I feel like before they touch Shyvana they need to sort out the defensive masteries. Them being so strong really helps Shyvana's top lane since she her one weakness, lack of health sustain, can easily be fixed with a dorans shield + defensive masteries.
As for Shyvana in general, I think the problem is she really doesn't take too much skill to play once you get your items. You just dive into the enemy team and press buttons. Part of this in my opinion is because your burnout does too much damage. Landing your e is often largely irrelevant. I would love to see Shyvana's e have ad scaling and do a decent chunk of damage, and her ult activation to do more damage too. Slightly lower the burnout damage. Lower the base values for her damages and increase the scaling on them. Remove her armor passive in human form.
Now you have to decide between doing tons of damage and being unkillable, whereas right now you just need to build one offensive item + sunfire/randuins/boots/spirit visage and you're godmode. When building damage, Shyvana should have to hit her skill shots: her ult, her e, her q. A good Shyvana that gets off a 4 man ult and follows up with an e and q that hit multiple members of the enemy team should be rewarded with good damage. Whereas one that misses most of the team and just runs around with w active should be punished.
I'm okay with Riven/Rengar being top tier picks in the top lane because they have relatively high skill caps, but Riot needs to make sure you have to use their skill set properly to take advantage of their strength. Riven's ad scaling shield is stupid on her. That same mechanic might actually balance Diana if her shield had good ap scaling. Bit of a tangent. I think maybe giving Riven some longer cooldowns would also be nice. There is hardly an opportunity to trade back with Riven before her skills are back off cd and she can kill you.
Bought Lee Sin today..so fucking good. He kind of reminds me of Earth Spirit from DOTA with how crazy good his skills are. Friend told me he is the hardest hero in Leeg. Probably my favorite jungler/top lane so far.
Yes. He's one of the funnest champions in the game, I'd say he's perfectly balanced. Can have a massive impact at all stages of the game if you're good, but if you're bad he just has some strong early game damages and ganks before he falls off a cliff. Teamfighting with Lee Sin is just so difficult. Especially at bronze/silver where everyone has no idea (myself included) about how we should be spacing and it becomes difficult to take advantage of his mobility considering the clusterfuck the fights become.