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League of Legends |OT8| Goodbye, Promos.

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I didn't do nothing.

I haven't played Halo since 2012 when Halo 4 was released because it was so bad. I could start going back to HaloGAF just to shit post like before, but most of those guys don't know how to take a joke. I wasn't no scrub at Halo, 1 50? Pfft. 50 in all playlists on like 5 or 6 accounts.

Also I'm Plat 3 not Plat 5.

Don't engage him.

deadnames is like ranked.

you can never escape once you've started.

Every piece of evidence, no matter the size, is of utmost importance.
So who would you guys say are the true hyper carries of League? As in, very hard to deal with, can 1v5 teams, win entire games on their own via split pushing/objectives, etc.

I'd say the list is something like this:

Fighter: Aatrox, Fiora, Gangplank, Master Yi, Nasus, Poppy, Rengar, Tryndamere, Udyr, Warwick, Yasuo
Tank: Amumu, Dr. Mundo, Hecarim, Zac
Mage: Azir, Cassiopeia, Kayle, Karthus, Kassadin, Kog'maw, Rumble, Vladimir
ADC: Kog'maw, Tristana, Vayne

...though this can be narrowed down a lot.
bolded all champs i highly disagree with. ill explain if u want but ill save that for another post since i think its fairly obvious why i dont really hold those champs in high regard.

ur also forgetting the og hyper carry, ryze. i think his late game is still too strong to really count out of a hyper carry position. he just isn't a fucking lane bully anymore, which is good because no hyper carry should be bullying out renekton in lane.
Every piece of evidence, no matter the size, is of utmost importance.
i already told u i didnt do it.


Everything is moe to me
So who would you guys say are the true hyper carries of League? As in, very hard to deal with, can 1v5 teams, win entire games on their own via split pushing/objectives, etc.

kog'maw, cassiopeia, karthus, tristana, ryze, nasus, yorick, poppy, tryndamere, mordekaiser


Perhaps they once could, but I feel like Vayne can't do that great unless they have good teammates to protect them, or unless they're ultra fed early so they have a huge level advantage.

If they get a huge level advantage early, that seems less of a lategame hypercarry, and more someone just using the level/item/stat advantages. If you have good teammates, that's less of a lategame hypercarry going 1v3 or something, and more having people peeling for you.

If it's truly lategame and people have equivalent items and levels, decent players with CC / red trinket / pink wards should be able to lock and nuke a Vayne that doesn't have peel or protection of some sort. People have been discussing the assassin meta, no? Assassins will be aiming to assassinate someone like Vayne.

*edit* I guess Wilhelm didn't specify lategame, so you could include very snowbally champions in general. Some champions like Katarina can also probably snowball well if the enemy team decides to skip having CC for some reason.


Is Warmog's a decent item on Braum? Played against a mostly AD team yesterday and went face of the mountain, mobos, randuin's, sightstone, warmogs and frozen heart. I don't really play supp.


Is Warmog's a decent item on Braum? Played against a mostly AD team yesterday and went face of the mountain, mobos, randuin's, sightstone, warmogs and frozen heart. I don't really play supp.
Not an item you should be building before Frozen Heart.


Never forget how important CS is guys... I did pretty poorly early game because it was my first time playing Yasuo, but my decent CS kept me afloat until I got a better hang of him.


wait the yorick got stomped by darius


warmogs in general isnt a very good item

i generally build it on irelia if the enemy team has a lot of AP. merc treads/visage/warmogs lets me do whatever i want


no way dude. newt and i crushed our lane, but then their mid and jungle intervened

they were zoned so hard that i thought they had recalled because they were out of vision so long
If you are good enough at them, pretty much any game can be won by Lee Sin (jungle), Zed/Azir (mid), Lucian/Corki/Graves/w/e (AD carry), judging by what dominates challenger ranks across the world. But you need to be ridiculously good, making essentially no mistakes at all, mechanical or tactical (the great majority of players are deficient in at least one of these areas, probably without knowing it, so they can't win all the games the best players do).


Lee sin only wins games when his team knows wtf to do with a lead.

I've seen great Lees lose because their teams wander around aimlessly with a 8k gold lead and get outrotated


Went against a Zed as Morde in Mid Lane, who I think never went against a Morde before. He engaged me at low health while I had a little over 50% and I got a kill off of him.

Afterwards I kept poking him, and he just did the normal Zed poking stuff but it was useless since I kept recharging my shield and spellvamp recovered some of my health.

On the other end of the spectrum our Bot got destroyed by Ez at one point who got a triple kill, but we still managed to advance and get the win. The enemy Gnar disconnected by the late game and while Ez and Lulu did their best, we still wrecked the poor saps.

...but seriously that Zed totally felt like he never went against a Morde before.


Neko, I summon thee! I've been itching to try jungle Kayle, which runes/masteries do you use?



Hybrid pen marks, Armor seals, Scaling MR Glyphs, AS Quints

Make sure not to tank the minions. Pull them back so they start walking back and forth without attacking you. With the AS quints you have enough speed to hit them before they regen any health.

Start with smite Golems, then Red and smite Blue when your mana is low. Gromp will take too much of your HP early as he is ranged and you can't pull him back so he doesn't hit you.

Level R-E-Q-W.

Your early game is piss, so only go for safe kills until 6. I prefer to gank toplane a lot early.

Make sure you get your devourer stacked. It's worth noting that she's not as good after the devourer nerf.

I'm not Neko, but I did go on a wild spree with Kayle Jungle. 16 or so won games in a row.



Hybrid pen marks, Armor seals, Scaling MR Glyphs, AS Quints

Make sure not to tank the minions. Pull them back so they start walking back and forth without attacking you. With the AS quints you have enough speed to hit them before they regen any health.

Start with smite Golems, then Red and smite Blue when your mana is low. Gromp will take too much of your HP early as he is ranged and you can't pull him back so he doesn't hit you.

Level R-E-Q-W.

Your early game is piss, so only go for safe kills until 6. I prefer to gank toplane a lot early.

Make sure you get your devourer stacked. It's worth noting that she's not as good after the devourer nerf.

I'm not Neko, but I did go on a wild spree with Kayle Jungle. 16 or so won games in a row.

Nice! I'll give it a spin, and yeah I get the Devourer nerf but idk, I just feel a bit stale as far as junglers go. I like Vi a lot but I want to try something else!



just finished a game where we were ahead, but it was still very competitive but the enemy surrendered at almost exactly 20. everyone on my team was just doing their thing when the screen suddenly flew to the enemy nexus. we were all like ?????



panda and i are trying our best to not tryhard on smurfs, and we still win. ap nunu jungle, ap xin zhao jungle, amumu support...

i'm busting out ad tf to ensure a loss tomorrow.

edit: oh yeah, panda even did sion support and first time yasuo. and we still won.
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