Hey, my bootleg order from China came in today. A good two weeks ahead of schedule. For the most part, I'm pretty satisfied. They sent me an extra Black Mask (DC Villain) for some reason, but I won't argue. Total with shipping was a bit under $9.
Pictures aren't the greatest, options were either an old tablet or a phone with a busted camera seal that has a bunch of unmovable dust inside the camera.
Red Arrow/Arsenal/Roy Harper, white Deadpool, and basic red Deadpool are easily the best of the bunch. All three look and feel just like the real deal Lego. Those three are just fantastic. Red Arrow has two faces, one neutral and one angry. Both look very good. If the order was just these three I would probably still be happy. Really, really enjoy them especially for the price.
Bizarro and Punisher are both pretty good as well, but are just a bit below the other three in quality. Punisher also came with a trenchcoat, Bizarro with a purple cape but I don't have either of them on in the picture obviously. Impressed with Punisher especially, dual-printed head with an old/veteran version of Punisher as an option as well. Very cool touch. Bizarro has the confused face and an angry face. He'll look good going up against Supes when I get around to changing my diorama thing. Which I'll probably post either later tonight or early tomorrow.
Winter Soldier is a bit iffy. Hair piece had extra plastic in one spot, and his arms are almost immovable they are so stiff. Plus, the holes in his feet are just a hair too small so you really have to force it to get him to stand on studs. Really disappointing there.
Got two Black Mask figures and both suffer from the same problem. The neck piece is too thin for the head hole, so the head turns and spins really easy, while the arms are incredibly stiff and hard to move. Twisting the hands is damn near impossible. Jamming them into the arm holes is something that I am surprised did not give me tiny bruises on my thumbs. They look good but everything else was lackluster.
As for the final Deadpool, they sent me the wrong one. I ordered the movie version, they sent this one (Second from the left on the bottom, next to Punisher) instead. The printing is very, very low quality and it just straight up does not feel like Lego. The head is okay but the body...not so much. Really disappointing because everything else was like $.80 a figure, while the movie Deadpool was $1.99. Debating on whether I should open a dispute with Aliexpress over it. Not sure yet.
Anyway, pretty satisfied with the order overall. Decided to wash them in a bowl of soap water after getting them out and putting them together to make sure everything looked good. A surprising amount of...stuff was left in the water when I was done. Probably just extra plastic or paint particles or something but the residue was surprising. I can't see that happening if I were to wash some Lego figures I got fresh out of a box, for example.
If anybody has questions let me know. I'll be happy to help.