in champ select when the new runes go through which will help somewhat. Don't think they're going to give more runepages though.


I believe you'll be able to edit runes while you're in champ select when the new runes go through which will help somewhat. Don't think they're going to give more runepages though.

Well I guess that will be something. Maybe they will make the pages at least cheaper. Not having to buy the runes will also help. I think that is part of the change right?
Well I guess that will be something. Maybe they will make the pages at least cheaper. Not having to buy the runes will also help. I think that is part of the change right?
Yes. Extra rune pages will still be paid but you won't have to buy runes anymore.


Neo Member

Dia promos and this is the garbage I have to deal with, flaming and dying all game. What's the real difference between this and bronze?


Neo Member

Two promos lost the same day and now I have 60~ LP again... fuck this game.

More mechanically gifted.

I guess (not that game, believe me), but the mentality it's still the same. They die once and give up.

The macro plays and coordination are fucking terrible too.

And FUCK Draven btw ;) ;) ;)


Tragic victim of fan death

Two promos lost the same day and now I have 60~ LP again... fuck this game.

I guess (not that game, believe me), but the mentality it's still the same. They die once and give up.

The macro plays and coordination are fucking terrible too.

a person's maturity and play mindset doesn't change across divisions unfortunately. Skill usually does. Look at Dardoch. Probably toxic just like any bronze or diamond.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
anyone got a similar breakdown for Taliyah? that Taric one above was aces

also, is there a preffered ios app people use for info ?


Neo Member
a person's maturity and play mindset doesn't change across divisions unfortunately. Skill usually does. Look at Dardoch. Probably toxic just like any bronze or diamond.

Yeah, I've seen griefing on Master/Challenger streams. Even pro player like Jensen before his C9 days or Dardoch like you mentioned, so I shouldn't be surprised. Also, I shouldn't talk about skill when I'm a trash tier Janna OTP shield bot, but this shit is frustrating :c


Yeah, I've seen griefing on Master/Challenger streams. Even pro player like Jensen before his C9 days or Dardoch like you mentioned, so I shouldn't be surprised. Also, I shouldn't talk about skill when I'm a trash tier Janna OTP shield bot, but this shit is frustrating :c
Are you on NA? We should duo.


anyone got a similar breakdown for Taliyah? that Taric one above was aces

also, is there a preffered ios app people use for info ?
12-18-0 with thunderlords, mpen reds, cdr/ap/Mr blues, HP/armor yellows and ap quints. I take scaling cdr and scaling hp but those runes are expensive for a new player so go with flat mr and flat armor

max q then e then w

generally build morellos into liandrys or rylais, get the other one later. build zhonyas against ad assassins like zed or abyssal against someone like ahri. get void staff every game, usually third or fourth item

summoners is usually flash+ghost, tho I sometimes take exhaust instead

I can do a longer writeup on playstyle later

this is all for mid taliyah btw, supp talliyah sux

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
12-18-0 with thunderlords, mpen reds, cdr/ap/Mr blues, HP/armor yellows and ap quints. I take scaling cdr and scaling hp but those runes are expensive for a new player so go with flat mr and flat armor

max q then e then w

generally build morellos into liandrys or rylais, get the other one later. build zhonyas against ad assassins like zed or abyssal against someone like ahri. get void staff every game, usually third or fourth item

summoners is usually flash+ghost, tho I sometimes take exhaust instead

I can do a longer writeup on playstyle later

this is all for mid taliyah btw, supp talliyah sux

Just remember to use "request desktop" on iOS. Lolalytics hides lots of information on their mobile version.

many thanks, both of you


Just hit honor level 3! This is probably just what I needed in order to stand a chance at picking more loot up anytime soon, so it's been a nice surprise.

Guess this is one of the things where being a support main helps, because people tend to honor me more often for being generally helpful and not tilting than they would've if I were playing Top, where I'd probably only get honor if I ended up carrying the game.


I thought I hated Kayn a lot. And then I had one on my team. Now I hate Kayn a lot more.

That said, I didn't respect the opposing Kat's damage despite her not doing all that well and didn't notice that we didn't really have any sensible means of shutting down her ultimate. Should have bought Locket way sooner than I did. There's a few fights in the mid-game that could have gone better if I itemized properly. Not really sure what prompted me to get Righteous Glory second. They had means to stop my engage and my team's own follow-up potential was quite shit.

Had the match in the bag until someone on the team decided to make a really shit Elder dragon call that then translated to an enemy Baron. I really hate bronze mentality of "if I don't see them on the map, they must be far away". No jackass, if you don't see them, assumed they're nearby. It's not rocket science if either of A.) we have numerical advantage or B.) we don't see some of the opposing team scattered away from the target objective, don't fucking do it.

Ghrherhefdsjbkjf should have won that game handily but ended up being a 25 min long slide into stupid.
Taric top is stupid fun. Last night I had a game vs a taric top. At one point we all landed perfect full team ults at the same time. XD

Dumb shit like that makes me enjoy this game.


Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?

Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?

Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?

Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?

Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?

Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?

Can we do something about Janna now?

Is 57% win rate not enough?

Can the defense force please leave?


I feel like Riot does need to take a look at champions like Janna, Anivia and Annie specifically because of their strength in solo q.
Janna was good, teetering a bit on strong.

Then they added +Heal/Shield stat.

Then they added Redemption.

Then they buffed Ardent Censer beyond belief.


The main issue with Janna right now is that coin is way too good. Janna has always been one of the top winrate supports but since coin is so good right now it's harder for her poke counters (Nami/Sona) to establish a meaningful lead in lane that sticks around later.

Sona used to demolish Janna in lane but it's much more difficult right now, and coin ensures that Janna will get a gold lead later or at least get even in gold unless she get's completely smashed. If Sona/Nami gets coin they can't reliably poke her out of lane to establish a lead to begin with.

Sure, Ardent and Redemption do a lot for her too, but she shouldn't be able to get the gold to finish them as early as she can to begin with. I think a weaker coin or stronger spellthief could tip the scales a bit. Perhaps Janna will need a nerf in addition to that though.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
this might explain why i enjoy Janna so much lol

any build tips / playstyle tips? i've just been using builds i find online, ardent first redemption later

focus on my E first, then q, then w but that might not be ideal

i stay back a lot, disrupt with q and pop e shields when my adc wants to burst


this might explain why i enjoy Janna so much lol

any build tips / playstyle tips? i've just been using builds i find online, ardent first redemption later

focus on my E first, then q, then w but that might not be ideal

i stay back a lot, disrupt with q and pop e shields when my adc wants to burst

You probably want to max W instead of Q after you max E first, but it's not a big deal either way. You seem to do what a Janna should do.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
You probably want to max W instead of Q after you max E first, but it's not a big deal either way. You seem to do what a Janna should do.


on to Kayle - having a lot of fun with her, but had a very frustrating Win this morning with my coffee.

i picked top first and locked Kayle in , but then some guy picked Garen

so now we're both in the top lane and its kind of a mess. i sort of changed my playstyle to be more of a support by maxing W and building +shield items and we won but it was still weird




on to Kayle - having a lot of fun with her, but had a very frustrating Win this morning with my coffee.

i picked top first and locked Kayle in , but then some guy picked Garen

so now we're both in the top lane and its kind of a mess. i sort of changed my playstyle to be more of a support by maxing W and building +shield items and we won but it was still weird

Well if u wanna know the secret kayle build
It invovles a nashor's tooth, guinsoo and cooldown boots
And spamming her e like no tomorrow



on to Kayle - having a lot of fun with her, but had a very frustrating Win this morning with my coffee.

i picked top first and locked Kayle in , but then some guy picked Garen

so now we're both in the top lane and its kind of a mess. i sort of changed my playstyle to be more of a support by maxing W and building +shield items and we won but it was still weird


That's a situation that isn't going to happen very often once you reach a certain point so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Once you get into ranked people typically won't try to do outlandishly stupid things like duo top. They may troll in other ways but people usually honor the meta.
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