Yeah, I gotta side with Tizoc here. That comp is like the thing of nightmares for Yi. Every single opponent has some form of CC they can use against him.
Lux binding
Elise cocoon
Janna tornado and ult
Vayne condemn
Riven stun
Like. Seriously. Philip just did a great job snowballing and was likely one or two shotting people in the mid to late game there lol. Also some of that CC just wait it out THEN Q and you're good.
On the one hand, yeah he prob. timed his engage, baited their cc then went in and penta-ed, but I'd assume at Phillip's ELO there would be players who know all of Yi's tricks that they'd CC him to hell in back.
Lux stun, followed by Elise Stun, Followed by Riven stun, actually just by the time elise stun comes up Yi's dead.