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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Hey guys I took a short break since the end of S2 and I'm trying to get caught up. Is there a resource regarding all these changes someone could point me to? I'm unclear as to how the new Masteries have affected characters. I'd like to set up my Jayce page and am not sure if 21/9 is still the way to go or how much has changed, and a lot of the guides on LoLKing I reference do not appear to have been updated just yet.



Hey guys I took a short break since the end of S2 and I'm trying to get caught up. Is there a resource regarding all these changes someone could point me to? I'm unclear as to how the new Masteries have affected characters. I'd like to set up my Jayce page and am not sure if 21/9 is still the way to go or how much has changed, and a lot of the guides on LoLKing I reference do not appear to have been updated just yet.


lolking, solomid


he means S3
but anyway

most people have no clue whats the best right now

you can look up what pro players hve been doing on http://www.probuilds.net/

major changes really have just been (defensive tree getting better) and (vision changes + trinkets)

o n be wary of supports. they're not food anymore.



RIP yorgler
we never even met :(

riot reneging on promises and making unrealistic contracts and introducing gambling and adding trinkets and changing summoners OMG RIOT


Rammus is in a totally different position than Fiddle.

He doesn't do much damage, he is only close range, and very few people play him anyway. He was essentially just a survivable taunt bot. Unlike Fiddle, he doesn't have massive damage or an additional significant CC to compensate.

Rammus wasn't even competitive to begin with, and they just crippled his key ability. He'll need a rework.


Rammus is in a totally different position than Fiddle.

He doesn't do much damage, he is only close range, and very few people play him anyway. He was essentially just a survivable taunt bot. Unlike Fiddle, he doesn't have massive damage or an additional significant CC to compensate.

Rammus wasn't even competitive to begin with, and they just crippled his key ability. He'll need a rework.

Agreed, Rammus taunt was not a problem like Fiddle's, mainly due to his damage and the much larger range of Fiddle's fear. The nerf appears to be quite harsh for him. Perhaps it is possible to restore some speed and power to his powerball.
Rammus is in a totally different position than Fiddle.

He doesn't do much damage, he is only close range, and very few people play him anyway. He was essentially just a survivable taunt bot. Unlike Fiddle, he doesn't have massive damage or an additional significant CC to compensate.

Rammus wasn't even competitive to begin with, and they just crippled his key ability. He'll need a rework.

If they just restored some duration to his powerball and tinkered with his base stats, he'd be one of the only viable season 4 ganking junglers.


yeah the rammus nerf sounds like

"fiddle fear should be nerfed because 3s of cc is too long in League of Legends"
"hey doesnt rammus have a 3s cc too?"


I'll put it a different way: if you were to design a champion with a 3 second CC, Rammus' design is basically how you could possibly make that equitable.

His other abilities make him tankier, make him get places faster (so that he can actually use his melee ranged taunt), and provide an ultimate that adds a moderate amount of damage so that he can't just be completely ignored between taunts. He is, for all intents and purposes, a survivable 3 second taunt on wheels.

I don't mean to suggest this nerf is completely unreasonable, mind you, but if you reduce the taunt significantly, then the rest of his abilities no longer make sense, as his other 3 abilities were basically there as support abilities for his taunt -- it was a 3 second taunt and 3 other abilities which make that taunt work. His other abilities will need a considerable rework if Rammus is no longer intended to be built around that taunt. Fiddle isn't really built around his fear in the same way; his ult speaks for itself, for example, in a way that Rammus' ult decidedly does not.


to be honest, rammus needs to be in melee range to pull it off + doesnt have an insta gap closer

so he has a decent amount of counter play in it. What i suspect is that they're predicting the rise of RAMMUS OP due to less wards on map. maybe. i hope. pls.

mid/late game fiddle support just flash fears the enemy mage and they're dead.


to be honest, rammus needs to be in melee range to pull it off + doesnt have an insta gap closer

so he has a decent amount of counter play in it. What i suspect is that they're predicting the rise of RAMMUS OP due to less wards on map. maybe. i hope. pls.

mid/late game fiddle support just flash fears the enemy mage and they're dead.

I meant Fiddle. Rammus' taunt was unwarrented. It was annoying, yeah, but he needs it.


I'm having fun starting doran's ring+1 red pot+1 ward on sona now, then a coin on my first base. a friend tried it with karma and it's pretty insane

also lich bane is ridonks


I'm having fun starting doran's ring+1 red pot+1 ward on sona now, then a coin on my first base. a friend tried it with karma and it's pretty insane

also lich bane is ridonks

Rushing a lich bane on Sona while still allowing gold for vision with a high poke ADC makes the lane fucking monstrous early on.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
ok even if eve's really broken after these two games I'm really liking s4 competitively

Increasing the chances of comebacks and reducing snowballing was definitely required. You knew when most games were over after the first inhib in season 3/



Fuck this game. This is why I don't solo queue. This is all I ever get. ALL. I. EVER. GET.

Troll ADC Fiora who has 27 CS 30 minutes in. Nobody on my team breaks 100 CS at the end at 35 minutes except me with 211. There was a point in the game where it was 4 to 21 in kills, with all 4 on me.

Troll top laner who says he's at a party and playing on bad wifi with 10fps. The only reason those motherfuckers even have any kills outside of Lee Sin is because they stole them from me.

Fuck this game.


getting outta bronze is about perserverance

youre better than your team mates

but sometimes you cant carry them
sometimes you can though. and if you are better than bronzies, youll carry more and more.
infact, sometimes they might carry you.

either way, over a long period of time, you'll be moving up and leaving those suckers in bronze. it'll suck sometimes, you might get frustrated, you might QQ, you might uninstall. but if you persevere?

"victory belongs to the most persevering"
- julius caesar



Fuck this game. This is why I don't solo queue. This is all I ever get. ALL. I. EVER. GET.

Troll ADC Fiora who has 27 CS 30 minutes in. Nobody on my team breaks 100 CS at the end at 35 minutes except me with 211. There was a point in the game where it was 4 to 21 in kills, with all 4 on me.

Troll top laner who says he's at a party and playing on bad wifi with 10fps. The only reason those motherfuckers even have any kills outside of Lee Sin is because they stole them from me.

Fuck this game.

as someone from hawaii...i apologize for that downright darius.


getting outta bronze is about perserverance

youre better than your team mates

but sometimes you cant carry them
sometimes you can though. and if you are better than bronzies, youll carry more and more.
infact, sometimes they might carry you.

either way, over a long period of time, you'll be moving up and leaving those suckers in bronze. it'll suck sometimes, you might get frustrated, you might QQ, you might uninstall. but if you persevere?

"victory belongs to the most persevering"
- julius caesar

No amount of preserverance is going to get me out of bronze. This is literally all I get, every time I solo queue. Troll teammates who state they're trolling, AFKers, disconnecters, the works. It's gotten to the point where I play one solo queue game every few days because I just don't want to deal with this shit (and this was the one game for the next few days).


strangely though, the enemy team looks perfectly normal

youre not cursed bro. theres no reason why that cant be your team.

it seems that somebody was unwilling to play support as well that game. i think you might have to suck it up and just play support for a little while, if anything, to avoid people playing support badly. pretty sure that fiora had to lane with a kayle who refused to support and just took all the cs


strangely though, the enemy team looks perfectly normal

youre not cursed bro. theres no reason why that cant be your team.

it seems that somebody was unwilling to play support as well that game. i think you might have to suck it up and just play support for a little while, if anything, to avoid people playing support badly. pretty sure that fiora had to lane with a kayle who refused to support and just took all the cs

I play support constantly. Every game I get into I call fill, and 90% of the time I get support. I'm pretty decent at it, it's probably my second best role. The bot lane was duo queued and they called sup and and adc... and then did that.


I play support constantly. Every game I get into I call fill, and 90% of the time I get support. I'm pretty decent at it, it's probably my second best role. The bot lane was duo queued and they called sup and and adc... and then did that.
Who do you play support? Fuck that Sona/Janna/Leona bullshit, play an OP champ that isnt a traditional support and can secretly turn into a carry. Rengar is fucking marvelous at trading, stealing kills, and getting fed, Fiddle can turn into a nightmare out of bot, and if no one has taken Nasus, don't be afraid to and pick up Targon's, get your Q farm, and stall until you can break faces late game. Wither, his armor shred, and his sustain actually work out quite nicely bot lane. I've even had success with Xerath and his ridiculous poke, fairly easy stun, and awesome level 6.

The point is, say you're going support so no one cries, buy a ward to start so that no one bitches at you, and then take over from there. You can cheese almost anyone in at bot lane support at bronze. If you gotta go traditional, Taric or bust.


Neo Member
Who do you play support? Fuck that Sona/Janna/Leona bullshit, play an OP champ that isnt a traditional support and can secretly turn into a carry. Rengar is fucking marvelous at trading, stealing kills, and getting fed, Fiddle can turn into a nightmare out of bot, and if no one has taken Nasus, don't be afraid to and pick up Targon's, get your Q farm, and stall until you can break faces late game. Wither, his armor shred, and his sustain actually work out quite nicely bot lane. I've even had success with Xerath and his ridiculous poke, fairly easy stun, and awesome level 6.

The point is, say you're going support so no one cries, buy a ward to start so that no one bitches at you, and then take over from there. You can cheese almost anyone in at bot lane support at bronze. If you gotta go traditional, Taric or bust.

Sorry but the new support items, i get my Sona up to about 500+ AP and can 1 v 1 late game ADC's if they roam jungle alone ;) I agree on Leona and Janna sucking now though....
(Sorry for DP)


Leona is one of the strongest supports atm...

This concept of "the champ you're playing can't carry". Like hell Janna can't carry, she'll carry everyone.


Yea with people saying Leona sucks I was wondering if she just got nerfed or something. Leona is probably the strongest support right now who isn't up for nerfs (I still don't trust randoms enough to play all-in supports in solo Q tho). We'll see how Taric and Fiddle look after they get batted but they still should be ok.

I'll play with anyone at this point just to guarantee a troll doesn't get the spot.

I know the feel, my Bronze 3 games today were one win and one loss, both caused by ragequitters. Look up Dirk Gumshoe in the gaf room if you need someone, I'll play anything but jungle.


Yea with people saying Leona sucks I was wondering if she just got nerfed or something. Leona is probably the strongest support right now who isn't up for nerfs (I still don't trust randoms enough to play all-in supports in solo Q tho). We'll see how Taric and Fiddle look after they get batted but they still should be ok.

Taric is still alright after the love taps he got.


Neo Member
Giving solo queue one more shot. If I lose I'm probably back down to bronze 3. Sona support, I'm fine with that.

Perseverance will push u up to Silver if u are good enought.

I remember my time on Bronze... from Bronze 2 to 4, from 4 to 2 and again down to 4... so bad... BUT, perserverance pushed me up to Silver 1. Right now im Silver 3 cos the trolls. Silver is not better than Bronze... BUT, ill ryse again, i know it, sooner or later.
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