Sorry for double post, but Shen, Vayne, Graves have the bug too
Emergency patch and ranked disabled incoming
Oh hey you're the AD TF guy aren't you
Oh hey you're the AD TF guy aren't you
Ranked down rip me.
Wow. I got carried in a ranked game! Woo. Actually just allowed myself to be carried. Everyone else was doing work so I focused on just farming and playing safe so not to throw anything. Group with the team, don't be a jerk ADC farming half a map away from your fed teammates, push down objectives. It was nice. I did my part and more importantly, didn't contribute to NOT winning. See that way too often.
ps, soraka is so unfun. Those heals on top of a warwick just make me feel like I'm hitting an ever growing hp pool.
sounds indeed like another bad case of spaghetti code
since it happens to pretty much everyone i would guess it's on how recall is coded rather than something to be fixed champion by champion, but still pretty funny bug
i guess they'll hotfix it, dunno how easy it is to reproduce
Riven is apparently bugged, she can instant recall
recall animation canceling?
pretty sure redoing the entire recall code won't be necessary, i bet they can just ductape it for now
I know they've brought it on themselves with all the bugs in this patch but it annoys me a bit how the "spaghetti code" stuff is now being thrown at will as if everyone is some kind of expert at programming lol.
they clearly have to redo it at one point but the immediate problem i'm pretty sure it can be solved with less reputable methodsThey probably can't
the recall bug is tied to recall
Before QSS/cleanse made it easy to instantly recall
So they patched the QSS/Cleanse aspect
so now their only options are either patching all the champions or recoding recall
this is the spaghetti code we're talking about. they'll probably break 10 things with the fix
yeah, as an actual programmer it's pretty annoyingI know they've brought it on themselves with all the bugs in this patch but it annoys me a bit how the "spaghetti code" stuff is now being thrown at will as if everyone is some kind of expert at programming lol.
context would be that the riot that built the engine is very different from the current riot that runs the gameI'm a programmer myself and I don't blame Riot for having a hard time fixing their code if it is indeed spaghetti code. What I don't like is that they didn't have to foresight to design their code to have scalability and be future proof especially back in 2010 when it should have been standard at the time.
whoa whats this sci fi magic tech you're usingZkylewd is back!
What happens to LCS this week with the new bugs? I heard Jatt say in PTL games will be played on this patch.
They can just patch the game without changing the balance for thatWhat happens to LCS this week with the new bugs? I heard Jatt say in PTL games will be played on this patch.
They can just patch the game without changing the balance for that
What happens to LCS this week with the new bugs? I heard Jatt say in PTL games will be played on this patch.
I was going to do ranked 5s with friends today. To bad rito has to eat moms spaghetti.
They should just disable recall and make it like dota.
But Dota has town portal and boots of travel.
just acquired Ekko and Yasuo. I know this silly and stupid but I'm tempted to turn off chat and hop straight into Summoner's Rift cause I just know there's gonna be some angry 'smurf' that's gonna freakout when he's carrying the team. Been practicing in Dominion first but that mode just helps out so much
(I'm not really gonna turn off chat tho it's just too fun to read the whines)
Yeah I know I was mostly joking around should have used /s.But Dota has town portal and boots of travel.
i can see dominion being good practice since they're shorter games so you get like abridged versions of being ahead or being behind in the game although there's no laning there afaik so it won't really translate 1:1 to sr
for regular games, yeah, if you're behind those kind of champions aren't so great, tho there's still stuff you can do. ekko has a lot of cc and waveclear and stuff that is still useful even if he doesn't go around one shotting people in teamfights. yasuo with the right items can still blow up people and if you get your statik shiv or your ie you might have a pretty nice window of power you can use
but at lvl 11 i'd kind of not worry about any of that and just play for fun, play whoever you like in whichever mode you like
Lol just finished Ekko's 1st sr. The team put me on mid by myself and never really came by to help gank. Guess I should've asked for some help on that front.
Holy shit, these bugs are amazing.
Don't play Dominion~ It'll give you bad habits and because so many of the items are different, it'll throw you off if you hop back into Summoners Rift.
yeah mid is kind of rough like that, sometimes you'll feel like the enemy team is taking turns at ganking you and sometimes you get ganked by everyone at once. often you'll be running midlane against a ticking time bomb like vladimir and your jungler won't ever show up to take advantage until it's too late. just gotta get used to it
mid is always played 1v1 but you have to almost consider it a 1v2 because of how often you'll be getting ganked or pressured. fortunately most mids are pretty safe, they're either ranged or have tons of mobility or both. or u can be like syndra and just make junglers not want to gank u cos you instagib them lol
but generally just play safe, that's how midlane mostly works
edit: btw ekko and yasuo are usually played midlane, although ekko is pretty popular as a jungler and toplaner too. yasuos sometimes play toplane too but toplane yasuos always feed lol
Sometimes I have a short amount of time to play so I hop into Dominion for a few matches. I love that mode so much...
Holy shit, these bugs are amazing.
UPDATE: It has been concluded all champions can be affected by this bug in one way or another
Honestly Rito should just Steam Greenlight a replay client and use Steam Cloud Saves to handle the Replay load.![]()
And even though League has more reported players isn't the total games played per month like 35M LoL, 30M Dota?