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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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if that was a situation that existed as a consequence, then oh well. small trade off for allowing a few more champions to be playable in an already extremely limited role

Here's the rub: you know that upgrade that helps that "weak non-meta" jungler you'd like to play? It helps those "strong in-meta" junglers too.

Example. Does Ranger's help the likes of Rammus? Sure, but it helps Vi too; it let's her reach level 6 faster. Does Stalker's help the like to Shyvana to stick a bit more during ganks? Sure, but it helps Vi too; makes her ganks with ult up more deadily.

Here's a fun fact, since allowing free enchant changes jungle win rates of un-buffed/nerfed in-meta champions nudged up slightly (e.g. Jarvan, Vi, Fiddle) while the win rates of non-meta and similarly un-buffed/nerfed champions dipped slightly (e.g. Xin, Volibear, Trundle) from where they were before. As unobvious as this might be the free swaps helped the meta champions more. If you want more jungle diversity, you should be happy that Vi now has to pick between faster 6 or stronger post 6 ganks.

If a jungler is weak then buff that specific jungler. Riot's track record on using systems and item changes to initiate change in the jungle is, well, awful. I still have think that the increased jungle difficulty will be the first time they've manage to hit the nail on the head, but we'll see as things move forward.

(Hence the real reason I'm excited for the jungle tank buffs coming up. It's not that I want to see any specific buffs, even for my lovely Naut, but those buffs will test whether or not the increased jungle difficulty permits buffing these champs in meaningful ways.)

i dont know what you have against diversity.

You've obviously never read a single thing I've ever written concerning the jungle.


Here's the rub: you know that upgrade that helps that "weak non-meta" jungler you'd like to play? It helps those "strong in-meta" junglers too.

Example. Does Ranger's help the likes of Rammus? Sure, but it helps Vi too; it let's her reach level 6 faster. Does Stalker's help the like to Shyvana to stick a bit more during ganks? Sure, but it helps Vi too; makes her ganks with ult up more deadily.

Here's a fun fact, since allowing free enchant changes jungle win rates of un-buffed/nerfed in-meta champions nudged up slightly (e.g. Jarvan, Vi, Fiddle) while the win rates of non-meta and similarly un-buffed/nerfed champions dipped slightly (e.g. Xin, Volibear, Trundle) from where they were before. As unobvious as this might be the free swaps helped the meta champions more. If you want more jungle diversity, you should be happy that Vi now has to pick between faster 6 or stronger post 6 ganks.

If a jungler is weak then buff that specific jungler. Riot's track record on using systems and item changes to initiate change in the jungle is, well, awful. I still have think that the increased jungle difficulty will be the first time they've manage to hit the nail on the head, but we'll see as things move forward.

(Hence the real reason I'm excited for the jungle tank buffs coming up. It's not that I want to see any specific buffs, even for my lovely Naut, but those buffs will test whether or not the increased jungle difficulty permits buffing these champs in meaningful ways.)

You've obviously never read a single thing I've ever written concerning the jungle.

That's what I want more than anything. Ever since I started playing League near the end of season 3, there's been this cycle. Junglers continually get nerfed over and over again while the real problem is never addressed. Tank/AP junglers have been at a disadvantage forever. It's not Vi's or J4's fault. Those weaker champions need to be buffed, or the jungle needs to be changed.

Like, this time last season Vi was considered not too great (if I'm correct on when she got the initial nerf bat). Elise became meta. She got gutted. Kha'zix became meta, he got gutted. Then he became popular again (after others were nerfed) and was nerfed yet again. Now J4, who was just kind of there last year is now relevant because all the other champs around him got nerfed. Now he's getting looked at. Vi will more than likely be in the same situation. Meanwhile junglers like Voli, Amumu, etc have remained pretty much static on the tier lists.

Just do something to help those champs, other than continuing the cycle of nerfing meta junglers. It makes the role so damn boring.


Are you guys like forgetting what actually happened? Strongest junglers last season were Rammus and Amumu.


tbh i really think rito has been overly conservative with the jungle changes, but maybe that's because of how big the new dragon, new baron and the turtle squid river friend thing are

i mean the game's not that much different, but they're big changes that they probably wanted to get super settled before really diving into the jungle craziness (even tho they did the smite thing which imo is pretty cool)

but i think by now everyone's pretty happy with those three things and i think it's time for rito to be super hands-on and set the jungle balance straight.

like make a ton of reworks like the veigar/zilean thing, modernize the champions that are old (like amumu) and buff the ones that have decent kits (nautilus)

tho i kinda hate nautilus ultimate


here, have a cute jinx


i kinda was too


Been playing fill lately. I can't even remember when the last time was that I played in the top lane. When did that become such a hot lane? Typically it's mid that everybody wants to play.


I don't see a world where getting poachers knife will ever be viable unless they drastically rework it.

They are, ditto Skirmisher's.

Are you guys like forgetting what actually happened? Strongest junglers last season were Rammus and Amumu.

Very true, but that touches on the point I made earlier concerning the challenges of buffing tank junglers in the past. Some food for thought:

1.) Rammus and Amumu were around ~55% win rate last year in solo queue. Other than Rammus showing up a few times at Worlds, neither was a fixture on the pro scene. So let's say Riot wants them to be strong enough to show up regularly in LCS, etc. How much further do you have push their win rates in solo queue to get there? Is having a pair of perma-banned 60+% WR champions worth seeing Amumu or Rammus in every 4th or so pro match? People freaked out when Rammus was hitting 58% after Worlds.
2.) Naut and Sej were considered to be in bad spots in S4, but their win rates in solo queue were regularly above average. Was does a Naut or Sejuani in S4 look like brought up to the strength of "acceptable tank junglers" Amumu and Rammus? Did we actually want to have 4 (or even more) tank junglers running around with ~55% win rates in solo queue, and in all likelihood still not being played in the LCS?

zkylon said:
tho i kinda hate nautilus ultimate

If Riot said the price for letting Naut have relevant damage mid-game onwards was reworking his ult such that it allowed more counterplay I'd snap that deal up in a heartbeat.

5.4 One of the worst patches in recent history?

I made it down to three posts because my head started to hurt from what I was reading.


Bard's face in the splash art confuses me. I thought that was a medallion, and his face was covered by hair, or tilted off to one side.


Bard's face in the splash art confuses me. I thought that was a medallion, and his face was covered by hair, or tilted off to one side.
He doesn't have a face

Also, it's clear that Riot just want kassadin to go away for a little while

Otherwise they'd at least side grade him a little and give him a slightly reduced cast time on ult or something


This damn cold is ruining me ._.

I spend now most of my mornings out of home and when I get back there's chores and then I feel like I am too tired to do anything.

Adulthood sucks.

Pd. Bard looks cool, I like the little chimes and I like everything in his kit (those medic packs don't seem to have an expiration timer either?? Nice to help out other lanes I guess).


If Riot said the price for letting Naut have relevant damage mid-game onwards was reworking his ult such that it allowed more counterplay I'd snap that deal up in a heartbeat.
in general as a mage lover person i just hate point and click stuff i cannot possibly prevent outside of being really really far away (which basically means being zoned out from the fight to someone like ori). getting naut ulted is way less dangerous than vi ulted, but it's still a kind of "fuck you" to positioning that i don't like

in general i wish tanks were more like new sion. lots of easy to dodge stuff that has a massive payoff when it lands, but also coupled with good falloff patterns (if sion only gets half a q it still does something, and cc is always strong no matter how underfarmed you are). so like really high damage and cc spells, just hard to pull off properly, and mostly a threat if you don't deal with them over a long period of time. the whole mundo outlives everybody and murders your backline thing, tho maybe with a bit more skillshots.

bruisers would be left to be a bit more reliable but way less tanky and less effective after their initial burst thing.


I'm fine with the Kat nerf, she got so many free resets just skirting a teamfight.

That's how I approached team fights. Jump in and take a squishy/carry out, Shunpo to the back line, wait for resets, and clean up. Somewhere there was a Zhonya's in there. It's going to take a bit more care and patience to engage in those fights with Katarina now, which is a good thing as it will separate the good and bad Katarina players pretty quickly.


I think they just need to Poppy-ify Kassadin. If they can't figure out how to balance him, just nerf him until he's no longer even feasibly viable and forget about him until you can come up with a solution later down the line.


I think they just need to Poppy-ify Kassadin. If they can't figure out how to balance him, just nerf him until he's no longer even feasibly viable and forget about him until you can come up with a solution later down the line.
I think rather than Poppying Kass, they should Ryze him.

Take away ALL of his range. Make that Q have the range of a Sivir AA.


All this Season 5 talk about tweaking gameplay levers on game systems completely ignores individual champions.

I would say
- Zac
- Evelyn
- Shyvana
- Nocturne
- Maybe Nautilus, but I main him and think he's fine

All need buffs.

Also, Warmogs is great on tank junglers to keep your health up.


All this Season 5 talk about tweaking gameplay levers on game systems completely ignores individual champions.

I would say
- Zac
- Evelyn
- Shyvana
- Nocturne
- Maybe Nautilus, but I main him and think he's fine
Those champions are weak for a reason. At their peak, they were all game breaking. (Well maybe not Naut). It's not as simple as buff X.


Those champions are weak for a reason. At their peak, they were all game breaking. (Well maybe not Naut). It's not as simple as buff X.

you just didn't like shyvana because she made sivir irrelevant

also i'ma just play kayle jungle and afk farm until 6 full items and just split push from now on


Those champions are weak for a reason. At their peak, they were all game breaking. (Well maybe not Naut). It's not as simple as buff X.

Oh yeah he was. Good times =P

It just didn't last very long. But there are ways to bring Nautilus up to snuff with tools that back in the day Rio didn't use like damage scaling based on level (Zyra plants, Viktor Q) or the level in of the ultimate adding power to the other spells (Sona).
Guys guys guys

Ur overlooking the big issue right now

I now know how to play faceless void.

its not really the same though as theyre invulnerable and you still cant move through it in leeg so you cant just catch the whole enemy team in one and 1v5 them like you could with void (or 2v5 if you want with witch doctor)

also no projectile on it and chrono lasts a lot longer
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