My daughter, who is three, has from birth been with a Daddy who works with and in his free time enjoys videogames and the latest consumer electronics.
Before she was even one year of age she learnt how to use an iphone/pad and happily swiped through photo albums and very shortly after understood how to stream her favourite TV shows. I watched these developments with wonderment and complete awe, it certainly wasn't forced, she just naturally developed to understand these systems and derived pleasure from them.
So she's competent at a basic level with modern consumer electronics and I then announce to her we're getting a new videogame on the Wii U called the Legend of Zelda, Wind Waker HD edition. She takes it in but is generally meh. It arrives and we draw the curtains, mums gone to work, I give it a bit of fan fare, crank up the surround sound and with the intro.... ZAP - she's in. I'm sure its this visual 1080p fidelity - even at a very early age she preferred HD cartoons to old skool SD ones. This game has absolutely captured her imagination, maybe a factor with this is her Dads enthusiasm but whatever she's absolutely glued to it.
So we play through the first few chapters, I've never seen her concentrate for so long, she's prompting on strategy and whooping and hollering with every next challenge. Then my phone rings and I'm called away only to come back and there she is, self teaching dual analogue controls, meandering around Windfall Island. Well I was as proud as punch, emotional even about her new found skill.
The next day I come home from work and she greets me with her ever joyous manner and asks if we're going to play Zelda. I agree, quickly get changed and then we continue our quest to find our sister. I get sidetracked by neogaf as she wonders around Outset Island, I then and come back in and take the Gamepad, I get on the boat and she starts crying, I immediately put the pad down and comfort here and ask her why shes upset....
She replies, with tears streaming down her face that the grandmother was all alone in her house and just wanted her and her sister to not leave outset island - she then, serious as hell, looks at me eye to eye and says "You must find our sister", I hug her and say "We'll find her.....together"
And so the adventure continues.