So there's no Civil War Ant-Man at all? just the Giant Man build and the tiny little Ant-Man? huh that's really disappointing. I heard there is supposed to be a polybag for Marvel but I'm thinking that will be Strange related.
Doesn't look like it, but he WAS in a $20 set last year. Everyone that wanted him should have grabbed that.Was a great price point and great minifigs.
it was a mistake for them to retire it so early, but that's LEGO for you.
Blech. In for Spidey but might just Bricklink him.
Is the Hawkeye new? I never got an AoU version.
Need the Big Ben Reveal. I am on the fence about Porsche, but Big Ben will be mine.That's about what I expected for the 4th Civil War set - glad that they got the missing characters in, love the Spider-man minifig, and the fact that Roxxon is represented.
It's also nice to see the scoop by someone other than the usual suspects - congrats to Jacob_9821 on Eurobricks.
Now bring on the Star Wars summer exclusives, and the Big Ben reveal!
I want Lego Masters of the Universe.
Spidey civil war set REVEALED
Source is... well, you already know the source.
MCU Spidey (with arm printing and red boot legs!)
Arrow guy!
Supposedly this is a retailer exclusive too
Worked into my backlog a little today, and build the Green Lantern/Sinestro set. I got it for $10 at B&N, and even at $20 it's a decent deal. Great minifigures and the parts are quite useful.
You need multiples so you can build a Green Lantern Corp and Sinestro Corp.
$20 max for that baby set
$30 because of those mini figures though
The day after I stopped lurking long enough to bitch about not being able to wait any longer!Spidey civil war set REVEALED
Source is... well, you already know the source.
MCU Spidey (with arm printing and red boot legs!)
Arrow guy!
Supposedly this is a retailer exclusive too
Good to finally have a way to get Vision cheaply. At the minifig shops here in HK he's consistently been one of the more expensive figs to get, I rarely see him for under US$23.
So I continued with my delve back into Dimensions today and played the Midway Arcade set. The level itself is meh unless you are really into old school games. Basically the entire level just revolves around playing very short sessions of games like Gauntlet, Spy Hunter, Joust and Super Sprint. There was one hidden level you could access though that was a really fun Paperboy level which you got to run around. Now that was a fun excursion and redeemed the level for me. The arcade machine build is pretty awesome and comes with printed tiles for Defender so if you are needing an arcade machine for a moc this is a nice set for that along with of course giving you the basic build for doing your own arcade machines. You also get multiple coin pieces that the gamer kid holds so those might come in handy for mocers as well. The Spy Hunter car is also a really nice looking mini build and i'm tempted to upgrade it and use it for my goto car for the game instead of the delorean.
Now the hub world for this level pack is surprisingly fantastic. It's kind of what you wanted out of the level pack so in that sense the hub world really redeems the whole package as well. Lots of old gaming easter eggs, a shit load of studs to collect and fun atmosphere. So I give this pack a recommendation, in the end I liked it more than the Simpsons and BTTF packs so its right in the middle for me.
That's just proof that you shoulda gotten the Quinjet 2.0 last year.
Also, when do the summer Creator and Super Hero sets release? I am itching for the camper and Spidey sets.
*rubs hands together in anticipation*CREATOR is out now - JANG has the camper, so we should see a review soon.
That's just proof that you shoulda gotten the Quinjet 2.0 last year.
Also, when do the summer Creator and Super Hero sets release? I am itching for the camper and Spidey sets.
Great news! Quinjet 2.0 has a small footprint, and awesome figures!Ugh, I know. I just have no space, so have been focusing mostly on minifigs... And the UCS Tumbler... And hopefully soon the Ghostbusters Firehouse...
It's the same scene as that Quinjet/airport set, so it's more stuff to go with that.That final Civil War set has some neat figures but largely I have to say looks underwhelming from every other angle. Its just a gas tanker and a barrier :/
In-store release is on the 22ND for your favorite local Lego store
Great news! Quinjet 2.0 has a small footprint, and awesome figures!
I am not helping.
Weird they kept that set secret and not Giant Man.
*rubs hands together in anticipation*
And here it is - JANG reviews 31052 Vacation Getaways:
The hype is real.
Civil war set is terrible; is Panther in the airport battle set?
If not it sucks that you could buy the two sets and not have a major character and need to buy another set for it.
Seems very phoned in, can't deal with the crushing disappointment if the eventual Disney castle sucks
Honestly, 80% of all licensed Lego sets in the last few years, especially the superhero themed ones seem absolutely cashgrabby and phoned in. Make a shit set and put in minifigs people want, and they'll buy it.
The airport one could have had an actual airport scene, but it's a cheap tower and a small quinjet that wasn't in the movie. The Spider-Man one has a crappy Roxxon tank truck. What. Batman ones have weird-ass cars and jets and shit. And so on. I get they're for kids, but jeez, at least put some effort into it.
I wasn't convinced to buy a single Lego set since Lord of the Rings times, which makes me sad.
Sorry, creatorCreator? Or do you mean the Civil War Spidey set?
Does not seem you have actually watched the Civil War movie.
The Quinjet is in the movie and the major airport battle is to get to it. Quite important to the movie.
The truck is one of the major laughs in the movie, it is a moment one would not easily forget.
In hindsight the Giant Man should have been the later / secret set.
Does not seem you have actually watched the Civil War movie.
The Quinjet is in the movie and the major airport battle is to get to it. Quite important to the movie.
The truck is one of the major laughs in the movie, it is a moment one would not easily forget.
In hindsight the Giant Man should have been the later / secret set.
I gotta remember to stop going into the MOC contest thread. Some really great looking stuff that I just quickly scrolled through cuz I don't want other people's ideas leaking into mine. Still didn't get the set yet.