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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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I find that it's impossible to do bad with my trundle, noc and vayne unless my team is just uncoordinated


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think the problem is that Yi rarely does well in any other situation. Anyone can do well fed, and I could be wrong here, but it seems like Yi has to be fed.
Pretty easy to eat enough jungle creeps as Yi to get fed. And to gank with red.


Graves, Xerath, and then maybe Skarner, Noct, Lee for jungle. If you could learn three of those, you'd have a strong bot, mid, and top/jungle. Yi is too squishy and depends on team comp. He can be a slam dunk in the right comp though.

Had a game with my friends a few days ago that was entirely based around supporting a super fed Yi. Had a Morde, Galio, Kayle, and Gangplank on our team along with Yi. We were losing for most of the game until they baited me (Morde) into a bush, but I knew it was a bait. I run in, die after dealing a lot of damage, then our Galio flashes in and ults, Kayle ults Yi, and our Yi got a Quadra kill. Was a perfect example of what we were trying to do and it won us the game.

haha really seems like you could switch two of those steps for better results


I really need to learn lee sin, he's a total beast if played right. The damage he can do and the survivability he has is unmatched imo... You can harass him as much as you want, he just keeps healing and beating the shit out of you.
My only experience with jungle Yi is dunking... but I only play Yi to dunk. >_> Start with cloth + pots.

If you can someone to leash, you can start with blue Golem.

Otherwise, go Golem -> Wraith -> Wolf -> Golem -> Wraith -> stock up -> Golem Buff -> Wolf -> Lizard buff -> go back, do whatever.

My skill order is E->Q->W. Prioritize Q then E. Leave W for last.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I really want to learn how to jungle yi, but... how does he gank? He has no CC
He doesn't really need it. You stick to the target and pick up the kill before they can get away. Red buff is immensely helpful though and you have to take advantage of it. Also, don't put points into his W until you need to.


sparkle this bitch
Yi is the opposite of most jungles. He has no CC, but only single target stuns can stop him and he is quick.


I can't Get the Free Alistar... is it an exclusive for the US market? In the page where I should get him, I can't connect :(

I had no problems with Tristana


I really need to learn lee sin, he's a total beast if played right. The damage he can do and the survivability he has is unmatched imo... You can harass him as much as you want, he just keeps healing and beating the shit out of you.

Lee Sin is a beast. I am constantly surprised at his dmg output. Last gaf game, I did really well, though we still lost. ;[ Took me awhile to learn him tho.
The YT video of LS instantly dashing to wards have convinced me of the need to smartcast.

How does one properly smartcast?

P.S. bjaelke, what is your summoner name?
The YT video of LS instantly dashing to wards have convinced me of the need to smartcast.

How does one properly smartcast?

P.S. bjaelke, what is your summoner name?

I changed to smart cast, and while you will get some times where you really want to know the range of something, it does have a much more fluid feel to it. It definitely improved my last hitting on Kennen with his Q.


Tragic victim of fan death
I changed to smart cast, and while you will get some times where you really want to know the range of something, it does have a much more fluid feel to it. It definitely improved my last hitting on Kennen with his Q.

I play as Akali and I found smart casting to be an actual hinderance. I use skills pretty quickly anyway so I find it somewhat less precise as I can make more mistakes doing smart casts.


So with smartcast the range indicator is gone?

But I love my range indicators...
If it's the same as holding shift and pressing a button, it just acts like flash and targets the mouse cursor. I don't like using it for click skills since I'm afraid the cursor won't be on someone though.

I tried more jungle Gangplank last night. I'm convinced that some guide I was reading is crazy, and/or Gangplank is very slow in the new jungle. I took so much jungle creep damage and took ages to buy a pair of shoes. Unless it's purely a rune difference between the guide and me, maybe I just need to watch a video. Starting with armor and potions seems better to me than trying to use a lifesteal staff.

In addition, not building damage items (even sheen) early, aside from wriggles lantern, and not building crit (someone here suggested you don't want to play the random numbers game?) means that parley seems to do a pitiful amount of damage. I almost feel like maxing parley early would still be good in the jungle for when you try to gank. Level 3 E (I think?) only seemed to give a +12 AD boost which seems tiny in comparison to the damage boosts from leveling Q, unless I got the numbers all mixed up.
vamp scepter is if you expect a hard leash and dont plan to gank much and aim to outfarm opposing jungler.

cloth 5 if you expect your team to fuck you on the leash or you plan to gank alot.


vamp scepter is if you expect a hard leash and dont plan to gank much and aim to outfarm opposing jungler.

cloth 5 if you expect your team to fuck you on the leash or you plan to gank alot.
This makes sense. I like to expect things to go wrong and cloth 5 sounds like it provides more options, and everyone likes ganks (until they yell at you to get out of their lane and stop trying to level yourself up on their minions :p).


Junior Member
The YT video of LS instantly dashing to wards have convinced me of the need to smartcast.

How does one properly smartcast?

P.S. bjaelke, what is your summoner name?

I actually just started doing that recently, and it does make you faster. Definitely don't smartcast your R, though.


Welcome! Have you read the OT? It's instrumental in getting in touch with the LoL-GAF community. Got questions?

Isn't this the OT? I have the chat channel added. I just have done the tutorial than player vs ai..little sacred to do PvP.

I don't fully understand tactics or what to spend stuff on I understand how to win etc.

I read that like ashe fortune hunter just farms creep til high lvl?
Isn't this the OT? I have the chat channel added. I just have done the tutorial than player vs ai..little sacred to do PvP.

I don't fully understand tactics or what to spend stuff on I understand how to win etc.

I read that like ashe fortune hunter just farms creep til high lvl?

I mean the first post. There's seriously a lot of useful information in there... I would know, I helped write it. The second post contains a guide to every champion in the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Doesn't pressing shift do it?

yeah but you can keybind smartcasting to other keys(or just to qwer) so you don't have to press two buttons to do it

I'm always messing with keybindings before every game. Different setup for each champ I play


New Chinese splash arts: http://leaguecraft.com/news/new-chinese-splash-arts-lee-sin-akali-pantheon-blitzcrank-and-more-inside-91.xhtml

Quoted to make image smaller.
Err US Ahri looks better!


They do have better reverse Annie tho


I guess even the Chinese think Trist is a boy



The Lee Sin art is pretty awesome.

Thanks to everyone who invited me and let me play captain Teemo today. I may not be very useful but it's rather fun to be able to play Teemo. :)

I have 6600 IP now. I might consider buying Skarner as a jungle option, though he seems super dependent on the team having high damage to carry him.
The Lee Sin art is pretty awesome.

Thanks to everyone who invited me and let me play captain Teemo today. I may not be very useful but it's rather fun to be able to play Teemo. :)

I have 6600 IP now. I might consider buying Skarner as a jungle option, though he seems super dependent on the team having high damage to carry him.



No offense but if you play skarner as a one hit wonder, aka pull with ult, and then stand there spamming q / e, you are doing it wrong. You might as well play blitzcrank, his is on a much shorter cooldown (not the same skill, same style don't nit pick).

Skarn is scary as hell when tanky damage, he never dies due to his heal, his shield, his q plus auto attacks do great damage, hes not just regulated to hit r, run away, rinse repeat. Build him tanky, never give up, surrender at 20 when you fed 5 kills though ; ;




The Lee Sin art is pretty awesome.

Thanks to everyone who invited me and let me play captain Teemo today. I may not be very useful but it's rather fun to be able to play Teemo. :)

I have 6600 IP now. I might consider buying Skarner as a jungle option, though he seems super dependent on the team having high damage to carry him.

He does good damage even when he builds straight tank, that's why he's so OP. Ya you need an AD Carry but you say that with any jungler.


Damnit Riot. No matter which runes and masteries I pick, it keeps defaulting to the one I had a few games ago. Last game I pick tank runes and masteries. Game starts and it starts with my support setup. We lost because I couldn't tank at all. -_-


Wow, I probably should have waited for the new free champions to buy Vayne. There's a bunch I want to try:

Nocturne, Caitlyn, Master Yi, Xerath


Finally getting our 20 masteries pages back! Oh, and the option to add our own recommended items: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=19240634#post19240634

No offense but if you play skarner as a one hit wonder, aka pull with ult, and then stand there spamming q / e, you are doing it wrong. You might as well play blitzcrank, his is on a much shorter cooldown (not the same skill, same style don't nit pick).

Skarn is scary as hell when tanky damage, he never dies due to his heal, his shield, his q plus auto attacks do great damage, hes not just regulated to hit r, run away, rinse repeat. Build him tanky, never give up, surrender at 20 when you fed 5 kills though ; ;
Skarner definitely DOES seem to die sometimes, so I'm going to guess you're exaggerating with "never dies". xP

I was building what someone in chat suggested -- philo stone, wits end, frozen heart, triforce...I forget what else. I guess merc treads? Frozen heart seems good for the mana. If he gets enough items the jungle monsters seem to die quickly, but I guess even with 200+ armor and 100-150+ magic resist I was dying in like 0.5 to 1.5 seconds near teamfights, possibly even without people on the other team dying, so my conclusion was that either I wasn't doing much damage, or my team wasn't, or possibly both. Or maybe I'm getting two games confused?

He is cute though, and I want him to be happy. He has a little clicky dance and goes "I miss my kind =(".
What a thrilling match. Early to mid game we were getting mowed down a lot because of their Yi. Even though the match was still at the 15 min mark I just wanted to surrender ASAP because it really felt hopeless. I dunno WHEN exactly we started to reverse the situation but we managed.

Shame match ended just a tiny bit too soon. I could've bought FoN to complete my tank/DPS build. I wanted to balance AD/AP defenses since they're a bit mixed.


At least I finally got a win tonight. I kept losing because I insisted on dunking. In one match, I could have turned the tides by backdooring but I just had to keep lagging the entire time so I got killed and failed to backdoor.


At least I finally got a win tonight. I kept losing because I insisted on dunking. In one match, I could have turned the tides by backdooring but I just had to keep lagging the entire time so I got killed and failed to backdoor.

I don't know what's up with this, but I've had occasional 2-3 second lag spikes for the last 3 days or so, and I don't seem to be the only one. It makes some champions super hard to play, like if I'm trying to dodge in and out with teemo to last hit and click the right enemies.
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