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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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After a few days of hardcore Spelunky grinding, I thought Lucian was having his damage gutted or something with all the belly-aching that went on for a couple of pages after opening up this thread again. Then I noticed he's only getting what, 20 less damage on max-rank Q and a measily 20 less range on it too?

C'mon Philip, you know damn well he's still going to be a very strong pick. Be glad Lucian isn't Nunu tier, or going through a Hecarim treatment.

Liking the CD reductions on red trinkets, not liking the removal of the Drain passive from the other two spirit items.
Them reverting previous changes isn't always a sign that those tweaks won't make it through to Live at one point or another. Latest PBE patch is business as usual.

Oh, and while I'm complaining, might as well whine about this: Why, as purple side, are your allied minions blue, while enemy towers blue on the minimap? Who the heck designs these things?
I hate the teal health bars ever since the pre-season 4 patch. Give me back my greens, f the colorblind players.

Well, not really.

Riot nerfs Lucian before riven, shyvana and nasus.

Poor Lucian :( poor dude just can't get a break.
Only Susan really needs the nerfs from that list, and fast.
Sometimes weird team comps dont need to be dodge though. One game we had a Darius first pick adc with Xin support. I checked Darius's match history and he was actually dominating with that pick, so I figured what the hell and didn't dodge.

Basically got given freelo.

Also I finally climbed out of s5 and into s4, lost my first 3 games but finally won one to put myself at 18 LP. Typically how many games do you have to lose at 0 LP to drop? Is there a way to tell?


Riot has announced a new region where EU teams and Korean teams will face each other

North America.

Stolen shamelessly.


No amount of preserverance is going to get me out of bronze. This is literally all I get, every time I solo queue. Troll teammates who state they're trolling, AFKers, disconnecters, the works. It's gotten to the point where I play one solo queue game every few days because I just don't want to deal with this shit (and this was the one game for the next few days).

Step back a second and breath. Part of the issue is understanding that the system is intended to be accurate over several hundred games, not one game every few days. Right now you're getting a string of bad results that over the long haul will be balanced out by similar situations om the other team over time.

The other issue is just learning how to manage your teammates, and manage the game. Keep learning the map and become a creative playmaker during the midgame; to be honest if you've actuslly practiced and worked on your game seriously many of those bronze games you should just be far and away the best player on both teams...and thus you need to brokenback carry some of your less serious teammates.

Individual games like that are ultimately just noise...you need to have fun where you can and shake them off.
Hey guys I took a short break since the end of S2 and I'm trying to get caught up. Is there a resource regarding all these changes someone could point me to? I'm unclear as to how the new Masteries have affected characters. I'd like to set up my Jayce page and am not sure if 21/9 is still the way to go or how much has changed, and a lot of the guides on LoLKing I reference do not appear to have been updated just yet.


Off-topic but oh my god your tag post had me almost in tears.

I think 21/9 is still nice but that move speed in tier one of utility is pretty great, thinking it might be worth going 21/6/3. Haven't found much good in going */*/9 though, before 10 or 11 points I find the utility tree kinda meh.


Off topic, but Starbound just released today in it's very early beta. It's EXTREMELY fun.

Yes, it really is. :D And it tells you what to do, to some extent.

whats starbound

died too much in POE time for new game will i like this and why

It looks super similar to Terraria, but in space, and will also be online in a bigger way than Terraria. Lots of crafting, farming, building, fighting dudes, etc. And god that soundtrack. I've been listening to that soundtrack for months.
Magic resist is much harsher than armor, which is why there aren't "end-all" MR items like a thornmail otherwise magic damage dealers would get rekt.


Junior Member
No amount of preserverance is going to get me out of bronze. This is literally all I get, every time I solo queue. Troll teammates who state they're trolling, AFKers, disconnecters, the works. It's gotten to the point where I play one solo queue game every few days because I just don't want to deal with this shit (and this was the one game for the next few days).
If you can't get up, you need better carry champs.

Riven, Jax, Nasus for direct engage
Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Elise in the jungle
Mid is Kassadin, Fizz or any of the other asassins
Botlane Vayne, Varus, Corki

I love support but unless you are a fed Annie, you can hardly carry out a game if your ADC sucks. And then you are good but your ADC sucks, great, all your work for nothing.
A fed Riven will 3 vs 1, fed Jax, fed Nasus, fed Renekton... you want something that when you snowball, you can carry.

Special recommendations: trick2g Urdyr or Volibear. So good.


If you can't get up, you need better carry champs.

Riven, Jax, Nasus for direct engage
Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Elise in the jungle
Mid is Kassadin, Fizz or any of the other asassins
Botlane Vayne, Varus, Corki

I love support but unless you are a fed Annie, you can hardly carry out a game if your ADC sucks. And then you are good but your ADC sucks, great, all your work for nothing.
A fed Riven will 3 vs 1, fed Jax, fed Nasus, fed Renekton... you want something that when you snowball, you can carry.

Special recommendations: trick2g Urdyr or Volibear. So good.
eh, while playing the right champions is nice ,there's also the reality of actually getting better at the game in those things that low elo players are really bad at. do you get into arguments in champion select? are you open to play other roles and are you at least acceptable at them? can you deal with being behind? can you carry when you're ahead?

I always do great with jax in lane, towerdiving like a maniac at lvl 2 and shit but I'm terribad with him once laning phase's over and I don't think I've ever managed to carry a game myself with jax. sure, you can stack q's for 40 minutes with nasus and then melt turrets but you probably won't ever 1v5 and even if you manage to 1v3 them you're still depending on your team to get something out of it.

perseverance really is key, no way you're getting trolls and afkers every single game, it might've been a bad streak or negativity bias, but unless you're deep down in bronze 5, if you can't leave bronze you still got a bit to improve and should just keep trying to get better at the game and eventually you'll get out of the pit

edit: also are you foxdrop or something? you have like the same image


If you can't get up, you need better carry champs.

Riven, Jax, Nasus for direct engage
Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Elise in the jungle
Mid is Kassadin, Fizz or any of the other asassins
Botlane Vayne, Varus, Corki

I love support but unless you are a fed Annie, you can hardly carry out a game if your ADC sucks. And then you are good but your ADC sucks, great, all your work for nothing.
A fed Riven will 3 vs 1, fed Jax, fed Nasus, fed Renekton... you want something that when you snowball, you can carry.

Special recommendations: trick2g Urdyr or Volibear. So good.
I've gotta disagree with you on the ADC section of your post. The best ADCs for winning in solo Q right now are:


Sivir is probably your best option because she's just not balanced right now. A free spell shield that last for 3 seconds and a 60 second CD ult is way too strong.

Draven takes a little getting used to to play, but with his new passive I find myself easily getting 900 gold in one of my early kills. He still has great trading potential.

Jinx can capitalize on enemy mistakes very easily.

Lucian's Q is a little too strong for being a point and click, imo. Very easy champion to get the hang of after you realize the use of his ultimate (kiting and waveclearing) and he's a very safe pick.

Also we gotta clear these misconceptions about support. Supports have the highest winrate out of any role, and they definitely can carry a game. I remember I posted a chart a while back that showed support players had like a 51% winrate and top players had like a 49%.


Also we gotta clear these misconceptions about support. Supports have the highest winrate out of any role, and they definitely can carry a game. I remember I posted a chart a while back that showed support players had like a 51% winrate and top players had like a 49%.

Traditional supports aren't going to carry the game alone. It's an incredibly important role for increasing your team's odds of success, but no matter how many great plays you get off as Janna, your team isn't going to win unless your teammates can capitalize on them. That's consistently asking a lot at the Bronze-tier.

And I don't know how you can extrapolate a 2% win difference into supports carrying games. It's such a small difference that it could just as easily be due to the fact that teams that have supports don't have players who say, "If I have to go support, I'll feed."


Traditional supports aren't going to carry the game alone. It's an incredibly important role for increasing your team's odds of success, but no matter how many great plays you get off as Janna, your team isn't going to win unless your teammates can capitalize on them. That's consistently asking a lot at the Bronze-tier.

And I don't know how you can extrapolate a 2% win difference into supports carrying games. It's such a small difference that it could just as easily be due to the fact that teams that have supports don't have players who say, "If I have to go support, I'll feed."
I would consider Leona and Taric both traditional supports.


That 2% difference is overall winrate, so it has massive statistical significance.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Same. Not entirely sure why, whether it's her own numbers changes or the new S4 support meta, but I seem to be doing much better with her.
Probably a mix. Before mid to late game was weird on support Lulu. You were stuck building more defensive items that really did little to enhance your team fight. Now you can get a more AP heavy build going and leave a stronger imprint on the game. Being able to fight the decay on her Q makes it extremely potent in the late game for kiting/disengaging.


Probably a mix. Before mid to late game was weird on support Lulu. You were stuck building more defensive items that really did little to enhance your team fight. Now you can get a more AP heavy build going and leave a stronger imprint on the game. Being able to fight the decay on her Q makes it extremely potent in the late game for kiting/disengaging.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Regarding supports at low levels of play: while you can occasionally run into frustrating situations where your team is beyond terrible and you are incapable of doing anything, I would say it's one of the most important roles in the game that low level players have a boor understanding of. As such, having a good support is massively beneficial. There are loads of support mains you see moving up to high plat and diamond who only have support games.

While you may be aggrivated Nekofrog, the reality of the situation is that you need to focus on your own play before worrying about getting out of bronze. I mean you have a negative W/L ratio...clearly there are a lot of things you could be improving on in regards to your own play.
Off-topic but oh my god your tag post had me almost in tears.

I think 21/9 is still nice but that move speed in tier one of utility is pretty great, thinking it might be worth going 21/6/3. Haven't found much good in going */*/9 though, before 10 or 11 points I find the utility tree kinda meh.
*takes notes*

Yea the first thing I noticed when i moused over the new mastery options was that movespeed. Without even looking, I felt like that was going to be a requirement for just about all the junglers and adc's, and a lot of the "I need closing speed" tops like Riven, Jax, Irela and Garen.


Probably a mix. Before mid to late game was weird on support Lulu. You were stuck building more defensive items that really did little to enhance your team fight. Now you can get a more AP heavy build going and leave a stronger imprint on the game. Being able to fight the decay on her Q makes it extremely potent in the late game for kiting/disengaging.

What sort of build are you using on her? I actually haven't dipped much into an AP build but was successful going with a more typical support build.


If you can't get up, you need better carry champs.

Riven, Jax, Nasus for direct engage
Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Elise in the jungle
Mid is Kassadin, Fizz or any of the other asassins
Botlane Vayne, Varus, Corki

I love support but unless you are a fed Annie, you can hardly carry out a game if your ADC sucks. And then you are good but your ADC sucks, great, all your work for nothing.
A fed Riven will 3 vs 1, fed Jax, fed Nasus, fed Renekton... you want something that when you snowball, you can carry.

Special recommendations: trick2g Urdyr or Volibear. So good.

You're pretty spot on. There's other fotm carry champs right now but they may get nerfed.

It's also important to be good at those champs in your non-preferred roles. Get really good at 1-2 champs in each lane and then focus on 1-2 lanes as your preference. Even the pros do it. If Saint has to adc, he picks Caitlyn. If Oddone has to midlane, he picks Ziggs.

If I have to toplane it's Jax or Darius. Midlane it's Kat, Kassadin or Talon. adc I Jinx or Tristana. My jungle and support roles are much deeper and stick with those where possible if playing ranked. Normals I tend to try new things lol.


Type2 - what do you build jungle poppy? I was going to try it last night but again didn't get to jungle lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What sort of build are you using on her? I actually haven't dipped much into an AP build but was successful going with a more typical support build.
Eh, would be situational and stuff but during the game I played I picked up Deathcap, Frostfang, Spooky Ghosts, Sightstone, and Chalice because most of the enemy team was magic damage. I would probably opt for something like a Morellonomicon instead of Deathcap/Chalice in most situations, but it would really depend.


Regarding supports at low levels of play: while you can occasionally run into frustrating situations where your team is beyond terrible and you are incapable of doing anything, I would say it's one of the most important roles in the game that low level players have a boor understanding of. As such, having a good support is massively beneficial. There are loads of support mains you see moving up to high plat and diamond who only have support games.

While you may be aggrivated Nekofrog, the reality of the situation is that you need to focus on your own play before worrying about getting out of bronze. I mean you have a negative W/L ratio...clearly there are a lot of things you could be improving on in regards to your own play.

I blame my negative w/l ratio entirely on my teammates. Yes, I do. I'm not fucking joking. It's RARE that I lose my lane, and I'm constantly roaming to other lanes to help them snowball. I do everything right 90% of the time, but I constantly get deluded with trolls, AFKs, disconnects, ragers, and people who have no idea how to play. I'm not just spouting bullshit here, this is generally my situation.

When I'm in normal games I try stupid shit because it's normal and who cares, but in ranked I take it very seriously.

Believe you me, I've examined my own play enough to know that I make mistakes, but not enough to justify what's going on.


I blame my negative w/l ratio entirely on my teammates. Yes, I do. I'm not fucking joking. It's RARE that I lose my lane, and I'm constantly roaming to other lanes to help them snowball. I do everything right 90% of the time, but I constantly get deluded with trolls, AFKs, disconnects, ragers, and people who have no idea how to play. I'm not just spouting bullshit here, this is generally my situation.

When I'm in normal games I try stupid shit because it's normal and who cares, but in ranked I take it very seriously.

Believe you me, I've examined my own play enough to know that I make mistakes, but not enough to justify what's going on.
sorry dude, but if you're in bronze, you're not doing 90% of the things right.

I'm in gold 3 and I'd say I do maybe 20% of the things right in this game (basically a bit of shot calling and teamfighting with mages) and not even always. and I win lane often and have positive scores in normals, ranked and ranked teams. but if I watch a replay I see a mistake every 2 seconds. you can't possible be examining very closely if you don't find a billion things to fix.

in 120 games you had mostly afkers, trolls and ragers in your team? c'mon dude, I understand your frustration and that we all have terrible streaks and feel like everyone's shit on purpose but that's a very narrow way of seeing things and will only hurt yourself in the long run.

New sale:


I'm going to buy Neon strike Vi even though I own Officer. I'm a whore.
no, you're a pretty girl

I bawght kpop ahri even if I already had firefox ahri because two fucking dances. neon strike vi on sale makes me want to buy vi. also I love her grawlings <3


sorry dude, but if you're in bronze, you're not doing 90% of the things right.

I'm in gold 3 and I'd say I do maybe 20% of the things right in this game (basically a bit of shot calling and teamfighting with mages) and not even always. and I win lane often and have positive scores in normals, ranked and ranked teams. but if I watch a replay I see a mistake every 2 seconds. you can't possible be examining very closely if you don't find a billion things to fix.

in 120 games you had mostly afkers, trolls and ragers in your team? c'mon dude, I understand your frustration and that we all have terrible streaks and feel like everyone's shit on purpose but that's a very narrow way of seeing things and will only hurt yourself in the long run.

I guarantee you that I'm doing more than just 10% things right. As to your question? Yes, the majority of my games are full of afkers, trolls, and ragers. You don't have to believe me, I experienced it daily. That's why I stopped playing. If I was losing fairly to a team that outplayed me I'd be perfectly fine with it and move on. It's the idiots who constantly ruin the game for me (like last night, THREE of them on my team trolling) that make me stop playing for extended periods.

It's pretty easy to sit at a higher tier and say "lol ur bronze ur bad" without actually having seen any of the games.


I guarantee you that I'm doing more than just 10% things right. As to your question? Yes, the majority of my games are full of afkers, trolls, and ragers. You don't have to believe me, I experienced it daily. That's why I stopped playing. If I was losing fairly to a team that outplayed me I'd be perfectly fine with it and move on. It's the idiots who constantly ruin the game for me (like last night, THREE of them on my team trolling) that make me stop playing for extended periods.

It's pretty easy to sit at a higher tier and say "lol ur bronze ur bad" without actually having seen any of the games.

On the bright side, come Season 4, you'll have an opportunity to re-place and will hopefully get through the bronze mess.
It's pretty easy to sit at a higher tier and say "lol ur bronze ur bad" without actually having seen any of the games.
What, you think gold players magically show up in gold? We went through the same shit like everyone else and still do.

I carried my ass out of the lowest pits of Bronze into Gold between Season 2 and 3, what's your excuse?


What, you think gold players magically show up in gold?

I carried my ass out of the lowest pits of Bronze into Gold between Season 2 and 3, what's your excuse?

Good that you were able to get all bootstrappy, for some people who just constantly get trolled in game it's too disheartening to continue.


I guarantee you that I'm doing more than just 10% things right. As to your question? Yes, the majority of my games are full of afkers, trolls, and ragers. You don't have to believe me, I experienced it daily. That's why I stopped playing. If I was losing fairly to a team that outplayed me I'd be perfectly fine with it and move on. It's the idiots who constantly ruin the game for me (like last night, THREE of them on my team trolling) that make me stop playing for extended periods.

It's pretty easy to sit at a higher tier and say "lol ur bronze ur bad" without actually having seen any of the games.
I'm not saying you're bad, I'm saying that thinking you're doing almost everything right is counterproductive because clearly you're not or else you wouldn't be in bronze (unless placement really fucked you in the face).

negative bias can do you much wrong and make you fall even more, don't let yourself tilt, don't think "gg" because your team gave first blood or because your comp sucks, don't play if you've just had a bad game or are distracted by shitty things in real life, just play a game a lot and eventually you'll make it, that's about it

I wasn't ever in bronze but I have friends that went from bronze to plat or gold and it's just a matter of keeping at it. if you're half interested in getting better you will and naturally go up the ladder. if you just focus on the shit that's going on around you then you might as well not play at all since it's only causing you distress

plus you have a soft reset coming up and placement matches are always kind of ok


I would have been perfectly fine losing that game if our Darius hadn't been AFK and lost like 4 early levels due to it.

If anyone wants to see a replay of it and judge my performance, go ahead. Mind you that we were dealing with a losing bot lane and an AFK toplane who fell behind because of it.

I'm not saying I'm the best or a pro player, but please at least watch me play before you say I "deserve" to be in bronze because I'm bad and that I'm doing "90% of things wrong"..



Just don't play ranked then. It's amazing how many fewer assholes there are in normals compared to ranked, and ranked just isn't worth the headache 95% of the time. I don't find the "rewards" remotely justifiable relative to the player base it exposes you to. In normals, it's really rare to find someone that's legitimately trolling (especially if you fill or volunteer for bot), and the worst situation that pops up with any regularity is a duo bot that doesn't do well maybe one game out of ten.

Playing to go up in rank is like playing games just to get achievements, it's sacrificing fun and subjecting yourself to virtual hell for a little badge that doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. Just judging from your posts, it looks like you're doing way too much harm to your blood pressure and general state of mind over some worthless bullshit. Being able to have fun in doing your best each game without worrying too much about the penalties of losing due to others or kicking yourself for a blown play is infinitely more enjoyable than the alternative.

Edit: Also, get drunk, buy Brolaf, and role play him, especially if you're the only male champ in the game. That always lightens everyone's mood.
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