So I just hit Level 20 with 10000 IP to spare. Sweet Jesus those runes are more expensive than I thought.
I've been rolling an offense Lanewick which works fairly well for me. End items.
- choice boots
- Wit's End
- Phantom Dancer
- Infinity Edge
- Bloodthirster
- defense item (Thornmail/FoN/Bveil/GA)
My core items are choice boots, Wit's End and Vampiric Scepter, then purchase order depends. The idea was to for a very offensive character that will quickly win 1v1 fights with great sustain thanks to the super life steal. The big weakness is that I really have to survive an initial burst and I cannot initiate. I was gonna go for soley Arpen->Aspd runes (bought a few cheap tier 1s).
I tried
Umashi's Lanewick build and it worked quite well for me too. I underestimated Warwick's passive; it still gave me decent amounts of sustain. Doran's Ring makes my early game so much easier compared to Boots+potions. The setup actually enables me to initiate more and I live a lot longer to support team fights.
The runes I bought were mostly from Umashi's but I used red Arpen instead. I'm down to about 3500IP.