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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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The perfect ARAM game.
Xerath still counts


ANYONE think that smite might become abused by laners? Like they'd take smite instead of ignite and create its respective item to benefit from the smite?
EDIT: Yet ANOTHER game where I am against duo top, that's just frustrating.


ANYONE think that smite might become abused by laners? Like they'd take smite instead of ignite and create its respective item to benefit from the smite?
EDIT: Yet ANOTHER game where I am against duo top, that's just frustrating.
I've seen a Xin Zhao/Jarvan bot lane where one ran the slowing smite and the other ran the true damage one and they would just all in and destroy the enemy lane at will. I doubt it'd ever really work outside of whatever shit solo queue MMR I'm at.


Fuck the Morellos meta.

Tired of my champion being useless once some mage buys one item

Also, tired of being labeled as "toxic" and "salty".

I prefer the term realistic.


don't kid yourself

aatrox was useless long before the morello meta


yeah but now he's super trash.

Like I wrecked this Karth in lane but as soon as he got morellos I just died instantly (not trying to call him OP)

He did end up 1 shotting my entire team late game though. That might have been because Warwick/bot lane were total morons and fed really hard.


besides, the morellos meta doesn't counter you completely since you have to be <40% for it to even make an effect. in all ins it might hurt you cos i know aatrox gets better lifesteal or whatever the weaker he is but in lane you should probably sustain right through the poke since it doesn't affect your healing and they'll run out of mana since they don't have athenes

they're also squishier since they don't have the mr so your ult burst should also be stronger

don't blame it on morellos, karthus just outscaled you cos aatrox is not a great champion

rushing morellos in karthus is a terrible idea anyways


stop playing garbage tier champions

Acctually Aatrox was decent before everyone starting building Morellos.

I could actually carry ;_;

besides, the morellos meta doesn't counter you completely since you have to be <40% for it to even make an effect. in all ins it might hurt you cos i know aatrox gets better lifesteal or whatever the weaker he is but in lane you should probably sustain right through the poke since it doesn't affect your healing and they'll run out of mana since they don't have athenes

they're also squishier since they don't have the mr so your ult burst should also be stronger

don't blame it on morellos, karthus just outscaled you cos aatrox is not a great champion

rushing morellos in karthus is a terrible idea anyways

Actually it is a nerf. I rocked Karth in lane (he didn't Rush morellos) and we were doing pretty good early game.

But then he got it, and I was totally useless in teamfights. A lot of Aatrox's teamfight comes from his ability to simply not die due the enhanced healing. With Morellos, not only does LS become useless, but his W does as well.

It was a pretty close game tbh. Our LB fell off so hard though. But yeah Aatrox needs buffs asap (lol @ yasuo buffs before aatrox buffs)

Aatrox actually scales decently once he's full build. He's no Jax or Yas mind you, but he's better than a lot of top laners. His mid game is the weakest point IMO.


Actually it is a nerf. I rocked Karth in lane (he didn't Rush morellos) and we were doing pretty good early game.

But then he got it, and I was totally useless in teamfights. A lot of Aatrox's teamfight comes from his ability to simply not die due the enhanced healing. With Morellos, not only does LS become useless, but his W does as well.

It was a pretty close game tbh. Our LB fell off so hard though. But yeah Aatrox needs buffs asap (lol @ yasuo buffs before aatrox buffs)

Aatrox actually scales decently once he's full build. He's no Jax or Yas mind you, but he's better than a lot of top laners. His mid game is the weakest point IMO.
yea but i mean

that's not the morellos meta, that would probably have happened all the same in s4, right?

i don't know much about aatrox so i'm going to stop talking now :>


Well isn't the morellos the go to mana item now?

well i don't know what that karthus was building but karthuses don't really build mana regen, they get roa + tear or just tear or whatever since defile has a huge mana upkeep (so like with swain or anivia or something, your mana regen will never catch up so it's better to just have a huge pool)

i don't think any karthus would go like roa + tear + athenes but i'm not really a karthus player. i don't think karthuses buy much cdr, they just relied on blue buff/blue elixir i think.

i imagine the guy got morellos as his third item to like mess you up which is valid given how the game's set up right now

anyways i do agree aatrox could use a buff and morellos gets a decent price nerf next patch so i guess that's an indirect boon to you


well i don't know what that karthus was building but karthuses don't really build mana regen, they get roa + tear or just tear or whatever since defile has a huge mana upkeep (so like with swain or anivia or something, your mana regen will never catch up so it's better to just have a huge pool)

i don't think any karthus would go like roa + tear + athenes but i'm not really a karthus player. i don't think karthuses buy much cdr, they just relied on blue buff/blue elixir i think.

i imagine the guy got morellos as his third item to like mess you up which is valid given how the game's set up right now

anyways i do agree aatrox could use a buff and morellos gets a decent price nerf next patch so i guess that's an indirect boon to you

You know, I've never tried tear on Swain.

Might give it a shot for the hell of it


but why are there garbage tier champions
well to be fair the actual garbage tier is very limited to a handful of champions at best (aatrox is not one of them)

i don't even know which champions i would consider straight garbage. like straight out useless.

like generally discarded champions with broken kits like urgot, galio, quinn and yorick. can't think of many more and probably everyone here is gonna eat my head over quinn -__-

You know, I've never tried tear on Swain.

Might give it a shot for the hell of it

i didn't play much of swain since i find him to be not so much fun but i went roa+tear all the games i could get away with it

i think specially top lane it might be pretty alright since you're not fighting leblanc and zed and fizz or whatever
What I've experienced with jungle Rek'Sai (having never jungled much before her):

AD Runes/Masteries + AD Build = Kited and murdered quickly when engaging

AD Runes/Masteries + Tank Build = I don't know.....I just don't like it.

Tank Runes/Masteries + AD Build = A nice balance between damage and early game survivability to gank with a good laner

Tank Runes/Masteries + Tank Build = Crazy fun also, but unless laners aren't garbage and finishing off what I start quickly then I'm getting no kills/assists.

I'm just deciding if my AD runes should be attack speed or attack damage. If I run speed, I think I'm going to completely drop getting ravenous hydra and go for black cleaver+blood thirster. If I go attack damage, well I really don't know. I'm so bad with new things that I'm loving experimenting.


I have rek sai figured out. (As in, never lost the jungling phase of the game)

Look at my lolking if you want the runes and masteries

Rune page is called: Sion Wreck

and mastery page is: Jungle t

21 in defense is a billion times better than 21 in offense.

Most important thing about her for me is the 5% cdr blues and to get 30% cdr asap to spam tunnels.
I have rek sai figured out. (As in, never lost the jungling phase of the game)

Look at my lolking if you want the runes and masteries

Rune page is called: Sion Wreck

and mastery page is: Jungle t

21 in defense is a billion times better than 21 in offense.

Most important thing about her for me is the 5% cdr blues and to get 30% cdr asap to spam tunnels.
Awesome. I'd love to. Not sure how to find the page though. What is your summoner name? Oop. Never mind. Found on GAF sheet. Now I just need the IP for 5 more CDR runes.


Awesome. I'd love to. Not sure how to find the page though. What is your summoner name? Oop. Never mind. Found on GAF sheet. Now I just need the IP for 5 more CDR runes.

Alright since my game is finished, ill go into it:

  • AD reds
  • Arm Yellows
  • 6 cdr blues (for the 5%) and scaling mr for the rest
  • 3 Attack speed Quints

9/21 masteries with the 5% sorcery cooldown points in offense. This gives you 10% cdr at level 1 to spam Q.

Now, the following is important when you're clearing (it lets you gank at 3/4 hp instead of being forced to back after your first buff):

Start the jungle with your bot so you can get a good leash. Start Q.

1. Smite, Auto-Q-Q-Q. Clear it and get W asap when you level.
2. Tunnel under to regen hp from the passive.
3. Use Q immediately when you're in range of your first buff.
4. Tunnel back up, auto, Q-Q-Q, auto, auto, auto, auto, Q, Q, Q, auto, Tunnel back under and fire Q.

By this time, the pop up damage should have reset on the buff so you can knock the camp back up for an auto-Q-Q-Q. Knocking them up a second time can save you a total of 150-250hp during your first clear. It's really important to get a hang of this feeling.

Should take you 2-3 more hits on the buff to clear it.

After the first buff, do the wraiths or the wolves (whichever is closest). Same trick.

Tunnel, Q skillshot, pop them up, Use Q twice then tunnel under for another Q skillshot then pop them up again.

Never get lazy with the knock ups. Those level 3 ganks can win you the game.

When you're done with the wraiths or wolves, you should be level 3. Move on to your second buff and clear it with the same method.

By the end of this, you should be on 60-70% hp. Healthy enough to gank a lane.

Now, you just need to learn where to place your tunnels and when to use your E to execute.

That's pretty much it. Rek sai is a unique jungler. You will either get her or you won't.

There's no inbetween in my opinion. Have fun.

Oh and builds:

I usually get the smite slow into the hp jungle item. I buy locket after that.

If there's no ap, I rush randuins and get a triforce


play tree everyday

I have Galio streaks like that. Sometimes it's just good to get it out of your system.

Not that he's played all that much, but why do I never see Frozen Mallet on Sion?

His passive lasts longer the more health you have, his shield scales with health, and Mallet's passive is super useful with Sion's Q, ult, and passive.

*awaits 'lol mallet sucks'*


lol mallet sucks

Anyways, Aatrox Q should not be interruptable. Tired of it being completely fucked over. At least decrease the charge time or something.


lol mallet sucks

Anyways, Aatrox Q should not be interruptable. Tired of it being completely fucked over. At least decrease the charge time or something.

that sounds like a terrible change, being able to interrupt gapclosers is good for how the game feels for everyone. specially on deliberately delayed spells like aatrox q. no need for more fizzes

i don't know shit about aatrox but from an outsider's perspective his kit sounds pretty strong and he probably just needs small stat buffs/number tweaks. like he has cc, mobility, revive passive, sustain, even some burst with his ult. i don't think he should be that far away from being a decent champoin

probably not a contender for the top spot but you know, quality of life stuff. again part of what's problematic about him is that he has so much stuff


Played a Swain game with tear and roa. Felt weird, but neat. Completely changes his scaling. Whereas before his mid-game would be his strongest point, with tear he's a lot better late. Full build was RoA, Seraph's Embrace, Deathcap, Zhonya's, Sorc shoes and Abyssal Scepter. Hit like a truck.

I want to experiment but it feels so wrong deviating from what I've established as core in my hundreds of Swain matches, lol. I feel like I just have to at least have RoA, Zhonya's, and Liandry's. Rylai's is crucial too. Definitely want to try some more damage oriented builds but I dunno.
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