The beard is Vitruvius', guys.
The beard is Vitruvius', guys.
The beard is Vitruvius', guys.
Poe’s Quest for Survival Level Pack
A whole new adventure following Poe Dameron’s journey back to the Resistance base. After his daring escape from the First Order that left him stranded on Jakku, Poe must search for BB-8 and locate a ship to escape the desert planet in an effort to find his way home.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Naka Lit, Ohn Gos, Poe Dameron (Jakku), Strus Clan Leader, Strus Clan Raider, Strus Clan Speeder (Full-size Vehicle), Strus Clan Speeder (Microfighter Vehicle)
First Order Siege of Takodana Level Pack
Experience the thrilling assault on Maz Kanata’s castle in a new way. Storm the shores of Takodana with Kylo Ren and the First Order in a quest to capture Rey and BB-8 to crush the Resistance forever.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Jashco Phurus, Rosser Weno, Strono "Cookie" Tuggs, Thromba, Laparo, Jakku Freighter (Full-size Vehicle), Jakku Freighter (Microfighter Vehicle)
Escape from Starkiller Base Level Pack
After crash landing on the surface of Starkiller Base, join the battle from the perspective of two Resistance pilots. With the help of a loyal astromech droid, outmaneuver the First Order to escape the planet before it explodes.
Playable characters and vehicles include: C'ai Threnalli, Colonel Datoo, Lieutenant Rodinon, Lt Wright, R3-Z3, Assault Walker (Full-size Vehicle), Assault Walker (Microfighter Vehicle)
The Jedi Character Pack – Season Pass Exclusive / Available June 28, 2016
Features powerful members of the Jedi Order. Available exclusively to Season Pass owners.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, Shaak Ti, Jedi Interceptor (Full-size Vehicle), Jedi Interceptor (Microfighter Vehicle)
The Prequel Trilogy Character Pack
Play as select characters from Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Anakin Skywalker (Damaged), Captain Panaka, Darth Maul, Jango Fett, Jar Jar Binks, Padmé Naberrie, Watto, Zam Wesell, Naboo Starfighter (Full-size Vehicle), Naboo Starfighter (Microfighter Vehicle)
The Freemaker Adventures Character Pack
Showcases the galaxy’s bravest family of scavengers from the upcoming LEGO animated series, debuting June 20th on Disney XD.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Baash (Iktotchi), Graballa the Hutt, Kordi Freemaker, Naare, Raam (Iktotchi), Roger (Battle Droid), Rowan Freemaker, Zander Freemaker, Star Scavenger (Full-size Vehicle), Star Scavenger (Microfighter Vehicle)
Star Wars: Rebels Character Pack
Play as the crew of the Ghost from the popular Disney XD animated series.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Ahsoka Tano, Chopper, Ezra Bridger, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Sabine Wren, Seventh Sister Inquisitor, Zeb Orrelios, Ghost (Full-size Vehicle), Ghost (Microfighter Vehicle)
The Clones Wars Character Pack
Exciting characters from the acclaimed animated series.
Playable characters and vehicles include: Asajj Ventress, Aurra Sing, Barriss Offee, Cad Bane, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Hondo Ohnaka, Savage Opress, Republic Gunship (Full-size Vehicle), Republic Gunship (Microfighter Vehicle)
*edit* confirmed as Star Wars Rebels A Wing Pilot by parrotbeak below
Toysrus promo set found in Germany:
Enjoy the nightmares...
The horror...Toysrus promo set found in Germany:
Enjoy the nightmares...
$11 was relatively cheap for oop CMFs on amazon so the comparison is what made me give in. Makes me realize if I think I might want something, best to just grab it even if it means an unwanted trip to the Lego store and paying full MSRP.
Toysrus promo set found in Germany:
Enjoy the nightmares...
$11 with shipping. I checked BL earlier and with minimums and shipping I think it probably would be the same or more, and amazon was easier to deal with.Is there a reason you didn't use BrickLink? Spooky Girl CMF is much, much cheaper there. I mean the series is still available in-store in some places too, I just saw them at TRU a few days ago.
I've been wanting to pic this set up for months. Just waiting on a discount... hope one comes, haha.![]()
I decided to build my very first Elves set yesterday for fun. I built the THE SECRET MARKET PLACE 41176.
so Bionicle and Speed champions will be pulled form smaller LEGO store locations to make room for other expanding themes
so Bionicle and Speed champions will be pulled form smaller LEGO store locations to make room for other expanding themes
The Winter 2016 sets sold pretty terribly compared to 2015's output. Makes me sad, but at least I still got some Bionicle.Looking pretty bleak for bionicle. When I went to pick up one of the summer sets at my local Toys R Us yesterday I looked in the clearance bin to see a massive pile of bionicle sets. Guessing they couldn't clear their stock. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets cancelled soon, at best I see it lasting until 2017 and then getting replaced by some new constraction line.
Sad to see the brand die, but the new one were damn ugly IMO.
Was the Mata Nui story still going on?
I would if I had a wal-mart anywhere nearby... I saw a slickdeals post about it but it was apparently in store onlySaw at Wal-Mart on Tuesday they were heavily discounting
Sadly they were all gone by the time I got there. But maybe you guys should check it out?
No, because it concluded (Kinda, sorta, not really) with the old toyline. The new toyline is a story reboot.Sad to see the brand die, but the new one were damn ugly IMO.
Was the Mata Nui story still going on?
Definitely.storyline was different. they were about to go all Mask of Time though
hopefully we still get more. they can't end without giving us a Makuta
Sad to see the brand die, but the new one were damn ugly IMO.
Was the Mata Nui story still going on?
Umarak the Hunter looks fantastic. I love the lord of the wild hunt motif they have going on with the antlers.Yeah some were really ugly (like Tahu, the skull villains, and the beasts) but I say there were others that look great. Umarak looks cool
Jangbricks reviews of Bionicle summer sets (Only missing Storm Beast)
Umarak the Destroyer
Quake Beast
Lava Beast
Ekimu the Mask Maker
Can't wait to pick some of these up.
Umarak becomes a lot better with a small fix to his neck that makes it poseable.yeah been watching these. my hype for Umarak has gone down after seeing him, but for the beasts and Ekimu has gone up.
Not Speed Bionicle and Speed champions will be pulled form smaller LEGO store locations to make room for other expanding themes
All this talk about Bionicles and Elves is the perfect segway to this:
I believe we found the next constraction theme after Bionicles.
That MOC is fucking great, but the LEGO version would sadly probably look more like this.All this talk about Bionicles and Elves is the perfect segway to this:
I believe we found the next constraction theme after Bionicles.
Speaking of Speed Champions. This one is 20% off on LEGO S@H.
Porsche 919 Hybrid and 917K Pit Lane
King's Mech and Infernox Captures the Queen are also on sale.
Seems like timing for the Frozen sets was a bit late. Probably selling well, but not as much as expected. 2 of the 2nd wave sets are on sale.
All this talk about Bionicles and Elves is the perfect segway to this:
I believe we found the next constraction theme after Bionicles.
Battle Beasts!
My younger self would have loved the daylights out of Speed Champions.