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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Hrmmm should I pick up viktor or not.....

Wasn't interested in him, but he's going to be OP as shit i can just tell.
AP mid is quickly becoming OP mid with the last few champion releases.
A hearty welcome to all the new people!

Yesterday I installed and played the game for the first time... this evening I'll Join the Gaf community.

I found amaizing Miss Fortune and Janna champions. Is it because they are truly amazing or just because I'm a noob and they're easy to be used?

Miss Fortune is difficult to play, admittedly. Janna is great. But honestly, unless you get to a high level of play, I don't think which champion you pick really matters. I would recommend learning assassin, support, and tank roles.

Ok... so I wasted my first day ip :)

Thank you for the suggestion

Tier 1 runes are so cheap, I wouldn't worry about it. Skip Tier 2.

Thoughts? Katarina a good choice? I'm sure there are dud champions and I'd hate to spend any ip or money on a dud.

edit: Also I can afford Akali right now and she looks pretty decent from a noob perspective. maybe her?

Katarina is great, until you start meeting people that know she has to be targeted instantly. Akali can be really powerful, but requires a good team setup and has to be built in a specific way.

Does GAF have a mumble or team speak server? I'm down for doing some games tonight. I'm level 29 with a couple hundred games played. I'm not the best but also not terrible at the game.

Send me a friend request!

Summoner name: Devin Olsen

We have a mumble server; it's in the OP. Join us in the chat channel, too!


What? Lol?

I would check your items. Shyvana is a monster.

Shyvana is horrible, really bad. The trouble with her is that her kit doesn't work well together, so no matter how you build her she seems lackluster. Whens he's not in ult form she's down right useless. Her Q is a glorified second autoattack, her E is the biggest piece of crap ever and her passive is stupid as hell. The only thing halfway decent on her is her W, but unfortunately it scales horribly.

In her dragon for she's pretty good, but here's the catch:

-The cooldown on it is 67 seconds, only way to decrease that is to auto attack. If you're getting pushed in base, or people are taking creep waves you're screwed in recharging it.
-The activation is the most awkward and shitty I've ever seen in this game. The hit box is horrible, the pushback does little to nothing when it actually does hit. Often times I find the activation puts you in way way worse positions than you need to be.
-You get CC'ed easily out of it, or they just run and avoid you until it's over. Since you have no hard CC most of the meter is usually wasted. If they don't run they just CC you and you waste bar not being able to do jack shit.

Okay, so maybe I'm building her wrong. But I've tried several things with her and they all suck. The two obvious builds:

To me this is the best way to go. Since her ratios suck ass, and she's often focus fired you usually need to go this route. Unfortunately good tanky characters have CC, or utility to help the team. Shyvana has none of these things. The best you do is do a decent amount of damage with burnout, and maybe a couple Q's if you're lucky. But since you're tanky your passive doesn't kick in much, and you do little damage in the way of melee.

-Attack Speed/On-hit
First thing her kit makes you want to do is build attack speed due to her passive. But really the passive is pretty crap. The burnout doesn't gain anything from stacking attackspeed since you reach cap just auto attacking and Q'ing with normal attack speed. It makes her Q's charge faster, but since you can't CC people they'll just run away and it's no use. If you do get them pinned down you do jack all shit damage. In team fights you get focused hard, since you haven't gone tanky... even with her ULT passive she goes down quick.

The thing is she uses AD for her two best skills, but all her attacks but Q do magic damage. So even if you get good bonuses from her AD, your shit just gets resisted. She's stuck in this weird situation where she's a hybrid which is heavy on magic, but doesn't use mana and has shitty ratios. Outside her ult passive she has no surviability, no CC, no team utility whatsoever.

Pretty much she's a really really shitty version of Skarner. I mean their kits are almost identical (pretty blatantly) except his skills actually work together, he has CC, and team utility.


What is the most effective way to tell a tank to buy armor?

A. Can you please buy a thornmail?

B. You should get a thornmail since they have Caitlyn, Talon, and Irelia on their team.

C. Singed, buy a thornmail. All your gear is MR right now.

D. Buy a thornmail, you fuck.

E. I will blow you if you buy a thornmail.

The tank shouldn't ever buy thorn mail.
Heh, I actually find Shyvana to be neither terrible nor amazing (and she does get played a few times at high ELO, suggesting she isn't completely worthless). I've had really great games with her in normal pick, so you can at least play in pubs with her and do just fine.

I like jungling with her. She's super dependent on red-buff to gank, especially early on, but her jungle clear is really fast and you can jungle fine without Smite, thus freeing you up to take two real summoners. I build wriggles + mercs into frozen mallet, and either wit's end or pure tanky items depending on how the game is going.
The tank shouldn't ever buy thorn mail.
Thornmail is incredibly overrated by pubs, but sometimes the tank (and tanky champs) should in fact buy it. Thornmail is always useless on squishies on the other hand.

The main time I consider getting thornmail is if the enemy has a fed glass cannon AD melee like Master Yi or Xin Zhao, and that too only after getting Randuins/FH + HP items.


The tank shouldn't ever buy thorn mail.
Wrong. It´s certainly not bad on Rammus, Skarner or Amu even tho you should favor frzoen heart in most cases.

And theres a big difference in playstyle between Rammus, Singed and Irealia. You can´t simple say "tank".

Another thing, I´m talking ranked here. Cait, Ire, Talon means most likely Fid jungle if they want to have some ap. So, if Singed wants to flip Cait, which is his job, he needs to get to her first! So no ... thornmail on a tank isnt verybad.


Heh, I actually find Shyvana to be neither terrible nor amazing (and she does get played a few times at high ELO, suggesting she isn't completely worthless). I've had really great games with her in normal pick, so you can at least play in pubs with her and do just fine.

I like jungling with her. She's super dependent on red-buff to gank, especially early on, but her jungle clear is really fast and you can jungle fine without Smite, thus freeing you up to take two real summoners. I build wriggles + mercs into frozen mallet, and either wit's end or pure tanky items depending on how the game is going.

She's terrible, doesn't mean she can't be played. I jungled with Shy for a long time. Then recently I picked up Skarner. Like I said their kits are almost identical, but skarner is leaps and bounds better than her, and he's even built very very similiar. Playing him shows how shitty her kit really is.


I don't wanne flame... but you obviously are doing it wrong. She is a killer jungler and does really good damage overall and she is a great tank at the same time.

Then enlighten me. She clears jungle fast, but that's pretty much it. But even other junglers like skarner can clear in the same to close amount of time.
Then enlighten me. She clears jungle fast, but that's pretty much it. But even other junglers like skarner can clear in the same to close amount of time.

With Shyvanna, i have the most success with boots and pots in jungle and aggressively counter jungling, as She can get in, steal a mob, and get out very quickly with burnout + boots, as well as catch a low jungler out of position. I then build Wriggles + Boots of Mobility I think its called (+2 in combat, +5 out of combat) and she just comes barreling out of anywhere any pretty much any point. She's great in the team when the rest of the team is CC heavy and you can catch them out of position/flank a lot, as her dragon ult while not great, clumps them all together for a cresendo or other large aoe attack. Def not Skarner tier but she can be good.


Viktor already has great utility with a slow and stun all under one spell. The duration seems pretty long too.


I wasn't able to win with Teemo in the matches I played last night, but I'm feeling more comfortable with him. He's very matchup dependent, but in one game I was able to give a Singed player fits in top lane thanks to my harassment and ability to kite him, and with my jungler's help, we narrowly converted two Sion-assisted ganks against me into double kills. We would have won it if my team hadn't gotten sloppy once we gained an advantage.

I have a ton of IP saved up, and I'm thinking about picking up a new AP mid-type champion to go with my Kassadin. Ahri is good, but I'm afraid she's going to get nerfed, so I'm waiting for the next balance patch. Kennen is also a safe choice that I plan on looking into next time he's free.


I have a ton of IP saved up, and I'm thinking about picking up a new AP mid-type champion to go with my Kassadin. Ahri is good, but I'm afraid she's going to get nerfed, so I'm waiting for the next balance patch. Kennen is also a safe choice that I plan on looking into next time he's free.

I don't see a nerf to ahri happening. She falls off in late game pretty hard. At that point she just becomes a small annoyance.


I just started playing this game and am having a lot of fun! It still seems like 80% of the matches are won or lost based on which team is crippled more by player disconnects/afk, but I'm hoping that kind of stuff decreases in frequency as you level up. I've been using Ahri almost exclusively, so I think I'm gonna buy her once the free to play champs roll over next week. Are there any other casters similar in play-style to her?


I don't wanne flame... but you obviously are doing it wrong. She is a killer jungler and does really good damage overall and she is a great tank at the same time.

Ha IC where you go wrong...

And here as well...

Killer jungler? She's no where in the same league as Skarner, Udyr, Nocturne or GP in terms of effective ganking.

She has no CC, no burst, no stun, no form of utility. If anyone competent sees a Shyvana jungling all they have to do is ward the river and Shyv will never be able to gank them because they'll just start to hug their turret a bit more. The fact that Shyv needs items to slow enemies down makes her poor. Her ultimate is still buggy as shit and doesn't do anything worthwhile that again, people can just run away from or CC you.
She's terrible, doesn't mean she can't be played. I jungled with Shy for a long time. Then recently I picked up Skarner. Like I said their kits are almost identical, but skarner is leaps and bounds better than her, and he's even built very very similiar. Playing him shows how shitty her kit really is.
Skarner is just overpowered. Playing him just shows how shitty nearly every other jungler is.

Shyvana's not S class or even A class, but she's quite viable in the jungle. Actually terrible junglers are like Warwick and Fiddlesticks who clear at molasses speed while also lacking quality ganks till lvl 6.



900k damage

Game lasted 1h16m and was almost lost at the 20 minute mark, but we fought back and defended for 40 minutes with only two nexus towers!


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I need a good name for a League account. I'm taking any and all suggestions from GAF, even the bad ones.
I just started playing this game and am having a lot of fun! It still seems like 80% of the matches are won or lost based on which team is crippled more by player disconnects/afk, but I'm hoping that kind of stuff decreases in frequency as you level up. I've been using Ahri almost exclusively, so I think I'm gonna buy her once the free to play champs roll over next week. Are there any other casters similar in play-style to her?

Yeah, that totally decreases over time. As for people that play like her... hm. What do you like about her?

I need a good name for a League account. I'm taking any and all suggestions from GAF, even the bad ones.


oh my~


So wait, am I understanding this right? Viktor starts with an item? Wouldn't this gimp his late game potential since he can only have 5 items?


So wait, am I understanding this right? Viktor starts with an item? Wouldn't this gimp his late game potential since he can only have 5 items?

Quite a bit of bitching about this very subject too. That was my only worry about him as well, but really how often do games get that far? Just means he has potential to fall off lategame, which is common for heros.
At level 18 maxed out its not even a particularly weak item. Let's say you got Augment: Death, that means you have a 99 AP item with +30% damage to one of your abilities. That's still pretty damn good.

Many heroes fall off late game, but if Viktor does, I don't think the hexcore will be the only factor in it.


Viktor with more than 100ap with only doran ring and boots at level 6

Completely killed me as shaco and a kassadin (everyone was half health) when i tried ganking.

I just sat there dumbfounded
Alright guys I just started a couple days ago and I'm really loving it so far. Problem is, I sometimes get teammates who don't speak English, aren't cooperative, etc. I'm still learning, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Only level 8 atm.

Anyone who's also new want to team up so we at least have competent teammates?

ID is DeadFalling
note: I don't have a headset to get on TeamSpeak/Ventrilo or anything like that


After 2 games of playing viktor... his pretty hard to play lol

You have to position yourself correctly and thats hard to do with the range of the death ray. Reminds me of orianna.
I don't think you can achieve viktor's full potential without cd runes though.


So what is GAFs opinion on Xerath? Retardedly OP/Underwhelming/I'm ok with this? Looking to buy him next now that I was able to get Riven(she's awesome, btw)


Little GAF inhouse action. I picked Ahri but for some reason at the last second it switched to rammus for no good reason. So I went support rammus!

I've been having fun with this Shen build - Haunting Guise, Sorc Boots, Spellblade, Ryali's, Abyssal, GA.

Knives hurt, Passive hurts, W absorbs 470-ish at 18 and your ult will save so many people.
I've been playing Viktor for a few games and I like his style. I have only managed to upgrade his passive once though, so I'm not sure how well the other upgrades fare.
Killer jungler? She's no where in the same league as Skarner, Udyr, Nocturne or GP in terms of effective ganking.

She has no CC, no burst, no stun, no form of utility. If anyone competent sees a Shyvana jungling all they have to do is ward the river and Shyv will never be able to gank them because they'll just start to hug their turret a bit more. The fact that Shyv needs items to slow enemies down makes her poor. Her ultimate is still buggy as shit and doesn't do anything worthwhile that again, people can just run away from or CC you.

We get it.... you have something against Shyvana... ok good for you.

And no she is not as good as Skarner and Udyr... you just mentioned the two top junglers in the game.


I just started playing this game and am having a lot of fun! It still seems like 80% of the matches are won or lost based on which team is crippled more by player disconnects/afk, but I'm hoping that kind of stuff decreases in frequency as you level up. I've been using Ahri almost exclusively, so I think I'm gonna buy her once the free to play champs roll over next week. Are there any other casters similar in play-style to her?

It happens less frequently but still expect all of the worst occassionally even far into rankings. It's the shittiest way to lose. D:<

Xerath is a nightmare in team push. Dude can just snipe for free behind his teammates. 3rd tower push is such a pain do to the brush nearby. His range is just absurd.


Ugh. I have no idea what champion I want to get. I really just want a permanent one that I can start working with. But $10 is a pretty big chunk of change for a single hero. I have around 2200ip so if I'm lucky I should have enough for a 3200ip champion early next week. I don't want to keep doing the free ones.

I wouldn't mind buying one if I was confident it was a good champion to play for all the middle levels. I'm level 7 now and would like one I could play for the next 10 or so levels.

Ones I've been tossing around are: Nocturne, Katarina, Riven, Akali, or Kassadin.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Ugh. I have no idea what champion I want to get. I really just want a permanent one that I can start working with. But $10 is a pretty big chunk of change for a single hero. I have around 2200ip so if I'm lucky I should have enough for a 3200ip champion early next week. I don't want to keep doing the free ones.

I wouldn't mind buying one if I was confident it was a good champion to play for all the middle levels. I'm level 7 now and would like one I could play for the next 10 or so levels.

Ones I've been tossing around are: Nocturne, Katarina, Riven, Akali, or Kassadin.

The bundle packs give you 20 heroes each for 20-30 bucks. I know Kassadin and Katarina are in one - the newer champions aren't though
Anyone who's also new want to team up so we at least have competent teammates?

ID is DeadFalling
note: I don't have a headset to get on TeamSpeak/Ventrilo or anything like that

A lot of people don't have a mic, they just listen in. Being able to hear what everyone else is coordinating is invaluable. Join the NeoGAF chat channel and you'll find lots of people who are coordinating games.

Demacia - Episode 4

You wanna be a coward for the rest of your life? Or wanna be a real man for 5 seconds? That's my value

I can so empathize with Garen. ;_;
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