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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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Before I played League, I thought buying digital items with real money was ridiculous.

78 skins later :(

Would buy if they had cheaper skins that are GOOD: Nocturne, Sivir, Cho'Gath
Would buy if they had ANY good skin: Nami, Wukong
Would buy just because it feels better: Rocket Girl Tristana
Would buy if Garena actually sold it: Lion Dance Kog'Maw

Also, I didn't know there was a Championship Shyvana.


I bought a couple of AS Quints (had only 1 and 2 AD in my ADC page) and god, that feels so much better! I used to hate how sluggish it felt from last hitting one minion and just miss the next one due to the attack speed not being high enough. I currently have 16% AS now on my runes (I also have 4-5? AS blues). Also put full armor seals. I used to have it like this, but I saw on probuilds some people liked to go 5/4 health/armor, so I changed it so, but now I see 9 armor as the most common choice.

Can't wait to try them out on normals, also I don't feel I am having problems with CS (it was mostly lack of attack speed that made me miss cs, more than AD, as I generally like to last hit at the last possible moment).

Before I played League, I thought buying digital items with real money was ridiculous.

78 skins later :(

I used to make so much fun of my friends telling me that I should save my RPs for skins (the initial 400 in the account I wanted to use them to buy a champion -I did buy Veigar but I returned him-).

Now I have a list of skins that I desire... ;(

rip me.

Pd. I do think some are kind of a must have. Like Surprise Party Fiddle or Sad Robot Amumu.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Before I played League, I thought buying digital items with real money was ridiculous.

78 skins later :(

Would buy if they had cheaper skins that are GOOD: Nocturne, Sivir, Cho'Gath
Would buy if they had ANY good skin: Nami, Wukong
Would buy just because it feels better: Rocket Girl Tristana
Would buy if Garena actually sold it: Lion Dance Kog'Maw

Also, I didn't know there was a Championship Shyvana.

I was actually doing a pretty good of avoiding skin purchases for all but a handful of my favorite champs. Then Riot introduced mystery gifting and my friends and I got carried away...

I was actually doing a pretty good of avoiding skin purchases for all but a handful of my favorite champs. Then Riot introduced mystery gifting and my friends and I got carried away...

Same here. Majority of my skins were from mystery gifts. I couldn't say no because strictly in terms of RP it's break even at worst. I got 3 legendaries so it was worth it (Blackfrost Anivia, Brolaf, Infernal Nasus).
Seriously though, Shen supp is just asking the enemy ADC to manhandle you if he as much as see you without full energy. It could work if his energy costs weren't so obcene, but without that you're left with shitty CC and an ult that isn't worth a damn in a 2v2 lane. You're better off playing Maokai or some shit.


I was actually doing a pretty good of avoiding skin purchases for all but a handful of my favorite champs. Then Riot introduced mystery gifting and my friends and I got carried away...

This. Except I always get the worst mystery gifts. Two stupid trynd skins, red riding Annie, some kat skin, and some more I can't remember.
I only have 4 skins, and 2 of them were promo skins while the other 2 were gifted to me.

The only time I will buy a skin with real money is when Riot releases Saiyan Wukong.



streaming the 10 qualifier games for my smurf account with panda as soon as my wife gets the free tristana code and i can have 16 champions



Why so eager to dismiss the case? Is there something you're afraid of?


Edit: oh my god. I know who it is. It's talents. A dude that posted a lot in haloGaf but got ostracized. Occasionally I see him post here.

Detective deadnames folks.


I didn't do nothing.

I haven't played Halo since 2012 when Halo 4 was released because it was so bad. I could start going back to HaloGAF just to shit post like before, but most of those guys don't know how to take a joke. I wasn't no scrub at Halo, 1 50? Pfft. 50 in all playlists on like 5 or 6 accounts.

Also I'm Plat 3 not Plat 5.



I didn't do nothing.

I haven't played Halo since 2012 when Halo 4 was released because it was so bad. I could start going back to HaloGAF just to shit post like before, but most of those guys don't know how to take a joke. I wasn't no scrub at Halo, 1 50? Pfft. 50 in all playlists on like 5 or 6 accounts.

Also I'm Plat 3 not Plat 5.

Don't engage him.


Has it been said when the new season begins? Ready for dat climb to gold. Expanded my champ pool and learned a lot in the last few months.

So in reality I'll do like 2 games, get stomped and go on tilt, then never play again for a week.


dat qtpie pentakill as Vayne.

Is it worth it to try and reach gold atm? My friend's moving to a new appartment and I asked if I can visiti him and we could duo ranked but he says he wants to wait for the new season to start.
Eff' that, just help me escape elo hell already...


Is that Elophant client safe? Seems nice if it is any good, anyone used it?

Just had a couple of matches. Lately I seem to be doing batches of 2 matches, losing the first, winning the second (normals with friends). First one we had a Kog (plat, will explain next paragraph) in our team, I was Vi jungle. I ganked a lot and we were 10-10 and I had helped in 8 of those. I was very useful and we managed to get an early dragon. Anyway, game went fine but Nasus got absolutely huge. We did kill him although it didn't stop his laning/farming (I honestly don't know how to deal with a scaling-farming beast like Nasus or Veigar, as a jungler
). Kassadin also became a sort of nightmare but I mean, that's just what he does. Game kinda went south and it was a bit too much to bear.


Anyway, match went ok but, what is it with the salt of Platinum players? I ganked the enemy Kassadin pre-6, like 3 times, but it's not like I was camping him, as I went to all lanes really. He was hella salty the entire match "such gays" and so on. Same with our own Kog'Maw. He seemed to not value his Flash much (I mean, Flashing to secure a kill if you are alone/know he will escape ok, but Flashing while we were 5v3? cmon) and that got him into a pickle (he is Kog after all) and was like "this Nid" or "def me team omg". Jesus, I mean, grats on making to Plat but he in no way was in a position to carry, nor he seemed to try to do it in a reasonable way (playing Kog's strenghts). Hell, I ended with a higher kill participation than him, when they won lane fairly easily thanks to ganks.


Eitherway, next match was better and I got to go support Janna. At first we got the dick a lot at bot, with Ahri and Elise constantly camping. Luckily it was me that they kept catching (sometimes my own fault sadly, not so much for warding but while trying to juke charm/stun). That allowed our Udyr top to easily take towers and give the D to the Platinum Volibear. I think we played the map really well and we started turning the even game to our favor. I gave up on going for Mejai's (I didn't get to buy it) and went full on utility and got a nice Mikael's a couple of times that saved our Karthus from Charm. At one point we aced them and after 2 backed and we did mid Inhib, Udyr, the Cait and I took a sneaky Baron. We managed to escape just as they appeared! I also got to do some very nice Tornadoes with Janna, to stop Leona's Zenith Blade, which is exactly what I had been meaning to practice! To be honest this Leona was easy to read but regardless, it felt good. These are the games I kinda live for. It was fairly long but also those that aren't either a stomp by either side, I think these ones are typically the most interesting ones to play.


Never forget how important CS is guys... I did pretty poorly early game because it was my first time playing Yasuo, but my decent CS kept me afloat until I got a better hang of him.

So who would you guys say are the true hyper carries of League? As in, very hard to deal with, can 1v5 teams, win entire games on their own via split pushing/objectives, etc.

I'd say the list is something like this:

Fighter: Aatrox, Fiora, Gangplank, Master Yi, Nasus, Poppy, Rengar, Tryndamere, Udyr, Warwick, Yasuo
Tank: Amumu, Dr. Mundo, Hecarim, Zac
Mage: Azir, Cassiopeia, Kayle, Karthus, Kassadin, Kog'maw, Rumble, Vladimir
ADC: Kog'maw, Tristana, Vayne

...though this can be narrowed down a lot.

Never forget how important CS is guys...

Even really high ELO people make the mistake of chasing kills instead of just staying in lane and getting a cs/experience advantage. If I have to choose between a full wave advantage and a 50/50 chance at a kill, I'm going to let them back every time. This mentality has served me well.
Never forget how important CS is guys... I did pretty poorly early game because it was my first time playing Yasuo, but my decent CS kept me afloat until I got a better hang of him.
I wish I didn't absolutely suck at getting CS....though I've been getting better.

I think I've fallen in love with Skirmisher's Sabre when jungling, but I might jump into the deep end and try a Poachers for a while. I know the gold bonus isn't that great, but the last 2 games as Rek'Sai I've pretty much just been camping in the enemy jungle. Makes me wonder how much extra moolah I could be making.
So who would you guys say are the true hyper carries of League? As in, very hard to deal with, can 1v5 teams, win entire games on their own via split pushing/objectives, etc.

I'd say the list is something like this:

Fighter: Aatrox, Fiora, Gangplank, Master Yi, Nasus, Poppy, Rengar, Tryndamere, Udyr, Warwick, Yasuo
Tank: Amumu, Dr. Mundo, Hecarim, Zac
Mage: Azir, Cassiopeia, Kayle, Karthus, Kassadin, Kog'maw, Rumble, Vladimir
ADC: Kog'maw, Tristana, Vayne.
I'm not that good with numerous champs, so I can't comment on those listed above, but I feel like Singed can at least make a fool of the enemy team in a 1v5, if he is doing his normal funny business with his toxin and sprinting all over the place like a madman.
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