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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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formerly sane
I just played a Vayne vs. Vayne match and lost. :( 9/9/8 - at least I wasn't way under. Most of my kills came from her actually; she was going for almost pure attack speed, and I was going for a mix. I was able to solo her + a Vlad, but she was seemingly able to solo the entire rest of my team...

I like doign that myself, hahahhaha. Also kill off any ad with as or crits with a frozen heart it ticks them off once they realize what you did for advantage with lifesteal it's gg for them and their team.


The enemy team hated our guts end game as they had momentum up until our gp stole dragon and baron right in a row from them. After that it was just drawn out fights until both me and gp had a warmongs setup going. Using %hp runes and masteries just makes my damage ridiculous.

1244 crits

They couldn't do anything even with tower baits since we had a lot of hp and escape. Everything they threw at us fell apart due to our escape and ability to knock them out of ultimates.


What does it take to get this thread back to Communities? It always takes me awhile to find this thread under Gaming. -_-

What champion do you have the highest winning percentage with? Mines is Malphite with around 70%. All my other champs are around 55% with Shen being the lowest at 30%. ;<


A lot of people received 450 RP from Riot as a compensation for some error. Check your profile to see if you also received it.

I hate Olaf. I must have wasted four of my ults on him because he can repel suppress. I don't know how to know if it's active.

Started to get REALLY worried when Trynd started to get fed. His R annoys me as usual because I have to retreat and ready my Q once I stop seeing red letters popping from him. Warwick's sustain still amazes me. I managed to get out of a triple team and killed them all.

First time I fought an Evelynn. Her instant stealth got her out a few times but I'm not wasting an item slot just to get an oracle. Can WW even do anything once she's stealthed? I read still works but I don't know if WW can target her with anything.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Oracles doesn't use an item slot if you drink it, but it will go away if you die.

I hate Olaf. I must have wasted four of my ults on him because he can repel suppress. I don't know how to know if it's active.

Started to get REALLY worried when Trynd started to get fed. His R annoys me as usual because I have to retreat and ready my Q once I stop seeing red letters popping from him. Warwick's sustain still amazes me. I managed to get out of a triple team and killed them all.

First time I fought an Evelynn. Her instant stealth got her out a few times but I'm not wasting an item slot just to get an oracle. Can WW even do anything once she's stealthed? I read still works but I don't know if WW can target her with anything.

You don't have to fill an item slot with an oracle, you can either store it in an item slot until you want to use it, then it goes away, or if your inventory is full, it'll automatically apply.


First time I fought an Evelynn. Her instant stealth got her out a few times but I'm not wasting an item slot just to get an oracle. Can WW even do anything once she's stealthed? I read still works but I don't know if WW can target her with anything.
Someone playing wukong kept calling me an idiot or something and telling me that warwick's blood sniffer nose works on invisible people, but I still don't know for sure.


Someone playing wukong kept calling me an idiot or something and telling me that warwick's blood sniffer nose works on invisible people, but I still don't know for sure.

Nope, Warwick's blood scent doesn't work on invisible heroes. He may be confused with the DotA Bloodseeker
so the ppl who bought dodge runes are refunded back in RP? I got 450 rp out of nowhere, I haven't been playing LOL for the past couple of days because of the Steam sales and achievements. I haven't been reading about the runes, what was wrong with them?

never bought dodge runes, but I also got 450rp outta nowhere.

now my quest into getting that demonblade tryn is nearing completion...


What does it take to get this thread back to Communities? It always takes me awhile to find this thread under Gaming. -_-

What champion do you have the highest winning percentage with? Mines is Malphite with around 70%. All my other champs are around 55% with Shen being the lowest at 30%. ;<

I'm not around to check, but I think my highest is with Gangplank somewhere around 80% win rate in ranked. Second is Alistar around 60% or so.


Nope, Warwick's blood scent doesn't work on invisible heroes. He may be confused with the DotA Bloodseeker
Then that's really funny because I was DEFINITELY seeing a bug at that point in time then. For some reason, enemy turrets were apparently detecting invisible units on their own team. I may have killed wukong on the other team 2-3 times that way, which is why he was calling me an idiot and saying it was blood scent when I was telling him on alltalk it was a glitch.

Unless there's something where if blood scent activates first and then people cloak, you can still see them, but I highly doubt that.


By the way, after tonight I don't know if I will be on much at all for the next few years (or at least the next week) due to Christmas travel. :( I hope you all miss me and have a good holiday break.


Then that's really funny because I was DEFINITELY seeing a bug at that point in time then. For some reason, enemy turrets were apparently detecting invisible units on their own team. I may have killed wukong on the other team 2-3 times that way, which is why he was calling me an idiot and saying it was blood scent when I was telling him on alltalk it was a glitch.

Unless there's something where if blood scent activates first and then people cloak, you can still see them, but I highly doubt that.

Blood scent, seems buggy to me as well. Sometimes if you're right next to the guy but you're hugging the wall or something, it won't work, and then it will work once you stop hugging, weird. I also noticed some weird delay. Problems seemed to happened in the jungle remake patch and they remade Warwick's walk animation

About that 450 RP, it might be that Riot is giving them to everyone as a Christmas gift. There's lots of reports that people are getting 450 RP for no reason too, although not everyone has gotten them yet.

About Evelynn, Oracles doesn't take a slot when you drink it, so feel free to buy one. Though as someone mentioned earlier, it disappears on death. Also, there's a "fade time" for Evelynn's stealth IIRC (meaning the stealth isn't instant, it takes time for stealth to kick in). If you keep on attackin Evelynn while she's fading into stealth (1-2 seconds?), it will take her 1-2 more seconds to fully stealth (Twitch too I believe). So basically keep trying to attack her, there's a chance you can kill her before she fully stealths. Otherwise, just get Oracles, she's real squishy and can't do anything if everyone sees her.




Blood scent, seems buggy to me as well. Sometimes if you're right next to the guy but you're hugging the wall or something, it won't work, and then it will work once you stop hugging, weird. I also noticed some weird delay. Problems seemed to happened in the jungle remake patch and they remade Warwick's walk animation.
I did notice they remade Warwick's Q animation. I didn't know about other glitches but I never really play him anymore since the new jungle happened and I feel like he's so slow. Oh well!


By the way, after tonight I don't know if I will be on much at all for the next few years (or at least the next week) due to Christmas travel. :( I hope you all miss me and have a good holiday break.

Christmas travel = next few years? Wtf lol

But we haven't made you into a great player yet!

I did notice they remade Warwick's Q animation. I didn't know about other glitches but I never really play him anymore since the new jungle happened and I feel like he's so slow. Oh well!

He was so slow before too! He also benefits more from AS runes. Do you go 21 0 9 and start with a long sword? Personally I don't like WW because it's very hard to gank pre-6


Christmas travel = next few years? Wtf lol
I exaggerate everything so I was trying to stay in character.

He was so slow before too! He also benefits more from AS runes. Do you go 21 0 9 and start with a long sword? Personally I don't like WW because it's very hard to gank pre-6
I think I used to use some AS runes actually. I should probably eventually buy a jungle rune page with some AS boosting. I think I always started with armor since it seemed to work best...and yes, unless you have red buff or the enemy has low HP, he seems hard to gank with early. I did well at one point, but that day is past.

However, good news! Someone on the neogafs said that pantheon is like the world champion jungler now, so I tried him. However, I failed horribly! Such is life.


I exaggerate everything so I was trying to stay in character.

I think I used to use some AS runes actually. I should probably eventually buy a jungle rune page with some AS boosting. I think I always started with armor since it seemed to work best...and yes, unless you have red buff or the enemy has low HP, he seems hard to gank with early. I did well at one point, but that day is past.

However, good news! Someone on the neogafs said that pantheon is like the world champion jungler now, so I tried him. However, I failed horribly! Such is life.

Pantheon jungler? MUST TRY

Also yeah, Warwick is so slow at jungling, sadface. I'm not saying Warwick is bad, Warwick is still good yeah, but other junglers just outclass Warwick like crazy. Hello Udyr, Skarner, Lee Sin, and friends, who all can not only clear the jungle much quicker than him, but can pull off a good gank well before level 6. They can also kill dragon quicker as well IIRC. Warwick was my favorite too, he needs a slight buff/rework IMO just so he can keep up with the other junglers, although I can see Riot being scared of infinite sustain top lane Warwick again


However, good news! Someone on the neogafs said that pantheon is like the world champion jungler now, so I tried him. However, I failed horribly! Such is life.
Pantheon's jungle is quite good right now. Strong level 2 ganks, but you need to pull them off, because otherwise he starts to fall behind later on. TheOddOne's been playing him a lot recently.


Pantheon's jungle is quite good right now. Strong level 2 ganks, but you need to pull them off, because otherwise he starts to fall behind later on. TheOddOne's been playing him a lot recently.
Yeah, I have crazy armor penetration and whatnot, I just don't know how to jungle without taking lots of damage from monsters (probably because I'm required to gank as you say), and I don't know how to actually use him in fights/ganks to do much damage. Plus it seems nearly impossible to land the ult on champions because of the 3-5 second delay when you aren't used to it. I guess it's supposed to be used to fly into teamfights.

Level 2 gank = jump on someone's back like a jockey, then spear them? At least one guide seemed to indicate maxing the triple spear spray move, but it seems to do so little damage and be so hard to aim I almost wonder if it got nerfed and the guides weren't updated.



I just logged onto to my account and noticed I suddenly got 400 RP more... I have no dodge runes or anything. Quickly spend it all before someone noticed there might have been an error!


After taking a long break (2-3 months) I came back to LoL. DOTA 2 disappointed me. HoN has improved but their store makes Riot look like charitable saints.

I had like 1300 RP left over so I grabbed Ahri. Lost my first two games and then won 8 in a row. I'm on fire. I love Ahri. That 10 win IP boost they gave us a long time ago has been nice combined with getting my dodge rune IP back. I'm rich!

My friends made a team and needed a AP carry for mid so I got the job. I grabbed Xerath on sale so after I get my 10 win streak with Ahri (hoping) time to master him.



Yeah, I have crazy armor penetration and whatnot, I just don't know how to jungle without taking lots of damage from monsters (probably because I'm required to gank as you say), and I don't know how to actually use him in fights/ganks to do much damage. Plus it seems nearly impossible to land the ult on champions because of the 3-5 second delay when you aren't used to it. I guess it's supposed to be used to fly into teamfights.

Level 2 gank = jump on someone's back like a jockey, then spear them? At least one guide seemed to indicate maxing the triple spear spray move, but it seems to do so little damage and be so hard to aim I almost wonder if it got nerfed and the guides weren't updated.
Spear level 1 and stun level 2, then you max spear and spray afterwards. Stun resets your attack timer, so you'll automatically get one free hit after stunning the enemy.

There are two ways to use him in team fights. Either you split push, so they have to send someone top (or where you are) or you initiate by jumping on their weakest target and blast him/her down. If you split push, then you can use your ultimate once the other team has committed to the fight. I've seen some players successfully land the ultimate behind the enemies thus forcing them to step into tower range.

I often have to use flash before the stun in order to get in range - also effective when ganking. I build him very tanky. After Wrigle's I get Warmog or Frozen Mallet depending on my team composition. As main thank I'd probably get Warmog, but the slow from Frozen Mallet works well with Pantheon and his spear.


And yes, that's a jungle Kayle.


I hate Olaf. I must have wasted four of my ults on him because he can repel suppress. I don't know how to know if it's active.

Started to get REALLY worried when Trynd started to get fed. His R annoys me as usual because I have to retreat and ready my Q once I stop seeing red letters popping from him. Warwick's sustain still amazes me. I managed to get out of a triple team and killed them all.

First time I fought an Evelynn. Her instant stealth got her out a few times but I'm not wasting an item slot just to get an oracle. Can WW even do anything once she's stealthed? I read still works but I don't know if WW can target her with anything.

I always keep in mind of the cooldowns of important ults on the enemy team such as gangplank, olaf, pantheon, karthus

Changes team fights sometimes. But then again, you do have to play a hell of a lot to even imprint the cooldown timers of the ults into your head.

the problem with PBE is people who get banned on the main client (also known as the cancer) then sign up to the PBE and play on the PBE and I'm also playing on the PBE to be a contributing member to the community by reporting bugs and discussing balance changes except the CANCER IS IN THE PBE AND THAT REALLY NEGATES ME TRYING TO BE POSITIVE WHEN THE CANCER IS CANCERING ALL THE PBE CUSTOM GAMES


(Rayven, get TOP men on this)


Just went 23/1/8 with Teemo. Feels good. The trash talking at lower levels seems to be extremely high. I got called many names but I guess that goes with playing Teemo as well. Hopefully I can brush up a little bit more before trying to jump in with GAF.


Just went 23/1/8 with Teemo. Feels good. The trash talking at lower levels seems to be extremely high. I got called many names but I guess that goes with playing Teemo as well. Hopefully I can brush up a little bit more before trying to jump in with GAF.
Want to share your build? I wanna be an awesome Teemo.


Want to share your build? I wanna be an awesome Teemo.

Heh, well I'm sure part of the fact that I'm playing so well is the fact that I'm level 5...:p Also it seems like you're a Teemo expert! (going off your earlier posts in this thread)

But I'm loosely following this Mobafire guide: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/get-me-teemo-over-here-with-a-blowgun-82617

I go Doran's, Beserkers, Malady, Wit's End, and usually the game ends around when I get Bloodrazor.


Heh, well I'm sure part of the fact that I'm playing so well is the fact that I'm level 5...:p Also it seems like you're a Teemo expert! (going off your earlier posts in this thread)

But I'm loosely following this Mobafire guide: http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/get-me-teemo-over-here-with-a-blowgun-82617

I go Doran's, Beserkers, Malady, Wit's End, and usually the game ends around when I get Bloodrazor.
No I just posted a bunch of stuff because I'm like the only person who plays him around here. \( ^.^)7

I usually go doran's, berserker's, malady, wit's end, and then other stuff. Or at least, I used to until the discussion came up about doran's versus shoes, so I started trying shoes and potions at level 1 instead of doran's blade.

I feel like I have started doing worse since then but who knows. :( I understand the concept that shoes and potions should be better in general.


Oh man, are there skins that cost 450 points or less oh man


kayle,alister, tristanna?

also, wait for skins to go on sale before buying XD

edit:you also have pax sivir

edit2: you should buy $10 worth of rp and get spave teemo

A Penguin

Man, getting these free riot points is like a gateway drug. Didn't really think about getting skins and junk until recently. That 300 RP bonus is looking more and more tempting every day.


I'm past my point of "Not going to buy rp". I've played the game enough (way more than most 60 dollar games i buy) that I think riot deserves some of my cash. I've spent 50 bucks already over what... 4 months of play? That's pretty damn good amount of entertainment for 50 bucks.
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